
I Must Survive

Gasping heavily with fear filling her eyes and her skirt ripped and almost torn in two, the woman who had minutes ago been elegantly dressed and receiving praise and envy was now running through a thick thorn-filled forest. 


On the woman's arms and legs were scratches and bruises, and with each step she took, she either worsened them or created new ones, but at the moment none of these bothered her. Running was her only option, and as she fled, her eyes turned a bit misty, but most importantly, she raged within her.


"Why me? When will I escape this fate of always being pursued? 

If only I could get stronger, I wouldn't have to rely on others and could fight for myself. 

Damn, when will this end?" the woman screamed within, frantically pulling aside her one-time smoothly combed brown hair when it covered her eyes.


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