
Vol. 2 Chapter 43: High Flying Battle

"You sound pretty confident, but I am still a member of the Elite Four! I may be the lowest member, but I didn't get here without having some skill! Go Talonflame!" Crispin shouted, throwing a Poke Ball.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as a very big red bird appeared but then remembered that there were some very rare and large Pokémon out in the world. According to my Pokédex of a brain, this Pokémon was the final evolution of a Fletchling. It could reach speeds up to 310 miles an hour, which is insane and could carry things twice its weight. The wings were said to be fireproof, and they had been used as firefighters before.

"That is a big bird! Wow! And level 86! Holy Arceus!" I laughed, and Crispin smiled.

"I showed you mine, now let's see what you got!" he laughed but then stopped when I started to walk forward, snapping my fingers so only my black shorts remained. I had said I would go all out, but this match-up with my skin seemed too perfect.

Water burst out from my feet as I walked and from the tips of my fingers to cover my hands and feet. Once it reached my wrists and ankles, the water pulled away from my body in three whip-like streams that rotated and then started to crackle with electricity. Even my Black hair turned blue this time and I could feel my eyes crackle with energy.

"Is that even legal?!" Crispin asked in shock as I stopped to stand before the massive bird. Its lower body was gray, but its upper body was covered in red feathers that made it look like it was covered in flames. The red spread to the wings, but all the long feathers at the ends were black, along with the tail feathers that even had some stripes of yellow.

I just shrugged. "Your Pokémon is four to five times the level of my Pokémon. So, if you want a battle, then it will have to be with me."

Crispin eyed me for a moment, but then frowned.

"Are you sure? Aren't you worried about getting hurt? Like you said, my Pokémon is at a high level, and no joke. The last thing I would want to do is harm a trainer," Crispin warned me, and I looked up at the Talonflame, who was glaring at me.

While I held the type advantage, I had no clue how I would match up against something like this, but I still wanted to try. All my girls were out here watching, and if I could win this battle, then they would all gain a bunch of experience.

"I am not worried about getting hurt. If it happens, then it happens, but don't worry about it. Just think of me like a wild Pokémon," I laughed and then became a blur.

In the next moment, I was beside the massive bird Pokémon, and I drove my fist into the creature's chest, but it hit nothing as Talonflame jumped back from me. My fist didn't even graze it, and I was forced to use my momentum to roll forward as the Pokémon's claws smashed the ground where I just was. By the time I got to my feet, Talonflame was already in the air.

"Ha! You are fast, but my Talonflame has excellent perception, and knows how to act on his own! Now Talonflame, use Flare Blitz!" Crispin shouted, and up above, Talonflame lit with flames.

I hurled a few electrically charged water bullets, but they were easily dodged, so I focused on defense. The water whips at my ankles and wrists all shot forward like snakes to create something almost like a mouth in front of me. I started to skip backward as fast as I could while altering my course to curve, forcing the Talonflame to adjust his flight path as well.

The bird was so fast that I only saw him at the last moment, but I threw myself to the side. My whips lashed out, catching the Talonflame's legs, but then the bird launched into the air, taking me with it. I tried to shock it, but my voltage just wasn't enough, and I was carried higher and higher into the air. Soon we burst above the clouds, but Talonflame didn't stop, and I was starting to run out of options in my current form.

'Are you finally ready to train this power, boy?' The familiar old and gravelly voice asked me within the depths of my mind as I rose higher, and it got harder to breathe. The way it sounded was unlike when Cryo talked in my mind. No, this felt more like it was coming from my soul.

'Will you let me take control? Or are you just going to go wild again?' I asked as I tried to measure my breathing, but now it was getting cold and I was very, very high up.

'I gave you my word before, boy. Now stop messing around and put that overgrown Sparrow in its place!' The PP System growled, and my skin deactivated, and I started to fall. The Talonflame noticed this right away and turned back to dive at me, but my body had already turned into light and started to expand.

[Penultimate Primordial System Activated.]

Massive white wings burst from my back and wrapped around me as my body grew larger and became completely white. Talonflame speared into my wings, but my Primordial shield activated, and I was driven to the ground faster. Just as we broke through the clouds, my transformation was completed, and I barrel-rolled while opening my wings, to catch myself. When I was stable in the air, I could see the Talonflame hovering in the air 50 feet away.


Far down below, Landon's Pokémon were going wild like crazed fangirls. Crispin just stood there watching in awe at the massive Pokémon that was now battling his Talonflame.

"What is that?! It's so big! It's like a Lugia, but more human!" Crispin exclaimed.

"Oh my Arceus! That is the master!" Popsicle squealed, bolts of electricity coming from her cheeks and tail that poked out of her dress.

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