

On July 4, 1990, the World Cup semifinals came to an end. Mr. Carson's mood soured, but the winnings from the tournament were tremendous. If Germany manages to win against Argentina in the World Cup with a 1-0 score, he could win a 5,000 euro bet thirteen times.

Even Livy Branovich got wind of Mr. Carson's bets and scolded him all afternoon for being irresponsible. Thomas agreed with Billy not to disclose the bet's results, but he did tell Livy about his winning streak and his son's recommendations, guaranteeing a 1-0 score. The Slavic woman grumbled and even gave him the cold shoulder. Initially, she found amusement in the striking resemblance between the thirty-six-year-old woman and her fifteen-year-old daughter. She enjoyed peaceful days by the pool, finding charm in soccer; the roars of the Italians against Argentina were still imprinted in her mind. The Italians' tearful expressions left a mark on her heart when the semifinal ended.

Thomas woke up refreshed; he hadn't taken such long vacations in six years. He began reading the comics Billy brought for little Claudia. He had never taken the time to leisurely read his son's graphic books; the artwork was wonderful, and Hellboy's story was undoubtedly entertaining and imaginative.

It's quite different from the type of Nazism seen in comics; it's similar but lacks such a strong and dark cult.

Where could his son be? He had been all over Rome; sometimes he accompanied them, or Livy supervised them. He paid a hotel worker to look after them for a day, visiting some restaurants across the city.

He saw Livy in a long blue dress, accentuating her fair skin, wearing a top hat with a rose attached to a blue ribbon. Her mischievous smile could only mean trouble and more trouble.

-Thomas, my dear fatherly friend. The kids will be occupied until tonight with some adventure around Rome. My little girl spilled all the plans he had for the day. It's a quite long day for him. I already spoke to the hotel manager, and he'll take care of everything. I mentioned a generous tip if he watches over them during their city adventures,- Livy said.

-Sure, I'll leave an envelope at the reception, - said Thomas, still absorbed in reading his son's comic.

-I already forgave you for the bet. So, we can be good friends again and make some plans together before these glorious vacations end," Livy said.

-She forgave me for the bet? Does she even know I'm an older adult? God, save me from her craziness! - Thomas thought.

-Of course, my dear friend-mom. Let's sit in the sun; we can go to the bar and have a drink later, - Thomas said, courteously, without thinking much about the potential consequences.

-So, come on, Thomas, where's your adventurous spirit? Rome has some great nightclubs, Mr. Grumpy, - Livy Branovich said.

-I don't like nightclubs, -Thomas replied bluntly.

-Well, there are beautiful lounges, restaurants, and bars. Don't worry, cowboy, I'll show you around. Just put on something nice, see you in half an hour. I'll order some food, - Livy said, chattering happily beside him.

-Is there something you're not telling me? It seems a bit sudden, - Thomas questioned.

-Hahaha, not at all, Mr. Paranoid. Relax, rest, take a dip in the pool, and have something to eat. I'll be checking some things, maybe around four in the afternoon, we'll go up to the room for you to freshen up, - Livy said, with her finger resting on her mouth in a thoughtful gesture.

Crazy woman, when did the roles switch between men and women?

-I hope you don't have a secret plan in mind. There's a lot of resemblance between you and your daughter, - Thomas said.

-Oh, Tommy, I don't need plans to do what I want. I'll be back in half an hour. Do you want me to bring you lunch as well? - Livy asked.

-Lunch? - Thomas questioned.

-We might miss dinner, so having an extra lunch is the right decision if we go out tonight, - Livy said.

-Whatever, just don't ask for salads or pasta. I've been eating the same for the past two weeks, - Thomas said, still reading his son's comic from his chair.

-Don't worry, cowboy, I'll bring your favorite lunch. I'll satisfy your appetite, - Livy said, two meters away, glancing at Mr. Carson. A spitting image of her son, just more robust and larger. Her daughter was right; Mr. Carson could be considered a bear.

Mrs. Branovich would attend a high-class party invited by a friend from the UN, so she would have to wear a black dress with high heels for such events. What a bother not to be able to avoid these events, she thought.

-Excuse me, miss, - the bellboy said with some anxiety.

Mrs. Branovich snapped out of her daydream and turned to the pale and nervous young man with a strong Italian accent.

-Speak, - she told him in Italian.

As a photographer, journalist, and UN correspondent, her resume highlighted three significant accomplishments: her extensive work in Hollywood, foundations, and universities; her education; and her proficiency in three languages: English, Italian, and German, with some knowledge of Slovenian and Serbian.

Her connections had certainly been helpful!

-Hahaha, excuse me, ma'am, but you requested a stylist for this afternoon, - the boy said.

-That's correct. Is there any problem? - Livy replied.

-No, the appointment is scheduled for 4:00; I'm waiting for confirmation, - the boy said, shrinking back in his position.

-Yes, do it. Without fail, - Livy murmured.

-Very well. If you'll excuse me, I'll go confirm it, - the boy whispered.

Alright, now she just needed a delicious meal for Mr. Carson. She headed to the hotel's restaurant, with too many protocols for her taste. Sometimes simplicity is needed.

-Excuse me, I'd like to order two lunches for the special tables near the pool, - Livy said.

-Of course, miss. Today, we have a particularly enticing menu. If you'd like, you can take a look, and I'll be back in a minute to take your order, - Giuseppe, as his small name tag on his uniform read, replied.

-Oh, he'll like this and this, - Livy thought as she looked at the menu.

-Giuseppe, - called the silver-haired man.

-I'd like a Caprese salad and a glass of wine, including some toast," Livy said. "For the other dish, Spezzatino with a good side of potatoes. If possible, make it a substantial plate; Mr. Carson has a hearty appetite. Bring two Prosciutto e Melone appetizers and a bourbon whiskey, Maker's Mark will do, a glass of water, and a separate glass of ice for sipping; half a bottle will be enough, - Livy Branovich said, closing the menu and handing it back to Giuseppe.

-Very well, miss. Everything will be served at the tables near the pool. Do you need anything else? - Giuseppe asked.

-Bring the whiskey after the meal, - Livy said.

-Of course, - Giuseppe replied.

-Everything is perfect, Mr. Giuseppe. I'll be at the pool; let me know when it's all ready. I might get lost in my thoughts a bit,- Livy said.

-It's my duty! - replied Giuseppe.

Livy left the restaurant and went back to her room. She arranged everything perfectly, including the dress she would wear to the gala party. She left a note for the kids about the possible delay; luckily, dinner was included with the hotel. Mr. Carson had been a gentleman and paid for almost everything, but the prices at the hotel were unacceptable. Her dear girl was running all over Rome. Livy fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. Ahhhh, these kids.

She saw Mr. Carson lying down reading comics. Honestly, he should read something less childish.

-Tommy, honey, it will be time to eat soon, - Livy said, stopping to look at him. - Let me treat you this time; you've paid most of the time, and I don't feel comfortable. -

Interrupting Mrs. Branovich Carson, he said, - I don't like that, Livy. I'll pay. -

-Tommy, I will pay, no arguments, - Livy said proudly. She could force him to wear a suit; she could make him travel all over Italy, but he's a damn stubborn man when he says no.

-Ivanova, I'll pay for the meal. You have many expenses now, and you spent a lot on the dress you'll wear tonight. My son already plans to visit your home next summer. Now let me treat you; don't be inconsiderate with your home's expenses, - Thomas said.

-Thomas, I'll pay, and you won't force me; no one tells me what to do, - Livy said, offended by being called Ivanova, it was personal. The creep knows she hates her name.

As Thomas saw her reaction, he stood up and observed her.

-Don't give me that stupid look; if you want a fight, I'll give it to you with all the hatred I have. Do you think I'm afraid of your idiotic face? - Livy said.

-You win, Livy. I'm not in the mood to argue today, - Thomas said, sitting back down.

-Well, it's a pleasure, and I hope the party doesn't sour you. But I ordered something special to thank you for everything, - Livy said, blushing, contradicting the tantrum she had a few seconds ago.

Dragging him to a snobbish party won't hurt; well, he deserves a break. A hotel staff member called them for lunch.

Dear Giuseppe arranged a table with a beautiful white tablecloth with golden raised designs.

Mr. Carson enjoyed the appetizers with pleasure; he certainly had a good appetite. The tender meat stew with some vegetables wasn't his first course, but it was delicious. Why were all the previous dishes so small? Mr. Carson ate with much pleasure and enthusiasm as Livy Branovich watched with a glass of wine in her hand.

-It was delicious, - Mr. Carson murmured. He had gone several days without truly satisfying his appetite.

-Well, I'm glad you liked it. I ordered a delicious whiskey for you to drink; it will help you relax from the burdens you carry on your shoulders, - Livy said.

Giuseppe arrived with a young man to collect all the dishes. He placed a bucket filled with crushed ice, a pitcher of water, and three glasses, and then left.

-Ah, nothing like a good whiskey after a good meal. You ordered a very fine drink; I like the spicy flavor. I got a taste for it when I was little; my father taught us to drink in our last year of school for our birthdays. He would sit with us and open a bottle; we drank with some relatives, and he explained the danger of drinking and how to control it, - Mr. Carson said, drinking the contents of the bottle fondly.

-Serve me some, - Livy said, extending her empty wine glass.

As it often happens with quiet men, alcohol loosened Mr. Carson's tongue enough to forget the seriousness he carried within.

-How's Vienna been? - Thomas asked slowly.

-As expected, the problem is Claudia; she's been sad about losing her friends and, well, her boyfriend. I became what I never wanted to be: an authoritarian mom. But it's something that both she and I need—to know our roots, where we come from. If I like it, I'll stay for a while longer, or I'll request a transfer to New York. It's the same with little Claudia—if she decides to leave after two years, I won't hold her back, - Livy said, with a heavy heart and many doubts.

-I understand your situation; there are times when I miss Texas, the days of retirement, the happy family. My father is a very special man; I wish Billy could spend more time with him while he's still around. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask, - Thomas said.

-You're a sweet man, very sweet. I hope you'll still say that after I fix your style. You need someone to tidy up your beard, - Livy said, approaching the table with a flirty demeanor, running her hand over Mr. Carson's beard.

-Fix my beard? - the man questioned, somewhat dazed by the drinks.

-Yes, don't worry, you'll see. Come on, it's almost time to get ready; let's go to the room. We need to be ready before six, - Livy said.

-Right, it's almost four, - Thomas replied.

The UN Gala is a special event that uses the World Cup to gather certain exceptionally famous, wealthy, or busy people. It discusses global issues, new projects, and international agreements that the world has been facing since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the westernization of the world after the USSR.

Mr. Carson found himself lost among the arrangements imposed by Livy. She brought in a male stylist who cut his hair, groomed his beard, and fixed his appearance. She even altered a suit brought by Livy with a talent for sewing that bewildered Mr. Carson.

-Livy, where do you know him from?" Thomas asked.

-From the hotel. The manager introduced him to me and I told him about the gala you're attending tonight. So, he was kind enough to introduce me to an image consultant. It's not cheap, - Livy replied.

-Let me help you with the expenses, - Thomas offered.

-Don't worry, those expenses are part of my contract. My boss permitted me; I need to meet some people for potential projects I'll be involved in,- Livy said.

-I understand. Thank you for the new suit, - Thomas murmured, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the gift; it's almost a debt to him.

-It's a gift from me, cowboy. Don't expect another one like that anytime soon. Besides, you must behave as I said at the gala. There are some unpleasant characters, and I'm not here as an employee. I hope you can be my chaperone in some situations that I wouldn't like to handle on my own, - Livy said.

-I'll do my best, - Thomas replied.

-Let's go. We have a meeting to attend at nine, and then we can go grab a drink at a bar, just as I promised. You'll have to earn it first, - Livy said, wearing a long red dress with black details and an opening on the left side that reached almost to her thighs. Strapless, it seemed like a corset in the front.

It was a grand hall with several tables covered in white tablecloths. Livy moved up and down with an ease that belied her status as a newly hired journalist and UN photographer.

-Excuse me, are you Mr. Thomas Carson? - asked a man in a fitted gray suit, with red hair extending to his similarly colored, slightly graying beard. His unmistakable feature was his bulging, yet powerful eyes, bearing a resemblance to his father.

-Yes, I am, but how do you know my name? - Thomas asked, bewildered.

-I saw you out of the corner of my eye when I visited the Nike offices in California. You're the lawyer and partner of Lux Comics. We made a lot of money with the idea of stamps and collectible cards. The kids went crazy over those cards; even my kids spent a good amount of money buying those darn NBA cards, - said the man.

-I can send you a special package; I'll get in touch with Anne, the administrator of Lux Comics. We gave it to the stars who lent their faces for the campaign and some successful entities, - said Thomas.

-Amazing! My kids would love to have something from their father, - said the red-haired man.

-Don't worry; I'll send a message. Although I'll need Peter's help for the mailing of the letters, - Thomas replied.

-Fantastic! Send it to my office. Come, let's have a drink, - the man said joyfully, embracing Thomas in a gesture of happiness.

-Oh, sir, what a pleasure to meet an acquaintance in such a distant place. What's your name, sir? - Thomas asked.

-Oh, sorry. I'm Philip. I'm here for some important contracts. Come, let me introduce you to some friends. I hope your wife won't mind; I see she's chatting with some diplomats from the UK, - Philip H. Knight hurriedly said.

-Nice to meet you, Mr. Philip, - Thomas said, feeling a bit dizzy.

-Come, I'll take you to meet some friends I have here, - Philip said.

-This man here is a good friend of mine, Silvio Berlusconi, and next to him is Fedele, - Philip introduced.

-For you, Mr. Thomas Carson, a lawyer representing Lux Comics in the United States. We recently had some successful negotiations, - Philip added.

-Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carson. Call me Silvio, - said Silvio Berlusconi.

-The pleasure is mine, - Thomas greeted with a firm handshake.

-We were talking about the World Cup final. Who do you think will take the title this year? - Berlusconi asked Thomas.

-I'm not very knowledgeable about football; my son is. He's sure Germany will beat Argentina by one goal, - Thomas replied.

-Long live Germany, - Philip Knight sighed. - The Italian loss left a big mark on us. We're all rooting for Germany now. The Argentinians already enjoyed it in '86; now it's Europe's turn. -

-My beautiful Italy, we were robbed in the semifinals, - mentioned Berlusconi, with a bittersweet taste due to the loss against Argentina.

-Well, Mr. Carson, I'll call you later to talk about our collaboration for the new project. It seems your wife has arrived," said Philip, giving a greeting as Livy suddenly appeared and hooked her arm with Thomas's, flashing her teeth as she waved to everyone.

-Gentlemen, I have to take this man for a walk, - Livy said, with her eyebrows furrowed.

The men in the circle nodded, knowing the scolding Thomas was about to receive.

-My dear lady, we would never bother you. You can take your husband. We were discussing business here, and Mr. Carson is knowledgeable about the sports market, - said Silvio Berlusconi, raising his glass in gratitude for the conversation.

-Gentlemen, - Livy said, a bit softer this time.

-A pleasure meeting you all, - Thomas said, hurrying along with Livy.

-I almost forgot about some of those guys. I had a tough time with all the men hitting on me in those ten minutes. And how do you know Berlusconi? You know he's a prominent businessman and politician in Milan. Do you have something to tell me about this and that? - Livy said.

-He's known to a client of mine. I represented a company in a deal with Nike, and I met the CEOs. Some of them recognized me and introduced me to their friends. We talked about potential future business, - Thomas said, going along with Silvio's story.

As they walked down the hallway, they reached a dining area with many tables surrounding it, passing the social zone. The dining area was just as large, with a dance floor in the center of the room and a stage at the front.

-Come, we need to attend a dinner. Don't worry; it's a light meal. We'll talk to some people as a polite gesture, and then we'll leave immediately, - Livy said.

-No problem, I'll help you in any way I can, - said Mr. Carson, sighing.

-Come, my table is this way, - Livy mentioned. -You're my partner tonight, so try not to refuse anything. I told them I had a sweet fiancé. -

-Engaged?! -

-Come on, don't be such a prude. We're adults, and we don't have to worry about something so insignificant, - said Livy.

-Well, it's a bit uncomfortable for me to act as your dear fiancé. I'm not good at pretending or lying, - said Thomas.

-Leave it all to me! - exclaimed Livy, ordering a glass of white wine for Thomas.

The rest of the evening turned into a three-hour whirlwind for Thomas, something new and innovative. Livy's gatherings were always interesting. They headed to a bar for some drinks and eventually returned to the hotel in the early morning.


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