
Chapter 42: Oktoberfest Pt. 5 - New Heights


“See, not so bad.”

Leena laughs, eyes bright and almost luminescent with magic in the fading daylight that’s creeping toward dusk, the promise of a beautiful Autumnal sunset on the horizon. I have to agree that this isn’t so bad despite the constant rocking of the gondola carriage that threatens the churning beer in my stomach.

“You sure you’re ok, Alec?”

I take a steadying breath. “Yeah, I don’t do great with the whole ‘heights’ thing. I prefer the ground or the water, not the sky. If a wolf was meant to fly, they’d have wings.”

She splutters a wry laugh, soft and flirtatious. “You’re incorrectly quoting an old Disney movie, and it’s reminding me that you’re a dirty old man.”

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