


"...ke up."


Arsh stirred his body around the bed, constantly swatting his hands around the face. Irritated by the constant buzzing noises near him and the feeling of occasional shaking. As though someone was trying her best to wake him up.

He slowly opened his eyes, still delirious from all the sleep and tiredness. His mind was in a state of cognition, as he slowly perceived his surroundings.

His body slowly responded to his will, as the gears in his brain finally started running. Arsh looked at the face of the little girl, which was barely one or two inches away from his face. 

With tear-filled eyes, the little girl stared at his face for a few more seconds. Before she ran back somewhere. Her shouting voice resounded everywhere around him.

"Father! Brother is finally awake."


Arsh thought to himself, his mind was hazy and unusually restless. 

<....Are you okay? Arsh.>

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