
He Is Married To Me

Five years had passed, but there was not a night when Ryan did not dream of his deceased partner.

Some nights, he dreamed about the past when they were still happily dating.

Some nights, he dreamed about their erotic and yet unintentional first time. And their arguments and fights. And Aiden's tears.

On a lot of nights, he dreamed about Aiden breathing his last in his arms and his parting words to Ryan.

"I love you," he had said before he closed his eyes forever.

Five years were nothing but a blink of an eye.

Fifty years from now, even five hundred years from now, Ryan would still be able to recognize his lover on the spot.

Aiden was the love of his life.

"Aiden," he thus whispered the name of the person who frequented his dreams night after night and left without looking back no matter how hard Ryan implored him to stay.

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