
Trainee: Noah Ark

To prevent this kind of situation there was a law, Rogue Knights were not welcomed in any institutionalized town or city. Even if they came, they just went through an investigation and authorities will set their eyes on them. 

What the Portable Tower was telling Noah was true. As he sat there in the pool the whole towns and villages within the City Of Squire were being turned upside down in order to find the one responsible for that massacre.

If Noah didn't get his shit right, the hounds hunting him will snip him out in no time. He has already got suspicious of Moon Wolf, all they need is another black spot.

[I respect what you did in following your code "So, the blade shall never strike without an opposing force" but in this context, you should have killed that woman]

Noah opened his eyes as he remembered the woman that was being pounded by the last man he killed. She has some resemblance with the red woman, his first crush.

"My mother taught me that code. No idiot will ask me not to follow them!" He said. 

Code was very important to the knights but most knights didn't follow them thoroughly.

However, kids like Noah were so indoctrinated to the moment that they rather die than break their code. And as someone as impulsive as Noah that was a good binding.

Noah spent 5 days in the pool, he slept, he murmured alone and then he slept. There was no hunger or boredom. At least that's what those that were observing him see.

"Your Willpower is excellent!" Sweat Bark, The woman that guided him there said with a smile. 

The pool was special in that it cleansed the body and also nurtured the body's skin, bones, muscles and tendons. However, it has an impact on the psyche of the people. They should feel lonely and claustrophobic, and they also experience headaches.

Noah didn't feel any of those. Well, maybe boredom, but the kid has lived worse.

"We have confirmed that you are from Eastern Plains and wolves have attacked the towns there and there was mass migration which makes your story correct!"

The story was made up by the tower but Noah has no idea that it was a true story.

"Here is your identity!" Sweat Bark handed him a rectangular white wood that had information.


Trainee: Noah Ark

Age: 13

Temperament: Mophie, Sad and Angry

Willpower: 5

Body Strength: Fragile

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Black

Skin colour: Tender Pale

Residence: Floating Feather Hostel, Oak Town

History: Eastern Plains


The middle-aged woman smiled at Noah and she began to explain the identity card. The id card will only be used whenever he was leaving the school even if it was just one step out of the gate.

It serves as his ID anywhere he goes within the City Of Squire and he will not be touched or ordered around. Even if he commits a crime, he will first be brought to the School before anything happens. The school will take responsibility for all that happened to him but if he has no ID with him when that happened, he is on his own.

She also explained that his mood was not in its best place but the school doesn't care. As long as he trained and did what he was asked, he would be okay. 

She explained being in the water was what made them feel and understand his mood and also what happened to him.

5 days was the limit they allow trainees to stay in the pool and he stayed there with no qualms which gave him 5 Points in Willpower. 

Other kids will cry their eyes out on the second day.

She then explained that his bones were very strong but his muscles and tendons were tender and very weak. She advised him to train and transform into the man that he was meant to be.

Noah collected the ID and shook his head. His body is weak. Is that a joke?

[Haha. She really likes you.]

Noah felt insulted, he was arguably the youngest master in his islands where there were a dozen Knighthoods. And he had defeated those that are Rank 9 masters of Shifting Steel. Yet he was considered weak here. Not to mention, he prepared using a huge heavy sword. Yet he was considered weak.

'Ignorance is bliss!' Noah thought as he followed her to the dormitory. It was a long room with a bed up and down. He was given one with a blanket and pillow.

Marking his place he was then guided to the eatery and bathroom and playroom. All the while the woman was explaining.

After she left him in the sleeping room, the portable tower said.

[She likes you because you have the potential of becoming a knight in the future]


Noah nodded and then dropped onto his bed and slept. Early in the morning, the next day, he woke up in a commotion, kids were fighting. The long empty room was filled with 12 to 14-year-old children. 

Two of them were fighting.

"The new guy is awake!" A boy with freckles said and then everyone looked at Noah.

"Tender boy!" Another huge kid said. "Touch his cheeks, will blood flow?" 

To an incredulous Noah, someone grabs his cheeks.

He just stayed there like an idiot as he watched the kids fondle his cheeks. One thing he could understand was that these kids were chaotic. They have no sense of direction and purpose.

They grab one topic and the next topic they drop it and change. They were just jumping around for no reason, they might even fall and injure themselves but they don't care. 

Those that were interested in him, were few and they were asking stupid questions such as why is your skin soft, what kind of oil are using, have you ever gone to a farm, is your mother old, is she alive. I hate sisters, how many sisters do you have?

All these questions just overwhelmed Noah and he was about to explode when a whistle resounded. Suddenly, all the kids moved faster and stood before their beds.

They became serious and even trembling as the Whistler came in. Noah stood too, and he met with a tall, muscular, knight in metal armour.

Rank 10 Master, Noah concluded. But as he passed Noah, he glanced at him before he reached the end of the row.

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