
Reason and Another Meeting (2)

For the past few weeks, as Arren didn't have anything to entertain him he was just always alone and his thoughts wandered. Arren's mind would go back to that incident and the possibilities that might happen if the plan of the one behind it had been successful.

He had nightmares at night about the incident completely transforming into the worst scenarios imaginable. Arren was unable to flee and was instead captured by them while in his heat, and then... He'd wake up shivering and drenched in sweat, breathing heavily to calm his emotions.

Indeed, Arren's personality was much stronger than other omegas, however, that didn't mean he was incapable of feeling scared. The truth was that the incident terrified him every time he remembered it. That night left some scars on him, and no matter how hard Arren tried to forget and forget about it, the more he was reminded that it was simply impossible. He needed to confront it head-on.

He had never faced any setbacks or challenges that he couldn't overcome in his second life. Arren was the type of person who would never let these challenges win against him; he was like this in his previous life and has become even more so in this life. In Arren's previous life, he had been fighting with his heart disease all his life before being beaten. In comparison, this was only a minor trauma. He would never allow it to consume him.

The main reason he did everything he could to sneak out of the house, regardless of the consequences from his father. He knew himself best; if Arren didn't do this, he might go insane. Obviously, he could confess to his father about his true condition and the fact that he couldn't sleep well at night. However, that was just another thing for his father to be concerned about.

He was aware of his father's burden and stress as a result of the investigation. Arren knew exactly how his father would react if he also admitted his trauma. The Duke loved him too much. He would do so as long as he could solve the problem with his own hands.

His emotions had not yet been fully expressed. It was still suppressed within him. Arren was just waiting to see that motherfucker. He knew that if he just beat the crap out of Ashton, his rage would subside.

The trauma would not go away immediately because that was unrealistic, but the emotions would be vented and subside. His blood would boil and violent thoughts would surface whenever he thought about that goddamn asshole. Arren was desperate to beat him, tear him apart, and kick his fucking guts.

Arren shut his eyes hard and tried to calm himself. He took a few deep breaths as he rubbed his knuckles. He slowly opened his eyes which instantly roamed inside the cafe.

The rain had made the streets appear darker than usual. The number of people in the café had obviously decreased; there were now only five people in total, including him but excluding the barista at the counter. The heavy rainfall really prevented a lot of people to go outside and it also makes one feel sleepy.

Arren peeks outside, when was he coming?

Twenty minutes later, the door of the café opens again. The whole place was quiet as Arren was the only customer inside, along with the barista at the counter. The barista looked at the door to see who had come in.

The person who walked in stood tall and straight. He had a muscular but lean appearance; just by looking at him, one could tell he was an Alpha, even if he was wearing a scent blocker to hide his scent. The man stood there, sweeping the entire café with his eyes, his entire being exuding nobility and majesty.

The Alpha could simply stand there and capture everyone with his domineering stature; he didn't even need to use his pheromones to do so. It was especially true if that handsome face stared at you, which was enough to intimidate you.

The beta barista didn't dare to look at and observe the Alpha for too long. While the beta thought the face looked very familiar and he appeared to be someone he recognized, he lacked the courage to stare and confirm his suspicions.

Perhaps he was some noble whom no one dared to offend. He was just a commoner, and the best course of action was to remain silent and pretend he didn't exist.

Spade was the Alpha who had just entered. He would have arrived sooner if it hadn't rained. He left the palace as soon as he hung up the phone.

As the barista looked over, Arren was the same. His gaze was drawn to the Alpha, who had just entered the cafe. It was the same handsome face, the same intimidating and domineering air, the same hot body, and his calm demeanor.

Arren saw the Mister Royal investigator again after more than three weeks. He smiled happily at the man who had already met his gaze. The alpha's eyes sized him up, and Arren noticed how the alpha's face darkened immediately upon seeing his condition.

Arren smiled even wider and mouthed, "You're here,"

His mask was long gone from his face. Arren's beautiful face, while still captivating, now had an extremely pale complexion. He didn't move from his position and continued to stare at Spade.

Spade who now furrowed his brows and clenched his jaw, wanted to walk into Arren's position immediately but instead went into the counter first and order coffee. He had no idea what the omega preferred to drink, so he just ordered whatever he thought. The barista without looking up for even just a second received the order and did his work instantly. The beta was very skilled and not long after the coffee was made. Spade also looked at the cakes and ordered a chocolate and vanilla cake.

Arren sat in his seat, fully relaxed, and waited for Spade. He didn't know how his body and mind calmed down so quickly after seeing the alpha and watching him order at the counter.

It was a sense of security; Arren could only feel that way when he was with his father. One reason was that he knew his father would never harm him, and the other was that his father's pheromones stabilized his own. They claimed that it was because the offspring's pheromones could communicate with their parents to some extent.

Arren couldn't immediately tell that he could trust Spade completely or that Spade would never do him harm like his father because he didn't know him well enough, and he didn't even know the alpha's name.

Second, they weren't relatives, so the sense of security and relaxation he felt for Spade couldn't be due to this. The only other possibility was that Arren's and Spade's pheromones were completely compatible with each other.

The compatibility of pheromones was not the only indicator that alpha and omega were perfect for each other to mate, but it was one of many. In some ways, compatibility didn't mean much; its main purpose was to predict fertility and the gene sequence of potential offspring.

However, compatibility between the alpha and omega pheromones may result in an even more harmonious mix of scents when the alpha finally marks his omega. Their pheromones would be in perfect harmony, and the scent combination would be very pleasant.

Despite the difficulty, Arren smiled at the thought of them being very compatible with each other. He was overjoyed because, in his mind, Spade is his ideal alpha, and he was already planning a hundred ways to seduce him... cough, capture his heart.

But, seeing how he could influence Spade to some extent and convince him to abandon what he had been doing for him, Arren realized that he might not be the only one who was interested. His eyes twinkled as his heart pounded at the discovery. Perhaps, his sneaking out this time would give him an unexpected surprise.

Would Arren's expression be as giddy as it was today if he knew who the alpha he was eyeing as a potential mate was? Anyway, Arren had no idea for now and was still lost in his fantasy as Spade delivered the coffee and sweets he had ordered to his table. e.

Even carrying a tray of food did not diminish the alpha's elegance. His extraordinary demeanor made one overlook what he was holding. Spade's steps were neither fast nor slow. In no time at all, he was at Arren's seat.

Arren just waited for Spade to put the tray on the table before he reached out for the coffee himself almost immediately and drank it. The cold made it appear that he didn't feel the burning of the hot coffee on his tongue, but rather the warmth spreading throughout his body. He sipped a few more of the coffee before he put the cup in its place.

Finally, Arren could now move his lips, and his mouth would now be able to speak more clearly. Arren raised his head, surprised to see Spade still standing there, staring at him. Arren tilted his head, confused as to why the alpha was just staring down at him but not sitting in front of him.

Still, Arren smiled and spoke sweetly, "Thank you for coming... If not for you, I would've been frozen to death," he chuckled to ease the mood.

The alpha remained emotionless, standing and staring at him. Arren was at a loss for words. Mister Investigator was still a fucking snub. Sigh, it was okay. At least they could still have him in the relationship to keep it happy and lively.

Spade sighed resignedly as he skillfully removed his jacket suit and placed it on Arren. He remained silent throughout this action. Arren froze and stared at Spade's every move as if the alpha was the only one in his sight.

The action was swift but gentle. Arren was actually new to this. It was his first time having someone lend him his jacket and even put it on himself like in romance novels; he had only ever read or watched this kind of thing before, and to suddenly experience himself and actually be from the alpha he had a crush on, his face burned up.

He just sat there like a statue, not saying anything, even after everything was done and Spade had taken the seat in front of him.

If his bastard friends saw Arren like this, they would be stunned. He never blushed or was intimidated by anyone; he was always the one intimidating and making people blush, not the other way around.

Even Arren admitted that he had thick skin; being shy or blushing in front of others was not his forte. But looking at him right now... Damn, he couldn't help but curse inside. If it was just putting on a jacket, what would happen if he flirted back?

Fuck, Arren composed himself and reached for the coffee, sipping from it again. He looked up and stared at Spade, who was just watching him with his calm and straight expression. It was truly infuriating. Arren pursed his lips and glared with resentment at Spade. Why it looked like he was the only one affected? It was unfair!

Spade was even more perplexed when he saw his glare and resentment in his eyes; what did he do?

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