
Nightmare or Reality Part #2

Holy week is coming but before that, the professors in our school decided that...drum roll*... Hell week comes first, that's why they give us a bunch of group activities, projects, and tasks that we will need to do during holy week... What good fcking lads, ain't they? Now that I've whined on the fcking education system of my country, we can now move on. I don't want to make another excuses on my late update, I just want to say that I'm sorry for this disappointment and thanks for waiting for me. Happy reading.

I got carried away in this chapter...anyway thanks for supporting me guys!



In the streets of Privet Drive, six men are running around all over the place, trying to save their pathetic lives. A hint of absolute fear was written all over their faces as they rained their bullets on the being before them.

"Throw your grenades you fucking idiots!" The man shouted, the man had a more sharp and intimidating look on him while ordering the others. 

The other men took out their belts and revealed a strange red cylindrical object. They pushed a button on the said object and tossed it away at the monstrosity before them.

For a few seconds, the cylindrical object made a sharp mechanical sound while lighting on and off its red light inside the demolished house of the Dursley Family.


A huge explosion occurred, causing a shockwave to take place. The six men were bounced off a meter away from their target in a violent way, causing them to fall hard to the ground. 

An uncomfortable silence followed, and a thick smokescreen blinded them from any view inside. The six of them gulped in terror. Why? It's because their nightmares will go on. 

In front of them is something that is straight out of an eldritch tale. The moment that they saw that thing slithering in front of them with little to no damage or wound in sight was the moment that they surrendered their whole being, except for one. 

"FUCK YOU!" The man leading them shouted in fury. 

He took something from his pocket, and it revealed an old-looking pouch with strange scribbles on its string that was closing it. He opened the said pouch and took out a strange vial with an unknown brown liquid inside. 

Revealing itself from the smoke was a shadow of a big, long, slender, and flexible limb. It has glowing red flesh on it with a black contrast on its side that gives it a more intimidating look, it was a ginormous tentacle. 


The tentacle moved in front of him, causing it to make a small, squeaky, slimy sound. Holding the vial, the man smiled in desperation as he threw the brown vial at the abomination before him. The vial hit the tentacle, causing its shards to break into many pieces and its contents to pour onto the tentacle, and like magic, the tentacle was petrified, like a stone.

"I DID IT!" The man shouted in relief. A crazed smile was adorning his face as he looked at his surroundings, however, his previous expression immediately disappeared. His surroundings were a mess, for sure, but that's not what he was concerned about, he was concerned about where his teammates were. Not finding them, the man decided to flee for himself. He turned around and ran, but before he could continue,


The man stopped in his tracks.

Ba dump...


Moving slowly away from the eldritch atrocity before him, the man cursed himself for accepting this mission, considering that it was clearly an impossible one.

Ba dump...


With the enchantment broken, the man witnessed something straight out of a nightmare in front of him before he fell unconscious. 

It was a tentacle grown from another tentacle into another tentacle, a dozen, a hundred, all of them formed into a dome that covered his view of the world outside until darkness was all that he could see. 


With a soft flesh-like sound, hundreds of eyes revealed themselves to him, all of them boring deep inside his rotten soul. For the first time in his useless life, the man was now sure of something... he was in hell.


Ever since Moses encountered the hellhound and the troll, he realized that his strength against both of those monsters is a little lacking. He thought, what if there's a situation where he needs to use his strength, which he can easily command, but he was too late to do so? Should he just let himself be hit and regenerate, then command when he's already down on the ground, or worse, unconscious?

No sir, he's getting tired of those clichés. That's why instead of commanding himself to have regeneration, he commanded himself with something that he can confidently say is his true masterpiece. A command that reality allowed for him, a command that completely changed his arsenal. A command that took away all the weaknesses of a human being.

Regeneration, strength, speed, reflex, instincts, coordination, psychomotor movement, muscles, bones, veins, neurons — Total Body control! 

{I command the cells I'm in contact with to be perfectly controlled by me.} 

By ordering his cells to automatically regenerate, Moses achieved supernatural regeneration. By ordering the cells in his body to strengthen, Moses achieved supernatural physiology. By ordering the cells in his body to replicate the cell structures of different organisms, Moses obtained a plethora of abilities and skills that certain species possess. 

But nothing's all that good about commanding this on his body. One wrong modification and his body could explode to bits, that's why he made a fail-safe. By ordering his cell to save a specific genome structure, Moses could just modify his genome without care in the world, and within a microsecond, his cell would instantly reload back into its saved genome structure. 

This order was pretty much inspired by some games that Moses played, and it was pretty genius of him, to say the least. There were other orders that he gave to completely make his cells powerful and safe from outside manipulations, but he was sure that he was just scratching the surface of this ability, and he would make sure to discover and advance every bit of it.


Inside the destroyed house of the once 'ordinary' household of the Dursley Family was a scene akin to a very bizarre place. The whole place seemed like it was from a different dimension altogether. The neatly painted walls from before were no more, instead, in every crevice of it was glowing red flesh, and the surroundings were covered with asymmetrical structures made out of bones. 

Inside of this miserable place, there are a group of people, all unconscious, except for one golden-blonde-haired boy. The strange thing is that the boy isn't so normal, after all, anyone with a see through hole in their head who was standing like nothing had happened can't be said to be normal at all! At that moment, the hole in the boy's forehead disappeared like it was never there. Unfortunately, only one person had a fortune to see this bizarre sight, and his name was Matthew Cracknell... a Squib.

The hundreds of tentacles with hundreds of eyes covering Matthew were little by little turned into dust, allowing him to see the culprit behind his nightmare. It was the boy that he ordered for his men to dispose of, the person who hired them only wanted the boy-who-lived and one of the people that guarded him, so he decided to just dispose of the others, but to think that this boy would be the cause of their downfall was unthinkable for him.

He looked at his surroundings, and only then did he realize where he really was. His heartbeat intensified; it was them... It was his men, their bodies dangling all over the ceiling, their skins were connected to the flesh surrounding the house like it was part of their own. It looks like they were already dead. 

Behind the boy, on the left side, was the the family of three that they killed, they were inside of a cocoon, their bodies floating in a strange orange liquid, and by his right side is their supposed target, the boy-who-lived, and one of the people that was supposed to be guarding him. Only the two are in normal condition, unlike the others, the Potter boy, and the priest are unconscious while laid down on a couch.

"They're not dead... yet." The boy muttered, however, unlike any other boy, his voice wasn't that of a child. It was too raspy and rough for it to be the voice of a child.

"You came in here with guns blazing, killed me, attempted to kidnap Harry, and Father Orsi... what do you think I should do to you?" The boy said, with every word that he uttered, each word was a step closer to Matthew.

"Ple-please...I— I don't know anything..! How about we forget about it, ya?" Matthew begged. He went down on his knees with his hands clasped, seemingly worshiping Moses' figure.

"Forget...? You ordered someone to shoot right through my head, if it weren't for my quirk, I would have already met Jesus unprepared, y'know?" Moses spoke with a calm smile. He was a little angry, yes. But he didn't really die, so he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Wha—... Look, I'm so-sorry, okay? I will not do it again, I promise! Please let me live!"  Matthew cried out, and then suddenly, the boy raised his arm and pointed something at his ears. 

"What do you have the—" said Moses, but before he could finish, he felt some disturbance from behind him. 

"Moses...?" An old voice spoke behind him, taking Moses out of his wits.

"Hello there, Father..." Moses said with a helpless smile, 

"This... what... where am I...?" Father Orsi questioned him while he stood up a little unsteady because of the drug that was put into him; he wasn't even sure if he was already awake or dreaming. Unable to walk normally, he dropped to his knees and tried to focus his unstable thoughts.

"Father!" Moses shouted as he ran towards the old man and helped him stand up. The moment he touched the old man, he found out the cause of his predicament. 

"They sedated you, I'll take it out of your system. Just sit first." Moses said as he touched Father Orsi's neck. A few seconds later, a steam of smoke was let out in the old man's body, which woke the old man up from his previous state. 

"This! Moses, what happened...! I thought I — I thought I lost you, is that you...? You're okay, right?" The old man babbled while checking Moses for any injuries or wounds. For the first few minutes, he was so worried about Moses that he forgot the environment that he was in.

"I'm fine, Father." Moses answered with a small smile. Finding nothing on Moses gave the old man a form of solace, however, before he could enjoy those feelings, he looked at his surroundings with wide eyes, completely realizing the current situation at hand.

"Where the hell are we?! Did someone take us to another dimension? What the hell is the Ancient One doing!" The old man shouted in irritation. Moses wondered what his father was talking about, a big question mark magically appeared above his tilted head. 

'Is he still light-headed...?' Moses pondered, but he didn't bother thinking more about it considering the situation that they were in.

"We are still inside the Durley's house, father. Some parts of the house are still left, I just covered us from the outside world so that others could not see us..." Moses explained, while this was going on, Matthew was looking at them with a confused expression. He looked at his surroundings for any escape route, but before he could take a step, sharp spikes made out of bones from the ground denied him of any movements. 

"And I did this..." Moses added while letting Father Orsi see all of his creations.

"Ho — how... This is...impossible, even if you're a wizard..." The old man muttered, startled by what he was seeing. 

"I think I have some sort of mutation, Father. Like the one that Uncle Erik had. I'm a mutant... that is the only possible way to explain my —" said Moses, but before he could continue, Father Orsi interjected him,

"The Dursleys! What happened to them!?" He questioned in shock, they were in a cocoon for Merlin's beard,

"Oh...them. Their brains turned into mush, so I'm fixing them up. Worst case scenario, they forget everything in their lives." Moses answered nonchalantly, 

"Worst-case scenario...?" 

"It's all for the greater good, Father. It's better for them to forget even a single strand of Harry's hair. I just hope they better their lives now that they're basically a blank check. Or maybe they're too rotten in the core for them to do that, I don't care to know." said Moses. A cold glint was visible in his eyes as he looked at the unconscious forms of the Dursleys. Father Orsi looked at him and sighed in defeat.

"Sigh... Fine. I'll arrange new identities for them and toss them into some discrete town." 

"...You can do that...?" Moses questioned while tilting his head and looking doubtfully at the old man beside him.

"Well, I have some connections." Father replied, not going further on his statement.

"What about Harry?" Father Orsi asked,

"Let's just tell him that he had hallucinations from the concussion that he received and that the Dursleys freed him."

"You're lying to him?" Father Orsi questioned, a little taken aback by what Moses said. 

"A white lie is sometimes better than the useless truth, Father. How do you think we can explain all of these to hi—" Moses refuted, but before he could finish his sentence, a great disturbance took place outside of them.


Someone was riddling them with bullets from outside of the grotesque structure that Moses created, and they're dealing damage to it greater than what Moses thought.

"Heavy artillery. What the hell had we gotten ourselves into." Father Orsi muttered, "We must go, they're going to break into here, we don't have much time." The old man whispered in haste while cupping his pockets. Not finding what he was looking for, a scowl took place in his face. 

"Of course, I didn't bring it with me!" The old man muttered, irritated at himself.

"Bring what? Nevermind that, I'll teleport all of you out of here. Make sure to tie these bastards! I'll explain everything to you and Sister Lily later!" Moses said in haste. While saying that, Moses stared at the devices that the six men were wearing on their ears, levitated them, and stored them aside together.

"Wha—" Father Orsi wasn't able to finish what he wanted to say because he was already gone, vanished into thin air like he was never there, and with him are the Dursleys, Harry Potter, and the five fake police officers that took away their 'normal' day, leaving only two people inside the unsightly house, Moses and Matthew Cracknell. 

As Moses took his step towards the fear-stricken man, an intimidating black-red flesh-and-bone-like carapace appeared on his visage, completely masking his face. 

His form also grew a few inches in height, and his body was little by little covered by some blood that appeared out of nowhere until it formed into a black coat with a red hue. 

'Considering that they're breaking into this house, it's better for me to hide my identity.' 

"Before they come in here, don't you think we should talk, hmm?" Moses inquired in a friendly manner, but Matthew didn't think of his demeanor as something friendly-like, no. 

After all, the being before him was a child that turned into a terrifying 6 feet tall person who's wearing a horrifying mask, and a similarly terrifying raspy voice doesn't sound so normal, but who was he fooling? It was happening before him.

"No—No, please! I promise, I didn't know anything! I was just ordered!"

"Oh, I believed you..."

"Rea-Really?! Doe-does that mean you'll let me live, I'm telling the truth, I don't know anything about who ordered me."

"Tut tut... I believed you, but I don't trust you..." As he said those lines, with a raised of Moses's left hand, he levitated Matthew a few feet above the ground using telekinesis.

"No...no, no, no, no!" Matthew yelled in fear while struggling to move from the invisible force shrouding him, however, everything that he did was futile.

{I can read your mind.} And with that command, all of Matthew's thoughts were laid before Moses to see. 

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