
A lady

Isabella lifted her hands to wrap her sister too and as they both cried, Mia brought her to sit up before leaning back to wipe her face.

"That's okay, please," saying to her sister, she wiped her tears and sniffled hers. "I know Hannah won't want to see us this way, let's live for her," Mia added and sat next to Isabella in bed.

"I just feel sad. I know it's the best for her because she wanted it...but...I just don't know. I feel empty now," Isabella shut her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"I understand you totally," Mia stroked her hair before wiping her sister's face.

"How are we going to..."

Isabella understood so she cut in. "Luke promised to take care of it."


"Yes," Isabella nodded.

"I thought he was a bad man."

"He's not, he has been good ever since he came back."

"He even came rushing when you passed out and he drove us here. He really is a good friend."

"He did?"

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