
Wolverines gives chase ——2

Yin Zhu looked at the dark trees that were surrounding her and pursed her lips, she did not want to do something rash but she was running out of time now and just as everyone said, desperate times called for drastic measures and she was quite desperate at this moment!

With no one around her to help her, Yin Zhu raised her head and looked at the tall tree that was covered in a hazy mist on the top before raising her hands and placing them on the hard bark of the tree and once she was done placing her hands, she lifted her body by hooking her legs around the hard stem and winced when the wood started to dig into her skin. Since she was not wearing pants, the friction turned her skin red as she continued to climb up the tree. 

It took her several minutes before she reached halfway up the tree but then just as she raised her feet to climb even further, she felt her foot slip on the bark because of the rainwater. 

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