
A Peck on the Cheek

"The least you could have done was warn me!" Rosalind hissed when Lucas appeared in front of her. She was currently sitting next to the beast, her arms bleeding, her face pale.

"You are welcome," he uttered. "On the battlefield, no one else will warn you."

Rosalind said nothing. She knew that he was right. Still, she felt a little betrayed that he would actually abandon her like that. She looked at her wound and started using her light Blessing to heal it.

"Do not waste your light Blessing…" Lucas said. He sat next to her and touched her arm.


"Use your darkness to heal it."

"What?" she tried to take her arm back.

"Try it."

"Darkness — it does not work like that. How could it —"

"Do something good?" he chuckled while shaking his head. "Not everything is black and white, Rosalind. Now try it. Think of it against your skin. It should feel cold, a little tingly but nothing really painful."

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