
Your fault

"Veron," Skye called from outside the door, holding a wrapped package and a letter.

"Enter." He heard Veron say and he proceeded into the room and made his way to the balcony, where he knew Veron would be at that time. "What do you have?" Veron queried, throwing Skye a side glance before shifting his attention back to what he was doing on his phone.

"The package has arrived and Sir Rufus returned with one more report. There seems to be another reason why Varesh isn't making a move yet. His werewolf-to-vampire experiment has not been perfected. They are still struggling to get it in perfect working order."

"What challenges are they facing with it?" Veron probed, half concentrating on the topic of discussion, and half concentrating on the response he just received from the person he was communicating with on the phone.

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