
Driving Back

Brick quickly dispatched the zombies one by one as he took some steps back each time he dealt a blow to them.

He kept up a tactic that made best use of his barrier and that was to make them run into the barrier to stagger back.

He would then lower the barrier and take advantage of its present state landing a single blow on it.

So long as the weapon he held did not get too stuck for too long, he would have enough time to stall the others with a barrier.

The advancing zombies would hit their head on the barrier and staggered back causing him to have more time to recover his weapon or to gain some extra distance away from them.

Upon retreating, he was able to take a short break and plan the next attack which followed with a repeat of his previous actions.

Using a barrier, advancing onto the zombie that was knocked back by its own force, killing it in one of two strikes before retreating behind a barrier once again then repeat.

There were not that many zombies so Brick was able to avoid being surrounded so he had more freedom of movement allowing him to avoid harm.

Brick thought to himself. 'Ah… this may have been far more efficient if I did not kill off those zombies I was using earlier before I reached the top floor.'

He imagined that it would have been far less risky if he kept the zombies he was using alive for a little longer even if it meant having to take the time to escort them down the ramps again.

It would have given him extra protection from the zombies he was walking past since there could have not been enough of the zombie stench on his body to fool them.

Luckily he had been thorough in wiping it on himself so he was able to survive going so close to them more than once.

He realised that it was silly of him to discard such a useful card before making sure what the situation was like below.

However his mind came to a conclusion pushing aside such a thought. 'Hmm.. now that I think about it, we are already on a tight enough deadline as it is. I cannot simply rely on such a plan when it could cause large delays due to the zombies slow speed.

Everything has already slowed down from using that plan in the beginning and now there is still a lingering threat of more zombies being drawn to this place. I cannot delay any further.'

Brick pushed his chaotic thoughts aside and ran back up towards the floor everyone was waiting around.

He knocked on side window before being let in then started rummaging through his bag taking out wet wipes to clean himself up a little. "Drive."

Homer looked over before starting the car up which caused a chain of the other cars to start up.

As they made their way down to the ground floor, the path laid out before them was cleared allowing them to pass through without any delay.

Upon reaching the sole entry and exit point, the car came through and made a turn going through the path leading away from the main road where the hotel was located.

One by one, the cars put some distance between themselves and the hotel until they reached a wider road with some cars parked or crashed leaving enough room to navigate through.

There were few zombies ahead which was reassuring so Brick signalled to stop for a moment which caused the others behind to halt.

He stepped outside and gave a signal that had been discussed before allowing everyone to see his intentions.

since they reached a safe place or some kind of halfway point in the journey, it was time for everyone to make their decisions.

All that was required was for everyone that had the desire to go off on their own was to enter a car with those with similar mindsets to their own if they had not done so already.

There would always be those who changed their minds along the way whether it was to stay with the group or to leave with others.

Since they would need more time to come to terms with their decisions or to think about changing their minds, it was best to stay together until they reached halfway and where there was some place that made it easier to turn onto other paths.

With such a clear area with a much clearer view of the surroundings, it was far easier to spot approaching zombies and prepare for them while giving everyone enough time to make a quick switch before splitting up.

To his surprise, there were some people that got out from the cars of those leaving while far less left the cars of those that wished to follow.

The cars started back up again before continuing down the road and the cars at the far back made a turn in a different direction before disappearing from the view of the side view mirror.

The car was driven followed by several others along the same path that Homer had taken to get to the hotel.

They continued at a steady pace not taking any unnecessary risks by driving too fast that it would be difficult to come to a sudden halt if it was needed.

One of the streets leading closer to the Reed Residence was seen to be blocked off just as the car was turning in so Brick spoke up. "Go back and find another way through."

His instincts and his understanding of zombie based novels was screaming at him the moment the street came into view.

They had not made a full turn in yet so there was still a way to back out.

Several cars were parked sideways blocking the path of the street to the point that it would be difficult to get through unless it was on foot.

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