
Going Down

According to what had been discussed prior to arriving in the parking lot, Tanya and Brick already had a way to solve all the problems.

All that was required was for Tanya to gain the courage to confront those who challenged her authority and to be brave enough to step forward.

Once the difficult part was over with, she would not have that big of a difficulty in establishing her own presence over those that overlooked her previously.

The ideas Brick had suggested to her would also help to convince him to give in and let his previous plans be set aside.

Tanya was sitting in the back seat holding the new compound bow in her hands that Brick had gifted her once he got the opportunity to do so.

She was busy testing it for anything that was out of place or faulty until she was satisfied with it.

It was much better than the basic one she had been using for competitions so she was very happy with the gift Brick had given her.

It was perfectly suited to her and she was surprised that Brick had found the time to get it on her behalf.

She was even more surprised to find out that Brick had purchased it with the remains of his savings so she was even more grateful that he had done that for her.

Tanya had numerous questions to ask since there were many points she found strange about Brick's actions and deep knowledge about the current situation.

She held herself back for the time being since he had promised to tell her and that he would not withhold anything from her.

Brick promised not to keep important things from her that was needed to be told to her so that was enough for her so long as the trivial details left out did not come back to harm them later.

What had come with the compound bow was a set of arrows with a quiver so it was even more of an important gift that could be put to use in the current circumstances.

Her face remained cold and stoic as she suppressed the smile from forming on her lips then turned to Brick and Homer who were seated in the front. "We should hurry up."

Brick nodded in agreement. "Yup, the longer we leave this the worse our situation will become. We need to be careful when making our way out."

Homer sighed as he started to move the car from its parking spot. "Alright.."

Once everything was arranged, the car started to drive down each ramp followed by the other cars allowing each one to descend closer to the ground floor once again.

Just as they were about to reach the ground floor when getting closer to the ramp leading down from the first floor, a zombie wandered up the ramp into the path of the car.

Brick saw it and said. "Stop."

Homer knit his brows and looked over. "What? It is just one. What is the problem?"

He was planning on just going around or hitting it before moving on.

He did not see why Brick was making him stop like it was something to be worried about.

Brick rolled his eyes and stated. "Those left in the hotel played some dirty tricks that attracted a lot of them so we cannot be too careful. I would have mentioned this sooner but you would not give me the opportunity to do so."

The car came to a halt as Homer stepped on the breaks and asked. "What do you mean?"

Brick sighed. "Those that refused to come along and wanted to stay with the young master of the Barnes family started to throw things down onto those escaping. The noise created resulted in the zombies being drawn out.

As a result.. we cannot be too careful. Even one coming up here is bad for us if we underestimate the danger they could bring."

He knew all too well that one zombie being inside could mean more were around too.

There were only so many paths to take inside the parking lot and the entrances and exits for the cars were only in one section of the building.

It meant that there was only one way out and it would be far more difficult to leave if that area was overflowing with obstructions blocking the way out.

It was possible to leave like that but there were always risks of an accident happening when trying to plow through.

Just as the zombie caught sight of the car, it moved around towards the door that had made a small noise upon being unlocked.

The door was pushed open causing the zombie to be pushed back a little then Brick stepped outside closing the door behind him.

He had already removed the axe and hacked it towards the side of the head of the zombie before it could regain control of its body.

Brick made quick work of it then walked around going towards the ramp to look down from a safer location where it was difficult to see him from below.

He could not see anything below so he walked down the ramp cautiously before looking side to side upon reaching near the bottom.

His eyes paused on a small group of zombies that had wandered inside that would prove to be a slight obstruction. 'Hmm.. how troublesome but not entirely all that bad.'

Before they could see him, Brick moved back up the ramp and appeared by the car again.

He knocked on the window waiting until the window came down showing Homer who leaned over close to the opening. "What is it?"

Brick said calmly. "You guys may have to go up another level for now. Leave this to me. There is a big enough group that could prove to be a hindrance to our escape so it needs to be dealt with first."

Tanya leaned over to come into view. "Do you have a plan?"

Brick nodded. "It is not that great of a plan but it should be enough to get the job done."

Tanya turned to Homer and ordered. "Do as he says."

Homer grit his teeth feeling slightly insulted that someone of a lower rank was the one who was making a lot of the decisions.

He managed to suppress it as he thought to himself. 'No.. this is not too bad. If he keeps acting like this being all brave then he will eventually get himself into trouble.'

No matter how brave or heroic a youth was to be able to face such dangers, there would always come a time when it was no longer considered as bravery and more like recklessness.

Homer saw Brick's actions as bordering along the lines between bravery and recklessness until his luck finally ran out.

If Brick was going to risk himself again for everyone else then Homer did not mind reaping the rewards if Brick was unable to return.

The window went back up and the car drove up to the ramp leading back up followed by the other cars that Brick redirected.

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