

First began getting everyone dressed in the best possible way to let them gain less attention to themselves as they moved around.

The zombies vision was very poor but there were many times when people wore clothes that were much too bright or triggered more of an aggressive response from them.

The smallest attraction that could set them off was all it took for one to move in close to anyone and to get close enough to cause problems.

Even if they had done everything that Brick had prepared to teach them, all it took was not applying the scents over their bodies enough or for them to be frightened once the zombie was close enough to let it sense that a person was not one of its own kind.

Zombies could be confused using different tactics but there was never a sure thing when it came to dealing with them especially when those using those tactics were still very inexperienced.

Human error was always going to be an issue no matter how hard Brick could prepare them for what was to come.

Even if he was extra careful, there could be more than one casualty from it and the worst case scenario would be many dying while being surrounded due to one person's mistake.

First Brick had started with the clothes toke away any bright colours that stood out.

Second Brick made sure that everyone was wearing clothes that were clean or partly clean without being too strong scented with sweat or other smells.

Third Brick had to get Tanya's help to check over if any of the females in the group were experiencing their menstrual cycle or were due for it.

Luckily he had picked up some things at the store before coming so he had those available for those that needed them.

If there was anyone on that time of the month then they needed even more precautions around them as the smell of zombies would be added to them more, they would replace any clothes and they would prepare everything else to best conceal the scent of blood on their bodies.

Walking in the crowd of zombies like that was like inviting themselves up for lunch which was why women were usually the ones to fall victim to zombies and were lesser in number later in the apocalypse especially when most supplies for their cleanliness and healthcare started to run on a lower supply.

Brick was relieved to not have to deal with explaining everything to a group of women and he was grateful that Tanya took the lead over it after he awkwardly told her about the zombies attraction towards blood and there being a potential danger towards women.

It was not really something he wanted to talk about to a group of women and it was very doubtful that they wanted to hear about such things from him too.

Once everyone was rounded up again after the private meeting between the girls, Brick went on to explain about the senses of the zombies and how they react to noise, scent and faster movements more than anything so they needed to move slowly and silently to not catch their attention.

If they were close to a zombie and it became curious about someone near it then it was just a passing phase so long as nothing that continued to draw its attention.

If someone suddenly got scared when being face to face with one then it would become disastrous for them and would attract more zombies towards them and others.

Moving too quickly would create more noise from their footsteps and moving too quickly with less caution could lead to falling or not checking their surroundings properly so they could run into a zombie or into something just as harmful.

A small accident that caused a small cut or scrape was enough to let the scent of blood be picked up by the zombies close by.

Brick made every preparation from covering a coat or apron over their clothes in a layer of zombie guts to preparing some zombies that had no arms, lower jaw and teeth so that everyone would have their presence masked from the zombies downstairs.

In order to make some final preparations, he made his way towards the lower floors he cleared out and started to fill a small bag full of some phones which had music playing.

He tied sheets around the bag as it was lowered down behind the hotel away from the front entrance and from the main street.

Anything passing by had been attracted to the music playing inside the bag then more were drawn towards it as they saw their own kind moving together.

Many people were waiting covered in zombie guts and held back the urge to vomit.

There were some among them that had protested earlier but had seen how serious Brick was about the success of the operation.

He was prepared to take every step necessary and if there were those among them that had went against his wishes then he would not be so willing to bring them along and risk his life for their sakes.

Brick and Tanya were stood side by side as the final preparations were being done overlooking the back of the hotel where more zombies gathered.

The front was clearing up a little more while the back was filling up and becoming more crowded.

Brick took out a bottle of spirits then started to pour it onto pieces of ripped fabric that were tied around some arrowheads. "Here you go. Aim for the targets I gave you. Take your time."

Tanya nodded quietly. "Un."
Her gaze sharpened towards the gathering zombies beneath her then towards the surroundings.

An arrow was placed on her bow before it was pulled back and aimed towards a car that was parked there.

Several cars were parked around the back which seemed to be a part of the hotel staff parking spots.

Her aim was towards one of the cars as she steadied her shot before a flame ignited near the fabric around the arrowhead.

Once the fabric had ignited, the arrow was released and it flew down towards the car before penetrating it a little.

More arrows came down onto other cars causing the flames burning on the arrows to attract the attention of the zombies further.

The bumping of their bodies into the cars set off the alarms and there were one or two cars among them that had been affected more by the fire as they suddenly exploded.

The explosions drew in more zombies and those caught up in the explosion had either died or were in flames as they moved around.

If they were on fire then they crashed into others as they moved so there were chances of the flames being passed on to another.

A small smile appeared on the face of Brick but a small ounce of jealousy was shown in his eyes as he gazed towards the power of Tanya. "Excellent work. We can do no more to prepare so we should move out before this starts drawing far too much attention from all around us."

The plan was perfectly carried out and could effectively draw away zombies but there was always risk involved especially if more zombies moved in towards that location from all kinds of locations.

The sooner they left, the better it would be for each person to leave before any larger crowd came passing through.

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