

Everyone had their limits and there was a certain amount they could endure before they gave in or started to display signs of mental or physical decline.

It was already good enough that Brick had encountered a setback when he had then he was able to respond without being held back by his own guilt or shock.

Homer had seen everyone freeze up on the spot and he had seen many do the same when they were confronted with the zombies within the mansion.

There had been casualties due to not following orders, people losing their nerve in the middle of a struggle, letting their ego get in the way and many other things like slight accidents and carelessness.

It was very easy for one simple plan to fall apart due to one weak link in the group that was given a certain role to play.

Homer had lost a couple of people that he had a decent relationship with due to those situations so he was impressed with the youth who made it all the way to the mansion safely and had fought the zombies alone.

Such a youth that had not even reached the age of eighteen was already doing more than the adults who were more experienced and was coming up with useful strategies to deal with the zombie threat.

It seemed almost inhuman for him to cope so well with the situation that it would scare others and make them fearful of Brick.

It was very easy for everyone to turn against Brick because of their fear to how well he had adapted or the violence he had displayed.

That violence could easily be directed at them if they got on his bad side and it was easy for humans to fear those with the power to do so.

When there was a risk to the group like a zombie bite, it was easy for everyone to panic and turn on others very quickly but Brick had taken control of the situation and had taken measures to prevent it from spreading further and endangering everyone.

His display towards the situation showed he had great potential and could be trusted by others in times of need when others would panic so Homer was left admiring the youth even more.

There was no time wasted as Brick kept to his word and got to work so that they could set out sooner to get to the daughter of Shane Reed so they could rescue her.

It showed that he was a young man who held up on his end of the deal or the promises he made so he had sent back his conclusion on what he had witnessed back to Shane Reed.

Once the corpses had been dragged out of the way of the gate, there were very few that remained and Brick had been able to avoid any problems he was being careful about during the carrying out of that task.

Once the way had been cleared and it was safe, Brick had cleaned himself up a little and watched as Homer climbed back over then entered the security post to open the gate then went to fetch the car.

Once he had arrived, Brick had allowed Tristan and another person to come along so they could handle closing the gate behind them once they had left and so they could move the cars out of the way.

Alice stayed to watch over the group while Brick made a quick stop to prepare for the journey before the gates were opened and the way had been cleared.

The two cars had been driven back into the V shape and then were left in place as the gate closed behind.

Meanwhile a car drove down the road and headed towards its next destination.

There were some rations of food, water and other things in the back so that they could get through any difficulties they would encounter along the way.

As the car was leaving, a pair of eyes had locked onto the building that Brick had left and it was followed by a group walking towards it as they entered and started to look around.

They were left disappointed as most useful things had been taken away or had been given out to Alice and Tristan to handle for the sake of the survival of their group.

Shawn threw some things across the room with a gloomy look on his face. "Damn it! This kid has nothing but trash! After watching his display, I thought that he might have known something or would have been grabbing things for himself. Did he take them with him or did he leave them with the others? Hoh… didn't someone get injured? Maybe that could work in my favour?"

He had gone about his own way and had collected people and supplies from homes that had people within that were willing to open their doors to him.

He did not want to seem forceful and ruin the trust of everyone that relied on and followed him so he could not just kick the door down and take everything.

Shawn had witnessed the battle and determined that Brick was someone who was capable and possibly had been keeping some secrets of his own due to Brick handling everything better than himself and by being the one to gain the most achievements in a short time.

He suspected that the person behind the break in at the armoury and the lack of supplies in some homes he found had been done by Brick and his group.

Shawn could not control his greed and once Brick was away, he had seen an opportunity to gain what the group had and to take over once they had lost their competent leader.

Brick was not aware that Shawn was thinking of targeting his own people so soon but he had already made Shane aware of the nature of Shawn in advance to prepare for any problems while he was away.

Brick continued to talk with Homer about how they would proceed with their plan and the various places they would pass by along the way. "As I said.. our priority may be to save the young lady but what about afterwards? What happens once we run out of food and water? What if someone is sick?

We will have to leave once again to restock on those supplies and it will be more difficult to find them when there will be others thinking of doing the same thing. We do not need much but only enough to not affect the number of people we can fit inside. If we have to then we can always find another car and have someone else drive behind us."

Homer frowned and said. "I will ask the boss for confirmation."

Brick rolled his eyes and complained. "What if the boss says no? Are you going to just ignore my advice and then ask me to go out later once the boss has realised what I have said is correct? We have many survivors and if they do not ration their supplies then they will run out very quickly.. sigh!"

Homer paled and said. "You could have said it in a better way.."

Brick ignored him and said. "If I do not say it then you will not understand the completely bad situation we are in. I am not speaking bad of the boss.. it is just that the situation has changed and we need to be more flexible. We will have to make some stops to refuel or to pick up some supplies and we cannot possibly predict what we may encounter along the way."

The future was uncertain and it was unknown if they would encounter trouble or not even if they drove straight to the intended destination.

The car still needed to be refuelled when it was low and it was unknown if the routes they had planned out would be the safest to travel on or if they would be blocked off.

The car would attract zombies as it moved so it was dangerous to attract too many and get stuck somewhere as they would be trapped or would have to abandon their vehicle.

If they could get to their original destination with the car then it would be much better and it saved them walking a long way to and back from the place where Tanya was staying.

The more people they intended to bring along with them the more they needed the car as it was far more dangerous to take a group around unless they all had experience and could work together well enough without causing problems in critical moments.

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