

When the two cars had arrived, Brick showed a small smile as he looked outside the gate.

He climbed up on top of the wall and looked down to check the street which had left him satisfied after seeing the presence of zombies had lessened.

He climbed back down then took the key from Alice who had got out of the car. "Be prepared to open the gate."

Alice went pale. "What? Are you crazy?"

Brick shrugged. "It is necessary. You will be safe inside so just do it."

Tristan stayed within the other car and was afraid to step outside which made Brick roll his eyes showing his disappointment. "You are a man and you are being shown up by Alice who is more courageous than you."

Tristan hesitated then got out. "What.. what should I do?"

Brick crossed his arms over his chest. Just tell me the petrol levels of each car.. if they are low then you need to go and gather some from the others."

Tristan went pale. "You mean… you want me to steal the petrol that way?"

Brick nodded. "Be quick about it."

Brick climbed into the car that Alice had brought and the petrol meter was half full. "Half over here so it should be good for now. It would help to collect some just in case and to have it close by. Do any of you know how to cut off the car alarm?"

Tristan raised his hand timidly. "I can do it."

Brick got out and pointed to the two cars. "Then do that first the you can go do the other tasks."

Tristan started to look for some basic tools in the security post then started to open up the cars as he got to work.

The alarms had attracted more zombies so Brick and Alice were busy dealing with them until the alarms had been disabled by Tristan.

Upon being given the confirmation that they were no longer working, Brick got inside while lamenting over his lack of foresight. 'If I told them to get the cars then I could have had them disable the alarms and collect petrol as they were getting them. Though there may have been less useful tools around so.. I cannot be too hadd on myself.'

Brick started the engine and drove up to the gate and once he rolled down the window and signalled, the gate slowly opened. 'Electricity will last for a while but once it has gone out.. most will rely on their backup power, solar panels or private generators until they go out. Some buildings have their own water tanks which have not been contaminated so those that had those measures in place really are lucky.'

He really envied the protagonists which had a longer time to prepare for a zombie outbreak and could stock up on useful things or purchase a fortress for themselves before it happened.

He only had a day and that was not enough to make those kinds of preparations so he had to complete the basics of what would be needed to survive in the present situation.

The gates of most places which were electrically powered would fail to open or close once their supply was cut off which would caused many problems for those within or outside.

Brick had to deal with that problem right away so he drove outside slowly and passed by the pile of zombies which were piled up and leaning against the window of the security post window.

There was the sound of bones being crushed as the tires drove over the corpses which were too close to the car that was driving through.

The car was driven out onto the street and turned the corner a little before being backed up close to the corner at an angle which left a space open for another car to fit in.

When the key was removed and Brick stepped out, he picked up the axe which was on the nearby seat which was swung towards an approaching zombie.

Surprisingly the single attack seemed to be very effective and precise because it only took that single swing to kill it.

Through practice, his accuracy and use of strength had improved greatly which allowed his to finish off an ordinary zombie in a single attack.

A slight smile appeared on his face as he pushed the door closed and locked the car doors.

Brick circled around the car and carefully walked towards the open gate. "One more.."

He carefully stepped forward while watching his surroundings for anything out of place then there was movement within a pile of zombies as a hand and head were sticking out from underneath while trying to free itself.

Brick kept his distance and swung his axe down then backed off away from the surrounding corpses while listening for any other movements.

He was able to slip by carefully and get back inside then he started the next car after placing the keys of the first one within the security post.

The second car was drove out slowly to reduce the noise created and fit through the gap left open.

The angle was adjusted a little after getting out and then it backed up until there was no space left open between the two cars and they were positioned in a V shape in front of the gate.

Brick got out after removing the key and locked it before climbing onto the car and over it. "Mission complete."

The best obstructions for the zombies were cars, man made obstacles or traps.

Anything that could get in their way, slow them down or split them up was equally useful.

They would have a difficult time climbing over a car if they were positioned properly and only those that found their way underneath would be able to get through.

If people wanted to fight the zombies or had set up a team nearby to do something, the area needed to be blocked off and measured needed to be taken to allow them from being overwhelmed by the large numbers.

Filtering them through smaller gaps was one way to allow a small team to handle greater numbers without being overwhelmed because usually only one would make it through at a time.

A team of people could work together to deal with one before another got through.

Zombies that crawled underneath would get stuck if those in front of them had been killed after they had gotten out a little from underneath the car.

There may be those that climbed over but that only usually happened if the horde were much larger and then to deal with that problem, a larger car or truck was needed to prevent it.

Brick had stuck with the simple V shape to halt their approach so they could not get through without leaving the bottom of the V open a little so the only way they could get through was by going under or over.

The sound of Brick's light laughed was heard if anyone was close by as he stood near the dead bodies and raised his axe towards a dead zombie.

The zombie was beheaded and then the sounds of crunching and cracking followed as Brick continued to harvest the heads and tossed them to the side into a large pile.

Alice looked at his actions with slight fear in her eyes. 'Do I leave the gate open now or shall I close it? I am too scared to ask him.'

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