
Orun Against A Fused Ignatius/Caius iii

Caius noticed something slightly different in the ground he is currently standing on. It felt as if the coarse texture of the sand had been replaced with a slimy texture.

His response time to the strange effect beneath him, was instant. Caius immediate thought, was to fly himself above, but he was a tad too late to avoid what Orun had done.

The sand beneath his ground held his leg down, rendering him unable to move properly or to fly above like he had planned.

Following Orun's skill word outburst, the ground shuddered in response to his command.

The coarse sand turned moist and stuck itself to Caius's sole like hard gum staying glued shut and turned deaf to any of his resistance at trying to get the sand off of him.

He increased the intensity of the Aura he is covered with below his feet, with the intent of burning the sand off of his sole.

If physical strength is not enough to get it off of him, perhaps burning it to smithereens will do the job, but he was wrong.

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