
Caius Meeting Ricus


The brassy voice rose up from the far end of the adventurers ganging themselves up on Carius.

The adventurers all moved aside, paving the way for Ricus to walk through.

"hmm...., that is no doubt their boss".

Caius said, as he slowly let's go of Ignatius who flew itself back to His head.

"who the hell do you think you are to come into my home and insult my people".

"yikes Caius, their boss looks really pissed of at you".

"and whose fault is that exactly".

Ricus with a frowned face on, makes his way to Caius while exuding out his Aura.

"easy there big guy. I didn't come here looking for a fight".

Caius stretched his hands out, making a gesture for Ricus to stop approaching him.

"then what did you come here for? To make fun of us".

"no way. Like I said, Ignatius said those words and not me".

Ricus looked in the direction Caius's finger had pointed to, and saw Ignatius sitting on his head and waving its hands at Ricus.

"the hell is that? A spirit".

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