
Nicest and Bestest

It didn't take a long time before Evie opened her eyes.

"45 minutes gone. A good time spent in a good way, away from unnecessary trouble." Evie made her way to her brother's room and saw him playing video games on his phone.

"What's up" She leaned leisurely on his shoulder. Her brother, Dave had light brown hair just like her dad. Their resemblance was striking. Same color of hair, eyes, skin and even closely the same size, with her dad slightly bigger.

Dave was sitting on the edge of his bed and almost not noticing the person who walked into the room, not until she spoke.

"Nothing, sis. There's nothing fun to do. Since we won't be spending our day in this house tomorrow, everything's cleared up except for the things we're leaving behind. All I can do now is play games on my phone."

"I know right... no movies, no night strolls, no party. Must be pretty hard on you. I really do feel bad for you, you know." She said playing with his hair.

"Hmmm... indeed. You don't sound like you feel bad. You never feel bad for anyone." He said still paying his attention to the game.

"Ouch... that hurt a lot. But you've gotta admit it, I'm nice to you." she said not caring whether he admitted or not.

"Only to dad and I, yes. But you act like every other person is your long time enemy."

"You know we argue this same thing over and over again every fucking day, let's just draw the conclusion that I just don't like people. I really want a pet dog but mom's afraid I'll stab it to death or poison it. She exaggerates at times." Rolling her eyes, she lay on her back on the bed facing the ceiling. At that time, Dave was already done with the game level and ready to focus on their conversation.

"She was only stating what you did to the neighbour's chicken and the guinea pig in your class." He faced her with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"The chicken tried to attack me when I MISTAKENLY stepped on it's careless baby. Good thing I was with a pen knife. For the guinea pig, I was only in 8th grade and I didn't know I was feeding it with acid instead of water. They look the same, you know. it's the teacher's fault for not placing things in the right place."

Lying beside her, he said "You always find a way to be right in all your wrongs."

"In my defense, I do it to avoid getting blamed for what I'm not at fault for."

"Whatever you say ma'am."

"Yes, whatever I say."

"Come on, let's go ask mom for dinner." he said rising up from the bed.

"You are very funny. The loaf of bread we ate this afternoon got me all the blame. You ate most of it and I got all the yelling. I think we are going on an empty stomach tonight."

"Oh, no. I'll die if I don't eat anytime soon." he said in exaggerated distress "what do we do?"

"You tell me." she said picking out the gum she had in her mouth from before she slept and threw it to the ceiling.

"Hey, you can't just go throwing stuff at my ceiling."

"It's not your ceiling cause we'll be moving out soon. It's going to be someone else's ceiling soon sweet boy."

Although, Dave was 2 years older than Evie, she still took him as a twin. However, Dave treated her like he was 10 years older and responsible for her wellbeing.

A knock on the door drew their attention.

"Downstairs. Now. Time for dinner." It was their mother

"Oh, isn't she the nicest and bestest of all mothers in the whole wild world." Dave said wiping fake tears from his eyes.

"All this, cause of food." she said rolling her eyes and hoping off the bed.

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