
A new name

A man stood before an imposing black structure. Rows of armed guards patrolled the perimeter, their watchful gazes scanning the area and the man within it, but they knew who he was.

Barrack A3 was like Erik imagined. A heavily fortified building that housed elite soldiers in Frant.

Erik observed the scene; his disguise as the soldier "Ben Fink" was what allowed him to be there.

He took note of the patrol patterns, the number of guards, and any potential entry points.

This information would be critical for his plans. When his clones were ready, attacking this place was just one of the things he would do.

Erik entered the imposing black structure. His heart was calm, despite knowing he was about to meet the person who would be his mentor: Silent Scream.

<These guys are obsessed with names, uh?>

As he stepped through the threshold, the interior was just as fortified as the exterior.

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