
Battle at the foot of the mountain

After long hours trekking through the irradiated wastelands, Erik and June crested arrived close enough to see the upper part of the city's fortifications.

"So this is the great northern city." Erik and June gazed at the imposing sight, their mouth agape.

Caelora's outer walls loomed before them, ancient stone and metal rising like sheer cliffs to pierce the sky.

Colossal ramparts, wider than ten men, ringed the entire city, weathered by countless seasons yet still standing tall and strong.

Along the parapets, artillery emplacements jutted out like the spines of some great beast, each one manned by squads of vigilant mercenaries.

Erik noted the well-oiled gears and thick metal plating that shielded each emplacement, signs of readiness against attack. It looked like the metal used was Prenstal ore, weaker than Aclaitrium but stronger than Eshalt, but Erik wasn't really sure about that because of the paint.

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