
The party (2)

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and friends," he said. "It is a great honor to be standing before you tonight." The man looked at the crowd with piercing eyes.

"I come to you tonight with a message of hope and resilience. As you know, our city has been under attack in the past week, and too many of our friends and loved ones have been lost. However, we were able to repel the thaids and are hunting down the remnants of the horde." The crowd cheered and applauded. Erik actually noticed journalists and TV reporters were there recording the event; however, he could only notice how they often framed Emily.

"Unfortunately, it is with great displeasure that I must tell you that not all the news is reassuring." Becker paused a bit. "As we suspect, that behind the horde was a dangerous thaid known as the Heniate."

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