

From that day onwards we were inseparable.

We attended the same primary school so we were together at school and at home. We also spent quality time at the king castle coffeeshop eating benedict bagels.

Frank who worked became our friend so every time we went there, he knew exactly what we would order.

Every-time he was not at my house, I was at his house unless we were asleep or at school.

His mom and dad divorced way back when Ocean was a kid so it was just him and his mom. His mom adored me, treated me like her own daughter and I was glad she did, because I liked her too.

Ocean and I finished primary school at the top of our classes and went to high school. He went to one of the most expensive high schools Geelong Grammar School (GGS), well his mom was very financially stable unlike my parents. So, I went to a public high school Belmont; where my parents could afford. Both our schools were very close to home and to each other so whenever we would break early, he would come to take me from school and we would walk together home.

We had an interest in history, heritage, archaeology. Anything that had to do with the past so, on weekend my mom would drive us to Geelong Heritage Centre and would lose our minds in history. We promised each other that we would take a history major at university. Going to the heritage centre on Saturdays became our timetable.

We had a timetable

Monday-bagels, study together

Tuesday-bagels, bike riding

Wednesday-bike riding, study together

Thursday-bike riding, study together

Friday-bagels, movie night

Saturday-Heritage centre

Sunday-Church, family day, study together

Some Saturdays Clara, his mom would take us out to Adventure-park to just have some fun.

Our parent's status never got to us so everything was great between us.

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