
Arrow ~ Fundamentals ~ Part One


"Bastards," Slade summed up in one word as they watched the newsreel that announced Oliver was being accused of forcing Armand and Hill to resign.

"They can't actually impeach you for the willing resignations of two people on Diaz's payroll, right?" Evelyn's face was as pale as snow.

"They can if they claim I forced them to do it to protect myself," Oliver sighed.

"But surely Armand will speak up for you," Mon-El looked around the circle in the bunker. "You said he was just as shocked as you were!"

"He's promised he will," Oliver nodded. "But without Hill saying the same thing right now, his word won't be enough. That's why, even though Armand has volunteered to provide the evidence of what he has done, without Hill here to do the same, we need rock solid proof that she was working for Diaz."

"That's why you have us," Felicity nodded.

"Perhaps I already have something that may help," Querl piped up. "Potential evidence on how Diaz has corrupted the SCPD."

"What?" Felicity's eyes widened. "How did you get that before me?!"

"What do you have?" Oliver asked, interrupting a potential fight.

"Since Hill's involvement with Diaz was discovered, I decided to check SCPD's internal security feed," Querl answered, turning around to his computer and pulling up videos. "Before Hill was fired, I noticed that every night at 10:13, happens." The four reels turned to static. "Then forty-five minutes later . . . " The feeds returned. "The feed goes back online. I believe you would call it 'like clockwork.'"

"He's been trying to monitor the cops on his payroll," Dig realized. "He's got to be."

"I agree," Oliver nodded, a funny look on his face.

"No," Kara immediately said, noticing it.

"What?" Mon-El blinked.

"No, no, no, no," Kara marched over to Oliver, pointing at him. "You are not trying to get into the police station when Diaz visits."

"Brainytold us where he is every night at 10:13!" Oliver protested.

Querl coughed. "Did I forget to mention that he was there every nightlast night, once Hill tendered her resignation?"

Oliver shot him a startled look. "Makes sense," Malcolm admitted. "Dinah's the captain now. Diaz's highest-ranking police mole is out. With Dinah in charge, he'll have a tougher time getting into the station."

"Don't forget she'll have her own clean cops who may still believe in the anti-vigilante bill despite some of our actions against Diaz," Laurel pointed out. "There's too many unknowns here. It wouldn't be safe for any of us, no matter how many of us go in."

Oliver sighed, rubbing his forehead. "If we get Diaz, this is all done," he said heavily. "The investigation, the corruption, the impeachment talks . . . all of it."

"Then we do this the smart way," Dig told him. "We get this to Dinah, show her what happened under Hill. When the impeachment talks come up, she can provide this as evidence that Hill was working for Diaz. How bad's it gonna look for Hill if she doesn't show up and defend herself from that?"

"Pretty darn bad," Felicity agreed.

"All right," Oliver nodded, making Kara sigh in relief. "Do it."


There were times Oliver really wished Kara was somehow involved in his duties at City Hall; that way, at least she would be a focal point for Oliver when he was getting annoyed during meetings, like the one he was currently having with Councilman Kullens. "Elected officials cannot force the resignations of the very law enforcement personnel investigating them," he was saying. "To do so is the definition of obstruction of justice."

"They were voluntary resignations after I discovered Captain Hill and D.A. Armand were actively sabotaging this city by aligning themselves with Ricardo Diaz," Oliver countered. "I was not obstructing justice; I was serving it."

Kullens raised an eyebrow. "From what I understand, Ricardo Diaz is a second-rate drug dealer who was released from prison on a technicality."

From Oliver's left side, Quentin rolled his eyes in annoyance. he thought as he raised an eyebrow right back at Kullens. "I fail to see your point."

"The idea that he could compromise a police captain and a district attorney is laughable!"

"I assume that the mayor will get a chance to address the city council, lay out the facts as he sees them?" Quentin asked, narrowing his eyes and stepping forward.

"Preliminary impeachment proceedings begin this afternoon," Kullens nodded, a scowl on his face as he looked at Oliver and stood. "The mayor will have a chance to plead his case, of course. For your sake, Mr. Mayor, and for the sake of your administration, I hope you have something more concrete to offer the council other than unsupported suspicions." Oliver and Quentin exchanged exasperated looks as Oliver stood, but they turned back when Kullens turned around. "And I know we haven't always gotten along, but I do believe in due process, I'll make sure the council approaches this fairly."

Oliver nodded, shaking the hand offered. "I will see you and the council this afternoon with evidence."

Kullens nodded, then nodded to Quentin as well before he headed out the door. When it was shut behind him, Quentin cleared his throat. "Uh, you mind if I ask evidence, exactly?"

"Brainy's working on it with Felicity," Oliver answered.

"Oh," Quentin smirked. "I guess that's somewhat reassuring."

"On the bright side, if I get impeached, you get promoted," Oliver said dryly.

Quentin snorted loudly at that. "I'm not much of a politician, Oliver."

Oliver huffed. "Well, with Diaz running the city, it's not really politics, is it?"

"It's dirty either way," Quentin shook his head. "You know, I get how much Diaz has gotten on you. He's done a lot against you through Cayden James, he's getting into the city leadership. But you still get out there and bust your hump every night for this city."

"So why is all this happening?" Oliver sighed.

"Cayden James and Diaz, they've done a number, but things will get better," Quentin promised. "You just got to stay the course." Oliver nodded, heading for the door. "Where you going?"

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