
Chapter 64 - Picking Up Lena

It is now early Monday morning, and Kara is woken from her sleep at around 6AM by the sound of light footsteps coming into her bedroom.

"Mommy?" Alura asks, appearing by the side of the bed where Kara is laying.

"Hmgrmmm." Kara hums, waking up, knowing it is still very early.

"Mommy?" Alura asks again, sounding nervous this time.

Kara immediately recognises her daughter's nervous tone, and her eyes snap open. As soon as Kara does this, she is met with a sight that she never wants to see. Alura is looking very sad, and her eyes are red, as she has clearly been crying.

"Alura, what's the matter baby?" Kara asks, caringly.

"Had.... a bad dream..." Alura replies, biting her lip.

"Okay, come here." Kara says, opening up the covers for Alura to climb up onto the bed and cuddle next to her.

Alura does just that, nodding her head before climbing up onto the bed and laying right next to Kara, even though there is much more room on the other side of the bed, which is the other side of Kara. Kara for her part hugs her daughter closely, wanting her to feel that she is protected and loved.

"Do you want to tell me about your dream?" Kara asks, after a few moments, placing a kiss on the top of Alura's head.

"N... no." Alura replies, still sounding sad and upset.

"It might make you feel better if you talk about it." Kara tries, not wanting her daughter to be in this state for any longer.

Alura is silent for a while, just thinking.

"I dreamed..... that momma.... was hurt..... by a bad man..... and.... she..... she.... died..." Alura says, crying her eyes out as she finishes her explanation. "Oh baby, it's okay, momma is okay." Kara says, pulling her daughter even closer to her, hugging her with as much strength as she can without hurting Alura.

Alura continues to cry for a few minutes, with Kara just trying to soothe her daughter by making a shushing sound, like parents do for babies. Eventually Alura's tears subside enough for Kara to speak up again.

"Alura, it's okay. I know you had that dream because you worry it could happen in real life. But like I told you yesterday, it won't. I'm going to make sure it doesn't. And momma is going to make sure she puts herself in less danger from now on." Kara says, realising that the last part is just something she needs to discuss with Lena. Kara realises that as Lena is now a mother to Alura, she needs to make some changes, just to make sure she isn't put in any unneeded danger. So potentially that means that when Lena is giving press conferences from now on, or at some other major public gatherings, she has more body guards with her. Kara knows that her girlfriend doesn't like having too many body guards too close to her, but this is for Alura's peace of mind, so Lena will just have to deal with it.

Alura continues to cry for a few more minutes, with her tears getting quieter and quieter, as Kara strokes her daughter's hair, brushing it out of her face. Soon Alura reaches a point where her tears stop completely and she falls asleep. As for Kara, she stays awake for a few more moments, taking in the cuddle with Alura for a while. Kara knows she should take it in because due to Lena being part of their lives, Kara doesn't really get to exclusively cuddle Alura in bed anymore, that is either shared with her and Lena, or Alura just decides to cuddle with Lena. Kara tries not to get jealous about it, even though a little part of her is, as stupid as that is. So, Kara is just going to take in this nice cuddle right now, even if it came about because Alura had a nightmare. Then, after about 10 minutes Kara follows Alura by falling asleep as well.


Kara wakes up a few hours later, at around 9AM to find that she is once more alone in her bed. It takes Kara a moment to think back to what happened a few hours ago and think as to whether it was a dream or not. However, after a few moments Kara is sure that it wasn't a dream, and that Alura did come into her, but she has probably got up now, perhaps once she heard Eliza get up or something.

Kara stretches out her arms, yawning as she does, relieving the tension in her muscles from a night's sleep, and then grabs her phone off of the nightstand, by her side of the bed. Once Kara picks up her phone, she notices that she has a text from Lena.

Morning darling xx

I missed you last night.

I look forward to seeing you later today. I can't wait to spend the next week with you and Alura in Midvale!

Kara smiles happily at Lena text, happy that her girlfriend is actually excited about spending time in Midvale. Kara does recognise that this is a big step for Lena, as her girlfriend will be putting herself in a position where she will be spending time with Kara's adoptive mother, who she has only met on one other occasion. Obviously, no matter who you are, meeting your partners parent/s is always a big step, and a little bit awkward and nerve wracking. Kara also realises that this is a big step for Lena, because she will actually be stepping back from her work at El-Corp, and now CatCo, for the next week. Kara knows just how much Lena loves her work, and how much of a workaholic her girlfriend is, so she does recognise just how much of a big deal this is for Lena to do this.

Hey Lee xx

I just woke up.

I look forward to seeing you in a few hours too! I can't wait, and I know neither can Alura.

As Kara sends off her text she doesn't really expect for Lena to reply, or at least not quickly, because she is sure that her girlfriend must have already started her work day and be busy doing that. However, Kara quickly notices the speech bubble, indicating that Lena is typing a response. This is followed by Kara receiving another text from Lena a few moments later.

I'm excited to spend more time with Alura as well, of course.

Honestly waking up this morning, knowing that you and Alura were not with me, or even in the same city as me, made me really sad.

I know it's ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous! I feel the exact same way, and I know Alura does too xxx


I love you.

Love you too.

Both of you.


Speaking of, how is Alura today? Oh, I am actually still in bed at the moment, so I haven't seen her since I woke up.

Kara then uses her super hearing to just check for Alura's heartbeat to see where in the house she is. Once Kara does this, she hears that Alura is somewhere downstairs, probably in the kitchen, next to the second heartbeat of Eliza's.

But I'm pretty sure that Alura is downstairs with Eliza right now.

That's nice. I'm sure she was happy to see her grandma?

I think so. But I think she misses you a lot more. She actually was not a very happy camper in the car yesterday, and at one point said she would have rather stayed home in National City, because that is where you are.

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