


You grabbed your hand in pain as blood started to leak from the open wound. Everyone in the living room looked back to see what was going on as you turned on the faucet.

Raven: Is everything ok?

Y/N: Yeah. I just cut myself like a moron.

You washed the wound while Helena entered the kitchen. She saw the bloodied knife on the counter and saw your cut. She just sighed and opened the cabinet overhead.

Helena: Keep the water running.

She pulled out the first aid kit and grabbed your wrist and started to clean it with care.

Y/N: I can do that myself.

Helena: I'm sure you can.

You just gave in and watched as she finished cleaning the cut with the cotton ball before she pulled out a band-aid. She placed it over the cut and smirked.

Helena: Done.

You laughed a bit as you looked at it.

Y/N: You're not gonna kiss it?

Helena rolled her eyes as she grabbed your hand and kissed the band-aid to your slight surprise.

Helena: Now clean the knife.

She walked off as you looked down at the knife. You were really becoming aware of the women around you. Damnit Bruce. You washed the knife and sighed before something caught your eye. It was a jar. You grabbed it and read over the name.

Y/N: Bitterleaf? What's this?

Zachary: Zatanna's tea leaves.

You turned around to see Zachary entering the kitchen. He opened a drawer and pulled out a box of oreos that were clearly marked "Jason".

Y/N: Is it good?

Zachary: I dunno. I don't drink tea. You can still try it though.

You hummed before you decided to give it a shot. You made yourself a cup of tea and heated it up. You finished making it up and held up the cup.

Y/N: Here we go.

You took a sip and were surprised by how good it was.

Zachary: What's the verdict?

Y/N: Pretty good. I like it....what the fuck?

Zachary raised a brow but you saw things a bit differently now. Everything seemed to be a bit blury and you saw everything in a pink hue.

Zachary: Are you ok man? You look a bit, dazed.

You looked at your hands and saw that there were like five of them.

Y/N: Uuuuuhhhhhh. WWWWWWWWhhhhhhhaaaaaaatttttt tttttttthhhhhhheeeeeee fffffffffuuuuuuuccccccckkkkk????????

You shook your head before you noticed someone else enter the kitchen. Cassandra grabbed a mug from the cabinet and went to make a cup of coffee but you grabbed her wrist.

Y/N: Help.

Cassandra looked over to Zachary who just shrugged. He had no idea what was going on either.

Y/N: Everything is pink. My body is on fire. The fuck is this?

Zachary: Uh, Zatanna is in the training room.

Y/N: WE NEED TO GO GET HER!--------Jason: Ok. That pretty much covers today's training. Everyone did great and...

Y/N: Zatanna!

You stumbled into the room before you tripped on the edge of the mat. You laid there for a moment as everyone looked at you. Zachary and Cassandra rushed in after.

Zachary: Sorry! Uh, he drank Bitterleaf.

Zatanna: He, drank, WHAT?!

Y/N: Bitterleaf. Keep up.

You slapped the mat a few times as you pushed yourself up. You finally gave up and leaned against the nearby dummy.

Jason: What am I missing here?

Zatanna: He drank Bitterleaf.

Jason: Thanks for clearing that up. Everything makes perfect sense now.

Zatanna: Bitterleaf is a tea that has horrible side effects on non magic users.

You sat there in a daze as you followed an imaginary butterfly.

Y/N: Ohhhh.

Jason: And what are these side effects?

Zatanna: It depends on the person's mind.

Your eyes ended up landing on Stephenie and Cassie who were sitting on a nearby bench watching you. You felt your body heat up as you noticed their workout clothing.

Y/N: Uh. And to think that I hit that once. And the other had a huge crush on me.

Zatanna: There's no telling what affects it'll have on Y/N considering all he's been through.

Stephanie: What would you guess?

Everyone looked at you as you tried to grab an imaginary mouse.

Zatanna: Being a leader, he will probably find ways to release his stress.

Garfield: Like playing video games non stop?

Zachary: Or working out?

Jason: Or sex.

Everyone looked at him.

Jason: Tell me I'm wrong.

Y/N: Sex? Sex is cool.

Everyone turned back to you.

Y/N: I like boobs. They're neat. You can squeeze them and suck on them and bite them. Butts are pretty nice to. Girls have nice butts. Sex is cool because you can play with both butts and boobs. I just like to be held sometimes though. A warm embrace helps calm me down. Wait, I can get a warm embrace by having sex. I rest my case. Sex is awesome.

Everyone just stared at you in silence.

Cassie: Is there a way to reverse the affects?

Zatanna: I'm afraid not. We'll just have to wait for him to ride out it's affects. For now, just keep an eye on him. I'm going to go move my Bitterleaf somewhere no one else can get it.

She hurried off with Garfield and Bart close behind while everyone else looked at you worried.

Jason: Uh, how are you doing little bro?

You didn't respond.

Stephanie: Y/N?

Y/N: I want sex. I'm going to get sex.

You stood up and started to walk out but Zachary and Cassandra grabbed you.---------You sat on the couch, now with the batcuffs restraining your wrists behind you back, as everyone looked at you.

Y/N: Boobies.

Zachary: I have no idea what to do with this.

Cassie: If only there was some way to stop this now. I feel like he can see through my shirt.

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