

Jump City, a thriving metropolis filled with people of all backgrounds. The location of the Titans East. It's here we find a young man wondering the streets wearing a stolen hoodie and torn pants. He walks with a limp due to an injury and blend in the best he can. He accidentally bumped into a woman walking by.

???: Sorry miss.

Lady: Watch where you're going next time.

The boy bowed his head and kept walking as the lady went back to her husband.

Man: Asshole.

The two turned away and walked the other way before the man looked at the woman's wrist.

Man: Where's your bracelet?

The young man smiled as he examined the piece of jewelry in his hand. He shoved it in his pocket and turned the corner where he saw two policemen standing on the corner eating hotdogs. The boy turned quickly and jumped into a nearby alleyway. He continued his walk before a man emerged from the shadows.

Man: Hey there kid. Kind of risky walking around alone don't you think?

???: Eh. I can handle myself.

The man laughed as he snapped his fingers. More men emerged from the shadows surrounding the kid.

Man: That bracelet you stole just now, I want it. Everything else you got to.

The boy looked around and shrugged.

???: Yeah, not happening.

The man laughed.

Man: So be it.

He whistled and the men all moved in at once to attack the boy. He simply leaped up and delivered a kick to one's jaw while pulling another towards him landing a devastating blow.

Man: What the hell?

The boy made quick work of the things before turning towards the man.

???: And now, for ruining my day....

The boy rushed the man and ended up throwing him into a nearby trash can. The boy walked over to examine his work finding the man still awake.

Man: Who are you?

The boy just shrugged.

???: Still trying to figure that out.

The last thing the man saw was the boy delivering one final blow.----------The boy smiled as the vendor handed him a sandwich with a grunt.

???: Thank you good sir. Keep the change.

The boy handed him a $20 and walked out of the shop with his sandwich and onion rings. As he munched on it he found himself wondering into the park. The sun had set a while ago so no one was around to bother him. He took a seat on a stone table and ate in silence. For the last, estimated, 2 months he had been wondering around the city mindlessly. For about the last 3 months he had no memory. He didn't know what day it was, or year, or even month. He just knew he did what he had to.

???: It's a good life.

???: Looks like a good sandwich to.

The boy snapped his head around to find the source of the voice only to spot girl standing a few feet behind him.

???: Hey. Got a name?

The girl smiled as she stepped out into the light.

???: Yeah, Jinx.

The boy stood up smiled.

???: Onion ring?

Jinx shook her head and lifted her hand as a bright pink energy surrounded it.

Jinx: I would like whatever else you have though.

The boy shook his head.

???: I ain't got much lady. I spent everything on this food.

Jinx: Then what's that on your wrist?

The boy looked down at his watch and smiled.

???: Why don't I show you?

He activated the watch and soon something began to materialize around him. Jinx watched as the boy slowly became covered in armor. Black armor. His entire body was covered in black save for his face which was white like a skull. And the red X's on the chest and head.

Jinx: Red X?

The boy tilted his head.

???: What?

Jinx: You're Red X? Look I'm sorry I didn't know.

The girl stopped her energy and raised both of her hands. The boy then noticed she was looking at his food.

Red X: Look I know you're looking for money or whatever but the best I can do is sharing my food. You want some?

Jinx looked surprised by this. She slowly nodded and the boy handed her the paper boat filled with fried onions with a smile.

Red X: So you called me Red X, you know who I am?

Jinx gave an 'eh' gesture with her hand and ate a ring.

Jinx: More or less. You're pretty well respected around here and your skills are unmatched. What are you doing alone in the park?

The boy didn't answer right away. He just looked up at the night sky and sighed.

Red X: Well, truth be told, I don't know. I don't remember anything up till a few months ago so I'm kind of just drifting. Guess I'm pretty lucky a cute girl found me though.

Jinx fought off a blush.

Jinx: So where have you been sleeping?

Red X: Where ever I guess.

Jinx gave it some thought and smirked.

Jinx: Well then, how about we strike a deal?

Red X: What deal?

Jinx: Simple, you join me and my gang and in return you'll get free housing.

Red X gave it some thought before weighing his options. He nodded as he held out his hand.

Red X: Can't say that's a bad deal. I'm in.

Jinx smiled as she shook his hand.

Jinx: Come on. Let me show you your new home.-------Red and Jinx ended up in a run down apartment building that seemed very abandoned. Once they reached the fourth floor, seven all together, they entered a unlabeled room. Inside Red found a few other people. Or, a people and creatures.

Red: The hell?

Jinx: Hey, attention!

Everyone in the room turned their attention onto them.

Jinx: I have some news, we have a new recruit. This is Red X.

Everyone seemed surprised by the announcement before Jinx went around the room making introductions.

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