
Birds v Sirens Pt 4

You perched yourself against the ledge as you used the zoom feature on your mask. Sure this wasn't your old suit but you did manage to salvage some things from it. Handy things like the rocket boots and such. Great improvements. As of right now you were watching the building where the Sirens were most likely hanging out in. You volunteered to head out first since there was something you wanted to know. Rather or not DeeDee was here.

You were about to let Helena have her way with them. Yet.

Batgirl: Any visual yet?

Y/N: Nope.

Batgirl: Alright. Keep us posted. We're checking out the warehouse now.

Y/N: Copy.

You returned to the building just in time to see a bob of blonde hair walking out of the building. You recognize the woman's face and gritted your teeth. So they are here. You should report in but not right now. You had other things to do first. You flew down and ended up following the girl into the alley and landed behind her. She stopped and turned to face you almost as if she already knew you were there.

Y/N: So, are you Dee or Dee?

She had a sad smile on her face. You had only seen the twins without their wigs once before. When their grandma dragged them by the ear after bailing them out of jail.

Dee: Debra.

She looked you up and down and began to laugh.

Debra: New outfit? I like it. Highlights your better qualities.

She brushed her fingers against the crest before she moved her hand to your cheek.

Debra: What are you doing here?

You gently grabbed her hand and lowered it.

Y/N: A few different reasons. I'm on a case that lead to me working with the Birds of Prey because I thought it would lead me to, you two. I wanted to make sure you were doing fine. We're in the same boat.

Debra smiled widely. She was always the one you could talk to between the twins. She never truly seemed like the one to outright commit crimes. It was actually confirmed during one of the interrogations you had. She only joined the Jokerz to protect her sister. The true criminal.

Y/N: I have to fight your grandma and her friends now. I'll give you and your sister 15 minutes to get out before I call it in.

Debra's smile fell as you heard a pair of footsteps behind you.

Dee: We're not going anywhere.

You turned around to see two figures standing there. Dee, and Ten. They were geared upand ready for a fight.

Y/N: So, you joined the Sirens I take it?

Ten: No. Things just changed.

You glared at her with hurt in your eyes.

Y/N: They always seem to.

You clicked a button on your wrist that sent out a beacon to the closet Bird. Dee flipped towards you but you caught her foot and tossed her away to a dumpster while Ten tossed Debra her whip. You lifted your arm up to block the hit but instead found your arm trapped in the rope. Ten took this chance to deliver a hard round house to the face knocking you against the wall.

You tried to gather yourself but was instead pinned down by Ten and Dee.

???: Well well. If it isn't

Your eyes grew wide. was here to? You struggled to turn your head before finally getting a view of her.

Y/N: Cat.

She purred with a wicked smirk. This wasn't Selena Kyle. This was Catwoman.

Catwoman: Aw. You remembered. How sweet. I didn't know if you would even recall who I was with all the girls you've been hanging around.

Ten seemed surprised at this as did Debra. You simple growled as you tried to stand up. It was no use. 4 against 1. Well, 4 against 2. A bolt appeared out of nowhere and destroyed Debra's whip which freed your arm allowing you to knock the two girls off of you. You leaped up and landed next to Huntress who was staring the girls down.

Huntress: I thought the Sirens only had three people.

Y/N: Me to. These ones are from my time.

Huntress rolled her eyes with a groan.

Huntress: If they're anything like you I'm in for a headache.

Catwoman: You'll have a headache alright.

She sprinted towards Huntress followed by Dee while Debra and Ten rished towards you. You dodged the first hit and caught the second before throwing Debra into Ten and kicking them both against the wall. Ten recovered and threw a small metal disk at you which cut through your armor and sliced your shoulder. You shot back with a bata rang from your wrist that spilt into two with a strong string between them. They wrapped around her ankle and tripped her while Debra leaped off the wall and swung her whip which cracked right on your cut.

You leaped back before leaping right back in. You were unaware of the figure across the street watching you with great interest. You ended up back to back with Huntress. She looked at you and nodded. You ducked down as she rolled over your back and the two of you switched opponents. You were now facing Catwoman and Dee who now had her taser out. She jabbed it at you but you ducked and slammed your palm into her wrist forcing her to stop the taser which you caught. You then used it to stop Catwoman's attack by jabbing the device into her thigh. You spun around and kicked Dee who dodged the attack and punched you in the jaw but you quickly recovered just as Catwoman swiped at you with her claws. You dodged every hit but she eneded up getting you on the last hit before you grabbed her wrist and threw her over your shoulder.

Batgirl: Batboy, Huntress, we ended up in a trap with some of Scarecrow's goons. You're on your own.

Y/N: Shit.

You dodged another hit just as Huntress shot two bolts at the two girls dropping them. Your eyes grew wide as you turned to her.

Huntress: Tranquilizer darts. No need to worry about your girlfriends.

You smiled and actually hugged her. She seems taken aback but didn't move. She actually, enjoyed this? It was as if she had just gotten something back that she didn't even knew she lost. Human contact. At least human contact that wasn't with malicious intent.

Y/N: Thank you. I swear when this is over I'll buy you a milkshake. Now let's go find the Sirens.

You let go and faced the building before you. An apartment complex.

Huntress: Which floor?

Y/N: Let's try the 7th floor. Just a guess.

You looked up before turning back to Huntress.

Y/N: Grab on.

Huntress looked at you with a large blush on her face.

Huntress: EXCUSE ME?!

You rolled your eyes before motioning to your boots.

Y/N: We can fly up instead of wasting time climbing the building.

She looked embarrassed but shook it off.

Huntress: Whatever. Don't get any ideas.

She latched onto your back as you squinted your eyes in confusion.

Y/N: Do you really hate men that much?

You shook your head and felt you hand brush against bare skin. You suddenly remembered her costume and how revealing it really is. You blushed but instead focused on the mission at hand. Stopping the Sirens at whatever plan they were working on. The two of you blasted off towards the goal.

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