
Welcome to The Family Pt 2

You entered the room Alfred prepared for you and locked the door. You once again took off the helmet and typed in a code on your wrist. The suit removed itself into your watch. You were now standing in your boxers and caught your reflection in the mirror. It doesn't look like it when you wear clothes but, you were actually quite fit. Since you've been training since you could walk, you have gained quite a bit of muscle. All over your body was scars from various fights. A stab wound here and there with a bullet hole sprinkled in. On your left bicep was a large burn mark with a a very faint remain of what was once there.

You sighed before looking away only to find someone standing in front of you. You jumped back in surprise while Cassandra simply stayed in place, watching you try to calm down.

Y/N: What in God's name are you doing in here?! How did you even get in?! The door's locked!

The girl just stared at you. She was wearing a grey tank top with a pair of black leggings. You opened a drawer and quickly threw on the first pair of sweats you could find. You looked back to the girl who was still standing there, emotionless. You waved a hand in front of her face which caused her to step back.

Y/N: Ok, not a robot. What do you want?

She looked at your wrist. You looked down before lifting it up in front of her.

Y/N: It's something Dick invented and I made. It helps with communication and it holds my suit. And, it tells the time.

You clicked a button and a hologram showing the time and date appeared. Cassandra seemed fascinated before you turned it off. She returned her attention to you.

Y/N: I'm guessing you don't talk much?

She shook her head.

Y/N: Right. Did you need something?

She pointed to your bed where you suddenly found some blankets and two fresh pillows. You looked back to the girl who was once again staring at you. You noticed she wasn't looking at you directly but was actually looking at your arm. She was examining the scar. You placed a hand over it making her look back to you.

Y/N: It's a burn mark. Remember what I told you guys in the cave?---------Y/N: My name is Y/N. Y/N al Ghul.

Everyone suddenly tensed up. Damien stepped forward and looked like he was about to hit you, or most likely stab you, but Dick stopped him.

Dick: What do you mean al Ghul?

You rolled your head trying to crack it as you thought of what to say. Finally you sighed and decided it was best to keep it to yourself.

Y/N: I was in the league of shadows before I left. That's all you need to know.

Everyone looked confused.

Damien: League of Shadows?

Booster: Oh yeah. They're still called the League of Assassins in this time.

You raised an eyebrow. Sounded weird to you but you finally understood why Booster always sounded so confused when he talked about time travel stuff.

Y/N: Yeah. That.

Damien: Show me your mark.

You snapped your head to him. Now it was your turn to be annoyed.

Y/N: Why? What happened with me and the Shadows is none of your business.

Damien: I want to know if you're lying.

Barbara: Dami.

Jason: No no. I want to see it to. We know little to nothing about this guy and now he's claiming to have been a part of the Assassins.

Stephanie: I agree. I want to see the mark.

You took a small step back as you clenched your fist. Booster stood by your side ready to support you before Tim stepped in between everyone.

Tim: Guys, think logically here. He's from the future. 31 years to be exact. If he is from the Assassins, or Shadows, things have probably changed from what we know.

Damien: The Leauge doesn't change.

Booster suddenly had an idea and stepped forward.

Booster: Actually, they do. There are a lot of examples.

Damien: Regardless. How do we know he's not making this up? And why is his name the same as my grandfather's?

You shook your head a d began up the stairs.

Y/N: Screw this. I'm going to bed.---------Cassandra tilted her head to the side. You blushed a little at her cuteness before looking back at your arm.

Y/N: It's the mark. Or, it was. When I left I wanted to erase everything so I tried.

She lifted an arm up a bit before putting it down. She bowed slightly before walking out of the room only stopping at the entrance long enough to wave and disappearing down the hall. You closed the door once again and decided to lay down. You looked through your wrist computer before trying to get sleep. Before you knew it, it was day.

You woke up and started down the stairs before remembering you are actually in the past. You came across Alfred in the kitchen along with Tim who was typing on a computer.

Alfred: Good morning Master Ghul. Good to see that at least one child can get up early.

You looked to Tim.

Alfred: He never slept.

Tim gave you a tired smile before returning to his computer. You nodded and went to make yourself a cup of coffee. You instead found yourself staring at the machine in awe. You've never seen such old technology before. You were from 31 years in the future but this thing was from even further from the past. It was like seeing an iPhone. Wait, did they have those yet? How old were iPhones?

You turned to Alfred with a look of distress on your face he simply walked over, pushed a button, and placed a mug under the machine. You watched as he smirk and coffee began to pour from the nozzle.

Y/N: Woah.

Tim watched amused before turning back to his computer.

Tim: By the way, Bruce got called to the watchtower. Justice Leauge business.

You turned to him now with coffee and took a sip.

Y/N: Cool. Who's part of the League right now?

Tim: Too many to count.

You took another sip before noticing both Alfred and Tim staring at you in horror.

Y/N: What?

Alfred: It's like I'm having flashbacks.

Tim: He's drinking it black and straight out of the machine. Just like Bruce.

You shrugged.

Y/N: Sometimes I don't have time to prepare or enjoy it. Batman life or whatever.

You took another drink before taking a seat across Tim as he continued his work.

Y/N: Oh, uh, thanks for backing me up last night. I appreciate it.

Tim waved it off and began to mumble under his breath. You recognized it as a string of code so you left him be.

Alfred: So Master Ghul...

Y/N: Just call me Y/N.

Alfred: Very well. Y/N, are you planning on staying around the Manor or are you heading out for the day?

You thought about it before Booster suddenly appeared and threw an arm around you.

Booster: We're heading out Alf. I might as well show him around the time if we're gonna be here for a while.

Alfred bowed and went back to making breakfast. You gave Booster a look before noticing his clothes. He was wearing a pair of, jeans? Jeans are still a thing. Along with that was a blue windbreaker with golden shoulders and a blue shirt. He also had yellow converses and yellow framed sunglasses.

Y/N: Already adapting to the times huh?

Booster: Gotta be ready always my friend. Go get dressed, we're heading out in 5.

You headed up stairs and began to get dressed once you reached your room. You ended up throwing on a pair of, uh, jeans and a black shirt. You threw on a F/C jacket and called it good before throwing on some boots. Thank god you and Dick wore the same size.

You reached the entrance where you found Booster and Stephanie waiting. You glared at Stephanie who gave you an awkward smile.

Stephanie: Good morning. I guess I'm heading out with you guys to help show you around.

You looked to Booster who shurgged.

Booster: She was the only one up that isn't Alfred or the insomniac.

Stephanie gave him a look.

Stephanie: That insomniac is my boyfriend.

Oh, so they are dating. Stephanie turned back to you and took a deep breath.

Stephanie: Look, I'm sorry for last night. I shouldn't have been so aggressive.

You rolled your eyes and walked out of the manor.

Y/N: Let's just go. I want to see what Gotham looks like 13 years before my birth.---------Y/N: Wow! I hate it!

Gotham was, god. This place was so dark and gloomy and, jesus. Why do people live here? You've stopped at least three muggings and you weren't even downtown yet.

Y/N: Is it really this bad? There's like 8 of you here. How can it be this bad?

Stephanie: Technically there's 10. You haven't met Duke or Batwing. Plus there's the other two members of Batman Inc. Clayface and Azral.

How?! How is it this bad?!

Stephanie: What's it like in the future?

Y/N: Clean, for one. Crime is like 1% and there's not really any villains running around. The worse thing that's happened in recent memory was Neo Catwoman stealing a necklace but I got it back so take that as you will.

Booster rejoin the two of you, now with a hot dog in hand, and the three of you walk ahead. You had to say, this was a trip. Almost like looking at a history book. This was your home, or it will be in a few years.

Y/N: Can I ask a question?

Stephanie nodded.

Y/N: What's up with Orphan?

Stephanie: Well, mostly everyone in the manor is an orphan....

Y/N: The girl. Cassandra.

Stephanie: Oh! What about her?

Where to begin?

Y/N: Well, she got into my room last night somehow even though the door was locked....

Stephanie: Ninja.

Y/N: And she hasn't said a word. Not even a smile.

Stephanie stopped walking and sighed.

Stephanie: Well, I'm sure the two of you can relate to each other in some way. Her parents trained her to be a human weapon so she was kinda, not taught how to talk. Her mother is Lady Shiva and her father is David Cain.

You recognized the names immediately. League of Shadow members. Cassandra was, once a member?

Suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by a loud explosion. The three of you turned to see smoke from a distance. You quickly dove to a nearby alley and activated your wrist. Your suit appeared and you quickly threw on your helmet.

Booster: Right behind you!

He deactivated his clothes and quickly flew after you to wherever the smoke was coming from.

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