
18.Infiltrator (Part 3)

-Happy Harbor; August 8th; 22:12 EDT-

Doomsday vs the Juggernaut and Abomination..a battle of power..guess its time to find out who will win..

Doomsday catches a punch from Abomination and knees him the stomach before picking him up and slamming him against the ground hard, Doomsday is caught by surprise by Juggernaut slams into him from behind as Doomsday gets back up the Juggernaut and Doomsday start to take hits at each other

Juggernaut brings down both his fists on Doomsday but he catches them both and quickly spins around kicking Juggernaut across the face, Abomination jumps on Doomsday back and puts him into a chokehold basically strangling him. Doomsday squirms to get free as he jumps into the air he headbutts Abomination from the back of his head and throws him back down to the ground as he rockets back down landing right on him as there's a loud *thoom* Doomsday kicks Abomination in the face before lifting him off balance ground he stabs Abomination in the arm with his bones claws as he yells out in pain

Doomsday twist the bone claw increasing the pain out of nowhere a car is thrown at him, Doomsday tosses Abomination aside and catches the car he roars out in rage and rips it in half as the Juggernaut slams his head against Doomsday's face sending him but he buries his feet into the ground and steadies him. He glares right at the Juggernaut as he slams the car he broke in half together


Juggernaut and Doomsday run at each other full speed as they clash the fight starts off with Doomsday cracking Juggernaut across with the left half of the car and fires his heat vision at the Juggernaut but he barely dodges it and brings his eblow up on Doomsday's chin making him stumble back, but this is Doomsday. Doomsday jumps into the air and slams the two ripped car parts down on the Juggernaut as the metal brute hits the ground in pain, Abomination rips a lamppost from the ground and hits Doomsday away from the Juggernaut as Doomsday crashes through a construction site nearby

Abomination roars out at Doomsday as the grey beast slams his fists against the ground the two charge at each other as Abomination jumps up and tackles Doomsday through the metal beams, the two brutes use anything they can hit each other with as Abomination grabs a metal beam and slams it against Doomsday's back the grey brute steadies himself and catches another attempted hit as he uses his heat vision to melt the metal pole away also hurting Abomination in the process as he reels back in pain, his green hands covered in burn marks but this gives Doomsday an opening as he quickly boosts himself towards Abomination and drags his face against the ground with one hand and pinching him repeatedly as green blood covers his fist

He kicks Abomination away and walks over to him as he stands over Abomination

Abomination:*coughs* You..think..im the only one-e?..haha..there..are..more..

Doomsday looks right at Abomination and growls at him as he hit with a hard left punch to the face knocking him out of the count

All of a sudden a metal chain is wrapped around Doomsday's neck as the Juggernaut pulls on it and starts to strangle him. Doomsday roars out in rage as the Juggernaut's hold tightens

Juggernaut:Nothing personal kid..

Doomsday headbutts Juggernaut as he releases his grip on Doomsday, he takes the chain off of him and turns around as he glares right at the Juggernaut. There's a loud roar which shakes the construction site near them as Doomsday cracks his knuckles

Doomsday hears two people land behind him as he tilts his head back a bit the sound of huffing and snarling grabs his attention as Doomsday sees a green scaly tall crocodile and a what appears to be a man in a grey suit with a horn on his head

Rhino:10 million dollars! And it's all to kill you!!!

Killer Croc:I will tear your flesh from your bones!!!

Doomsday clenches his fists as the three all lunge at him at the same time, Rhino is the first to attack as Rhino stops him by grabbing him by the horn bringing his knee up connecting it to his face, he lifts up Rhino and throws him at Croc but he dodges it and punches Doomsday in the chest as Doomsday just stands there with an unimpressed look on his face, he grabs Croc by tail and starts to swing him around he then proceeds to let go of Croc as the giant crocodile hits a wall

Juggernaut slams head first into Doomsday as the grey beast buries his feet on the ground and pushes against the force of the Juggernaut slowly starting to push back against him, Croc lifts up a metal beam and whacks Doomsday on the side of his face as stumbles back. Rhino sees an opening and hits Doomsday with a full force of his uppercut as Doomsday falls back the three villains take advantage of this and begin to kick and punch Doomsday repeatedly not even giving him a chance to even get up that is until he catches a hit from the Juggernaut as starts to crush his fist..his bones slowly begin to crack as the Juggernaut tries to pull away but Doomsday doesn't give let go of him..as the Juggernaut asks him

Juggernaut:What the hell are you!?

Doomsday leans in close and whispers to Juggernaut


Doomsday takes the Juggernaut's helmet and headbutts him as he falls to the ground knocked out, Rhino and Killer Croc look back and see Abomination still knocked out on the ground..if Abomination couldn't beat Doomsday..what chance do they have?

Doomsday starts to make his way towards them as they start to back away from the tall creature as Doomsday stops walking and claps his hands together making a loud sonic clap which sends them back so much they crash back into the high school as Doomsday looks up and roars loudly asserting his power to the world, he reverts back to Sean as he sees something fly past him

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