
7.The God of War vs The Unkillable Beast

The God of War also known as Ares attacked Themyscira catching Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Powergirl by surprise although they tried their best to take him down his power grew and grew by the second and pretty soon one by one the heroines fell although they put up quite the fight, it was inevitable for the Amazons and Kryptonians all seemed lost until Sean arrived..very pissed off and now..the fight had begun, the God of War vs the Unkillable Beast..who will fall? Who will rise? Guess it's time to find out..


Ares and Doomsday both let out battle cry as they charge at each other they run at each other as Doomsday uppercuts Ares up to the sky the grey beast leaps up and into air as he combines both of his and slams Ares back to the ground shortly landing after him

Ares:Impressive creature, but you cannot kill a God


Ares summons several blades as he spins around and hurls them all Doomsday but he uses his bone claws to cut them out of range as he manages to grab one of the weapons and throws back at Ares, the God of War dodges the incoming blade and summons a bolt of lightning as he strikes Doomsday he doesnt even flinch

Ares launches him forward and punches Doomsday through the pillar of an old temple

Powergirl clenches her fists seeing the God of War arrogantly laugh at Sean as she goes to help him, Diana stops her from interfering

Wonder Woman:Karen you cannot go back out there

Powergirl:He needs our help! Im not going to stand by and watch him fight alone!

Donna:Karen look at yourself we barely put a dent into Ares, I may not know Sean aswell as you do but I do know he can handle himself

Wonder Woman:Donna is right, Sean is more than capable of doing this by himself if he needs our help we'll know and help him

Karen looks back at Doomsday as he sees him battling Ares her anger slowly fading and being replaced with concern

Powergirl:Alright..fine, I trust him to do what he needs to do..

Wonder Woman:May Hera guide him to victory..

Back with Doomsday and Ares, he picks up one of the pillars and bashes it against Ares as it break in half he uses the two pillars and hits Ares with a hard left followed up by using the other pillar as a bat and knocking Ares through a mountain as he drops the pillar and leaps after Ares, Ares sees Doomsday about to punch again he counters by kicking Doomsday back as crashes into a wall with statues nearby

Ares:This ends now!!

He knees Doomsday in the stomach and then headbutts him to the ground, Ares forms a sword and brings it down on Doomsday aiming it at the grey beast heart..and then..you hear the blade pierce his chest and right into his heart as Ares smirks evily he pulls out the sword and begins to walk away thinking he's won..but dear readers we ALL know how truly mistaken he is..

Ares:A pity it was starting to get interesting farewell mortal

A roar echoes throughout the island as Ares turns around to his absolute disbelief he sees Doomsday yank out the sword and tosses it aside




Before Ares can reply back Doomsday uses his super speed and jumps kneeing Ares right in the face as some blood comes out his mouth Doomsday eyes glow redder than usual as he roars at Ares. He blasts him with heat vision as the metal armor Ares uses burns at his very skin making him yell out in pain

Doomsday grabs Ares by his helmet and slams him into the ground repeatedly again and again, he lifts up Ares and uses one hand to crush him he uses his other hand and backhands Ares twice, the God of War blasts Doomsday with fire right into his face making him drop Ares momentarily

Ares uppercuts Doomsday and grabs a tree as he slams him twice with it but Doomsday recover quickly jump kicks Ares hard he signals Powergirl as she nods she blasts with her heat vision as  Ares is sent right towards Doomsday

'(Time to end this once and for all)'

(Just imagine Doomsday doing that Ares)

Ares tries to swing at Doomsday but he side steps him and stabs him using his bone claws as you hear it pierce his leg he screams out but Doomsday doesn't stop there no..he uses his bone claws to stabs Ares repeatedly again and again

The three heroines look at Doomsday as they know what needs to be done..they know Ares needs to be put down..permanently and Doomsday is the only one who can and will do so, they know Sean won't feel an ounce of guilt after this and that they understand completely, sometimes you need to get your hands dirty to do the right thing..

Doomsday lifts up Ares we see his armor completely destroyed his entire body broken and bleeding he weakly looks up at Doomsday

Ares:*weakly*Y-your no mortal..your the Devil..

Doomsday responds raising up into the air he grabs Ares by head and completely rips it out of his as his skull and spine come out with it he holds the God of War's broken head and roars into the sky showing his victory to the heavens and above, to those beyond Earth itself

Powergirl slowly floats to Doomsday as she calls out to the grey beast softly


Doomsday turns around and tosses the corpse and skull aside as he looks down at her..he growls at her

Wonder Woman and Donna stand back not knowing what to do..but Karen does she's alway does..

She takes off her blue gloves and slowly reaches out touching Doomsday's cheek

Powergirl:The sun is getting low big guy..come back to me, please

The anger in Doomsday slowly fades as softly growls at her, he begins to shrink back down to Sean all while Karen and Sean look at each other..they feel their connection spark something unlike ever before..since the very beginning they both knew there was something pulling them together..

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