
The Droste Effect!

Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex hand in hand. Cisco, Caitlin and Thawne were all gathered and waiting on them. Barry asked "is everything set up". Cisco nodded and said "we have quite a few mirrors downstairs, we just need to find this Mirror Master, then we can trap him". Kara asked "we're luring him here". Thawne chuckled and said "no we aren't Ms Danvers". Barry asked "so what's the plan". Cisco said "Kara you are going to keep Mirror Master distracted for long enough that Barry will be able to take the mirrors and surround him with them". Thawne said "so basically you just need to distract him for about ten seconds". Kara nodded and said "sounds easy enough, but how are we going to find him, his powers don't really give off anything for us to track him". Barry said "no but he is going after the head of the Bertaneli crime family". Kara nodded and said "so we can use that against him, lure him out". Barry smiled and nodded. Caitlin smiled and said "just try not end up stuck in a mirror again". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I won't be doing that again anytime soon". Kara smiled and said "damn right you aren't". Barry chuckled and asked "shall we set This trap". Kara said "after you Flash". Barry smirked. Kara asked "what are you up too". Barry sped over to Kara and lifted her up bridal style and then sped away.

Barry put Kara down in the carnival room that had the mirrors stored there. Kara smiled and asked "so how do we lure him there". Thawne spoke through comms "I've got that covered". Barry and Kara hid in the room as the door opened and someone entered. Kara whispered "who is it". Barry peeked and whispered "it's Bertaneli". Bertaneli said "guys, it's Eobard". Barry spoke through comms "how are you disguised as Bertaneli and also why.... Why are you disguised as him". Thawne said "in the future, there is This light refractive technology, you can make yourself look like someone else, I hid Bertaneli and took his place, hopefully Scudder will be here soon". Kara said "well I hope not to soon, I'm kind of comfy". Barry said "well then Maybe you shouldn't be resting against me then". Kara smiled and said "I can't help it, you are like my personal pillow". Barry said "great, I'm your pillow, I can't wait to tell people that". Kara giggled and said "sorry babe, you're my boyfriend not my pillow, but you are still more comfortable than my pillow, why do you think I rest my head against you will I sleep". Barry smiled and said "aww that means a lot". Kara smiled and said "so glad we have our comms off at the minute or Cisco would be saying things". Barry chuckled and nodded. Thawne said "well I heard every word". Kara blushed massively and looked down. Thawne said "but I won't tell a single person". Kara smiled a little and said "thanks". Barry chuckled and pecked her on the temple.

Half an hour passed and nothing had happened yet. Kara groaned and snuggled into Barry. Barry chuckled and whispered "you ok". Kara sighed and said "babe I'm boooored, I just want to get This done with so we could go home and snuggle on the couch while we watch some TV and spend time with our daughter". Barry smiled and said "we will ok, we just need to wait a little longer". Kara pouted and said "why is this the slowest villain ever". Barry smiled a little and pecked her on the lips. He whispered "I promise Kar, as soon as this guy is locked up in Iron Heights, we will drop by Joe's and get Dawn, then we can go home and I can make us my famous Spaghetti and meatballs which we can eat while we watch the TV, ok". Kara nodded and whispered and said "that sounds nice, as long as I help". Barry smiled and whispered "of course honey". Thawne said "it doesn't seem as if Scudder is coming, I mean, he would have been here by now if he was". "Oh I wouldn't be so sure if that Bertaneli" said Scudder as he stepped out of a mirror. Thawne backed away a little. Scudder said "I have been stuck in a damn mirror for the past three years because of you". Barry said "lead him back a little more and then we can trap him". Thawne kept backing up slowly. Scudder said "I've spent three years dreaming of the moment where I finally end you, and now I can". Barry nodded at Kara who stood up and flew and stood in front of Thawne as Scudder fired his gun. The bullet bounced off Kara and fell to the ground. She turned to Thawne and said "go". Thawne nodded and ran away. Scudder said "I told you to stay out of the way, how is your boyfriend by the way". Kara said "that's the last time you Do something like that". Scudder shot at Kara again but the bullet done nothing again. He went to jump into a mirror when Kara fired her heat vision at it, breaking the mirror and making it useless. Barry then sped in and surrounded the two with mirrors in a circle. Scudder scoffed and said "that was dumb Flash". Barry and Kara smiled as Scudder jumped into one mirror and then came out another one. He looked around confused and then tried again but he just came back out at the same place. Kara smiled and said "looks as if you are a little stick here, this is called the Droste Effect isn't it babe". Barry smiled and said "yes it is, an infinite loop of mirror reflections, it's something you won't be able to escape from". Kara smiled and put the meta cuffs on Scudder. She then smiled and punched him across the face, knocking him out. She said "that's for trapping my boyfriend you dick". Barry smiled at Kara and said "let's get him out of here then we can go home". Kara pouted and said "can you take me too, I want to get home fast". Barry smiled and said "fine but you are changing Dawn's next four diapers". Kara smiled and said "it's so worth it". Barry smiled and sped away with both Scudder and Kara.

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