
33.Help From Above

A breach opened up in the middle of Kara's apartment as Erick, Kate and Kara all jumped through and touched down onto the ground as the breach closed behind them; Erick let out a massive sigh of relief knowing he could just stop and think for a few minutes

Kate looked around Kara's apartment and hummed softly to herself, it was a very nice and comfortable place..it was more different than Erick's but it was nice nonetheless

Erick paced back and forth in the living room as he tried to think of a way to find Mon-El and make him confess what he did to him, if he went back to his world then he'd be hunted down..he got very lucky the last time he was hunted but Mon-El gave the entire world and every single government to come after him

They only saw the destruction he had wreaked upon Central City and didn't even bother to ask how or why it started; in the eyes of the law..he was just as terrible as the man he called his own father..he had friends back on his world; people he actually genuinely cared about..

Erick was caught up in his own thoughts he had completely forgotten that Kate and Kara were still in the room as he felt Kara put her arm on his chest stopping him as he looked up meeting her eyes

Kara:Erick..we'll find a way to prove your innocent, we just--just need time..

Erick looked down at her hand and then back up at her as she realized what he was trying to say to her as Kara moved her hand off of his chest

"Kara..they won't believe me you know that..*looks at Kate* you've both seen how everyone looks at me, they just needed a reason to hunt me and now they do..they have one"

Kate could see the pain and sadness in Erick's eyes..he tried to hide it but she knew, she sensed it..hadn't he been through enough? All these years of being chased after..and for what felt like an eternity he could finally have some resembles of peace but now..

That small hope for peace was gone and it was all that bastard's fault..because of Mon-El, Erick was now quite literally exiled from his own world

Kate:Then we find the one responsible and make him confess what he did to you..

Now if this was any ordinary person, Kara would have spoken against this notion but after what Mon-El did to Erick..she was all in for this plan; she once loved this man and thought he could change but apparently he just hid behind who he was

Kara:She's right..we have to bring Mon-El here but if they know about Erick then surely they'll know about us..

Erick saw what she was saying as he added on

"They'll probably think that I took you as my hostages or something stupid and if not then, Mon-El will probably make up some fake story"

As much as they hated to admit..Erick was right..they couldn't just go back, but in that small moment..an idea came to his mind..an idea that was probably one of the best ones he would ever have

"Son of a bitch.."

Kate and Kara both turned to Erick as they saw him smiling at something

Kara:What? Why are you smiling?

Erick clapped his hands together as he told them

"We can't go back because of what happened and probably anyone I trust back their will be in hiding but..what if we aren't the ones who bring Mon-El here..what if we got someone else to do for us.."

Kate looked at Erick a bit confused but that's when she also realized it, she knew to who he was referring to

Kate:Oh my God..your not serious are you? They'll probably break him..

Kara:I'm sorry who are we talking about?

Erick reached into his pocket as he pulled out a picture and handed it to Kara as she looked down at it and then back at Erick

"What would you do if someone you loved threatened you? More importantly..what would your do for you"

Kara looked back at the picture as she noticed the similarities of the woman smiling next to Erick..this wasn't an ordinary woman; this was Erick's biological mother

Kara:This is--wow..that is..really smart, but how are you guys supposed to reach them it's not like you can just--

Kate reached into her pocket and pulled out a small rune as Kara just watched as the small rune glowed

Kate:We should probably be somewhere out in the open..

Kate walked over to Erick and grabbed Erick's hand as Kara almost flinched seeing this as Erick awkwardly moved his hand away from Kate as he could see Kara just stare at Kate

"Ahem yeah we uhh..should probably do that..like right now..today preferably"


Far away in National City, Kate held out the small rune stone as she knelt down and placed it on the ground as she backed away out of the corner of her eye she could see Kara and Erick talking and laughing as Erick momentarily glanced over at Kate

The princess of Asgard smiled at him as he happily smiled back at her, it made her wonder who Erick's future self was with..she wanted to think otherwise but her mind just kept coming back to that question

In the short time she had known Erick..she had grown to care about him very fondly; more than she cared to admit to herself..the moment they met back on Asgard..it sparked something in between them both literally and figuratively

Obviously he knew this aswell but that lead her to Kara..she was a good person, Kate may have been just a bit jealous of her when she first saw her and she still was..but she knew that future Erick had said the same thing to her

The Asgardian princess was confounded by so many emotions..worry, jealousy and even a hidden feeling she didn't quite understand yet but she hoped whatever this feeling was would make itself known over time

Kate made her way over to Erick and Kara as she told them

Kate:They should be here any second..

Kara simply nodded her head as she glanced over at Kate as she also recalled the ring on future Erick's finger as she turned her sights on Erick

Kara:I know this is weird to ask but who do you think your future self is married to?

Erick stopped to think about as he wondered that aswell..his future self gave cryptic answers so that didn't necessarily help him

"I..I don't know actually..whoever she is..I just hope that I can give her the same amout of love in the future if not more, I always did want to get married. But you know my life is hectic *chuckles*..you don't see women lining up to go on a date with me"

He was joking about that last part but the two women didn't really catch on as they both said

Kara/Kate:I'd go on a date with you

They both stopped and looked at each other realizing what they said at the se time as for Erick he felt both surprisingly good and yet awkward about it, he didn't even lie to himself about it..he was in the presence of two very beautiful women; how lucky can someone like him actually get?

Erick glanced between Kate and Kara as he confidently smirked as he jokingly teased them

"I wouldn't mind that..it's not every day two gorgeous women want to be near me"

He could see them both look away from him with their faces becoming very flustered, Kate nervously tucked a strand of her hair back as Kara bit her lip as she tried her best not to make eye contact with Erick

The sound of thunder snapped the two women out of their caught up moment with the dashing man that is Erick Thawne as a beam of rainbow like energy shot down from above and landed where the small rune stone was placed

A big scorch mark of was engraved into the grass as two people were seen stepping through the Bifrost; the King of Asgard..Thor Odinson the father of Kate Foster and Lady Sif the mother of Erick Thawne

The two Asgardian warriors stood tall and confident as Sif was the first one to make her way over to Erick as she pulled her son into a hug

"I've missed you too, Mom.."

Sif could only just smile hearing her son call her that, she adored her son more than anything..just like any mother would for her child

Sif:I have missed you too my young warrior..

Thor made his over to his daughter with Stormbreaker in his hand as Kate practically hugged tightly as soon he was in front of her

Thor:My little princess..how I have missed you dearly, Asgard is not the same with you around..

Kate:I know Dad..but I had to help him..

Thor held his daughter closer as he understood why she was wanted to come to Midgard, she had her mother's compassion..and her bravery; he wasn't just a proud king but a proud father aswell

The two parents parted from their own kin as they both glanced at Kara who was feeling really intimated as Sif was the first one to stare her down

Sif:And you must be Kara Danvers..your adventures are known in the far corners of the universe, but what intentions do you have against my son?

Thor gripped Stormbreaker as his eyes slightly sparked with lightning

Thor:I would like to know aswell..

Kate quickly stood in between Sif and her father as she puts her hands up

Kate:Woah woah she hasn't done anything bad..she's helped Erick before so can we please act like adults and be civilized?

Kate looked at her father with pleading eyes as the lightning in his eyes faded as Sif reluctantly did the same

Thor:Very.well..now as very happy as we are to see you once again we need to know why you called us to Midgard?

Sif:Is their a problem here that you need aid in?

Erick rubbed his hands together as he tapped his watch and showed a picture of Mon-El as he explained everything from the fear gas to the framing done by Mon-El and as he finished, he could see the anger in his mother's and Thor's eyes

"We need him to confess but we can't go back to my world without raising any alarms..they'll know we're their before we can even make a move.."

Sif:And you want him preferably alive..

Erick, Kate and Kara gave a 'so-so' look as Sif and Thor knew what they were implying, the Daxamite had to be alive for the confession but they didn't say anything him being broken..

Thor:It will be done..we will be back shortly with the Daxamite

Thor and Sif backed away as the king of Asgard held up his mighty axe as the Bifrost descended on them, well then..it looked it the mighty hero, Valor was about to get some unpleasant company..

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