
⚡28.Learning More About Him⚡

Erick runs back into his apartment as he taps his wrist as his Red Death suit converts back into a small golden ring on his finger; courtesy of his old man probably the one useful thing he learned while he was stuck as a prisoner

You see not that long ago, Nora had come to him and asked for help to go to Henry's world to discover something that didn't concern him; it's not that he didn't care about her but at the same time he didn't really like her due to their history with one another

He did eventually end up helping but that didn't mean he'd be going to her rescue if got into some trouble, she was all on her own..and best of luck to her

Erick hears the door to one of his bedrooms open as Kate steps out wearing some headphones as she hums to herself and dances around unaware that Erick is standing not that far from her

Kate feels a small spark brush against her skin as she feels the small tingles of her own power electrify her as she takes her headphones off and looks up seeing Erick

"You really like that song huh?"

He says with a bit of curiosity in his voice as Kate laughs a bit as she takes off her headphones and hands them to Erick as he puts it on the side of his ear as he listens to the song

(I Feel Good- By Pink Sweat)

Erick chuckles hearing this song as Kate sees him tapping his foot against the floor as Erick presses the side of the headphones as he connects them to his speaker as the song plays out in the apartment, Erick holds his hand to Kate gesturing for her to take it

Kate looks down at his hand and gladly takes it as the two begin to dance to the song as Kate sees the smile on Erick's face grow; she can't help but smile in return seeing him genuinely happy

Something about this particular made Kate just want to sing along as Erick nodded his head encouraging to do so

Kate:All of these immersive colors, picture perfect..vibrant gainless paradise

What Kate hears next takes her by surprise as Erick steps back from while still dancing to the song

"I feel good, when there's a million stars in the sky..I feel good, when the sun is shining so bright"

He grabs Kate by her hands as he spins her around and pulls her back as they hold each other's hands and dance in perfect unison

Everything in Erick's eyes just shine brightly, he's been happy but this was more than just happiness coursing through his veins..there was hope, compassion and peace in his eyes

And Kate was all for it, she enjoyed seeing Erick like this..he just looked so free from it all; an undeniable light in his very soul sparking with such intent

The song slowly comes to an end as Erick picks Kate and lifts her up into the air as he spins them around, she holds onto him all while laughing as the song reaches it's end as Erick sets Kate back down

Kate:W-Wow! That was so amazing, I didn't you know could sing and dance!

Erick nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders not seeing the big deal out of this

"I guess we have alot to learn about each other and lucky for both of us, we have all the time in the world"

He walks back over to the headphones and disconnects them from the speaker as he holds them out for her to take as she watches on in awe at Erick hum a tune, she hears him faintly singing

"The world is mine but I want you, I close my eyes and deja vu help me realize im right where I should be..

It was safe to say she was completely starstruck by him, a man who could do the impossible was showing her more and more wonderful things about him..it was truly incredible


Erick sharpens a knife as he slices through a strawbery as he looks around seeing Kate watching a movie while sitting on his couch; more preferably 22 Jump Street

He slides the sliced strawberries into a bowl and grabs a bowl of melted chocolate and spreads them over the perfectly sliced strawberries as a small smile crosses his face as he makes his over to the couch and sits down next to Kate and offers her some

She looks down at the bowl and smells the most amazing smell as she reaches into the bowl and grabs a dipped chocolate strawberry as she sinks her teeth into it, her eyes widen at such an amazing taste

Erick laughs seeing her reaction as he sees her eat one strawberry after one another to a point, he actually has to pull the bowl away from before she finishes all of them

"Okay take it from someone who has to eat a lot of food, chill out Kate.."

She sheepishly smiles as a faint blush spreads through her face as Erick sets the bowl aside as he watches the movie, he feels Kate lay her head on his shoulder as he turns his head a bit as the two Asgardians just smile at each other not really minding this at all

Erick puts his arm around Kate as she moves closer to him as Kate tells Erick

Kate:Thank you for letting me stay, Erick..

"Well I wasn't going to just let you live out with nothing on you, Kate. And plus getting to spend time with you makes this worth it"

He could've sworn he was her face become a bit more red as Kate avoided looking at him as he merely chuckled at her adorable reaction


Meanwhile in another universe entirely, Kara Danvers lies on her bed unable to sleep as she tosses and turns around; with her blanket covering most of her body

She had come back to find out Erick had left to help out his friends from Earth 2, of course she understood why he had to go to help them; he even left a note explaining it to her but it had been a full week since then

And she couldn't shake the feeling that was something was going on with him, as Kara removed the blanket covering her she got up in her pajamas and sped over as she stood in her living room now wearing her Supergirl attire and in a blink of an eye she flew out of her apartment; she just had to see if Erick was okay


Back on Earth 1, Erick and Kate walk side by side on the sidewalk out in broad daylight as they both pass some people who give odd stares at Erick

Kate overhears some of the rude and offensive comments about Erick as she turns back to look at Erick who just looks on completely unbothered by this

She stops walking as he turns around and sees the worried look on her face

"Kate don't worry about it, I got used to it by now. It's not like it's going to affect me either way"

Kate:But it's not fair, Erick. Your just as human as they are..you don't deserve to be called these rude names

She knew about Erick and history on this world, she knew people hated him for being the son of a villain..they blamed him for all of the horrible things Eobard Thawne did; they were all just waiting for him to say or do something that would give them cause to hurt Erick

Hell even the heroes in this time were just as bad as the so called innocent bystanders especially Mon-El; she remembers all of the bad things the Daxamites tried to do to her home..but luckily her father showed them why he was the God of Thunder and why he wasn't to be messed with at all

Kate:After everything you've done for them..it's just not right at all, your a hero. You shouldn't have to pay the sins of your father..

Erick sighs as he walks over and puts his arm on her shoulder

"Yeah maybe your right about this, Kate. I am human..I can feel, touch and smell things; but I won't give them the satisfaction of trying to break me or throw me around like some ragdoll. One day they'll see how wrong they are of me and when they do..hopefully everything can change"

He held out his hand as she smiled and took it as they continued to walk down the sidewalk as Kate held onto Erick's hand just a bit tighter, she wanted to be there for him..she wanted to show him how much he meant to her during her time here on Earth


Erick and Kate both back into the apartment as Erick closes the door behind him as Kate takes off her jacket and sets in the coat rack

Erick turns around to take off his coat by his caught off guard as Kate hugs him, he stands there for a few seconds trying to process what's going on as he hugs her back and asks

"I'm not one to turn down a hug but what's this for, Kate?"

Kate rests her head against his shoulder

Kate:For being the bravest and sweetest man I have ever known in my entire life, you deserve so much, Erick..

Erick doesn't say anything as he just accepts her kind words as the two just stand in his apartment hugging one another, Erick feels her soft lips kiss his left cheek as his eyes slightly widen by such an affectionate action

Before he can have a chance to even ask her why she did that, a breach opens up in the middle of his apartment as Kate let's go of Erick as she turns around

Kate:That wasn't you was it?

"Nope..but be ready just in case we don't know who's coming through this breach"

Erick's hand sparks with red and black lightning as Kate notices this as she forms her electrical bow and takes aim to whoever may step out as they stand ready..

But what Erick sees next takes him way off guard as Supergirl steps through the breach as Kate keeps her eyes trained on this woman, Supergirl meets Erick's eyes as a big smile forms on her lips as Kate looks between the both of them..an odd feeling creeps it's way into her mind as Supergirl looks over to Kate feeling a small sting of jealousy

But that sting of jealousy vanishes as she turns back to Erick, her beautiful smile forming once again

Supergirl:Hi, Erick..

Erick steps forward and smiles at Kara

"Hey Kara..it's been a while.."

Things were about to get pretty awkward between everyone in this room..oh boy

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