
21.Here Comes The Thunder

The loud crack of lightning is heard as Red Death comes to a halt a few feet away from Black Adam as the former champion turns his head seeing Red Death standing across from him

Black Adam:And who are you supposed to be?

Erick cracks his knuckles as Black Adam raises any eyebrow seeing that the speedster is challenging him

Black Adam:Do you fight for the Wizard, mortal?


Black Adam:Then you will fall like all the others before you


Both of their eyes spark with lightning as they both clench their fists and without another word they charge at each other with super speeds as the two clash in the middle of the street and lock arms as Red Death focuses his energy and tries to force Black Adam back but the former champion doesn't back down that easily as he headbutts Red Death in the head causing the speedster to stumble back as Black Adam blasts Red Death in the chest with his lightning

Red Death quickly recovers and counters with his red and black lightning as their energies clash against one another

Black Adam:Your a speedster like the woman before but your different..I sense some kind of hidden power locked inside of you, what are you?

Red Death holds out his other hand into the air as the clouds around them begin to darken as a bolt of lightning shoots out from above and strikes Red Death's open hand as it boosts his power even more


Black Adam roars out in anger as he tries to push back Red Death but is struck by the negative speedforce energy as he is sent flying back as the force of the lightning itself sends him flying through a building as Red Death runs after him as he punches Black Adam in the gut while he's still crashing through the walls of a building

As he jumps up off the side of a wall and cracks Black Adam hard across the face as he falls to the ground, Red Death brings down his fist but Black Adam rolls out of the way as Red Death's hand makes a big hole in the ground as the speedster looks back at him as the two glare at each other and jump back into battle against one another


Morgan frantically types away at her tablet trying her best to speed up the process as Jesse is seen running around the room grabbing all of the necessary components for the machine as they can hear the loud thunderous rumbles from outside of STAR Labs

Morgan:Okay maybe I should--

But Jesse stops her knowing what she's about to say

Jesse:Morgan we need to finish this, Erick can handle himself..I know he can, if he can take on the Flash and his team and win then he can do this

Morgan's hand hovers over her tablet screen as she sighs and looks back an unconscious Power Girl who is still recovering with sun lamps bathing her body..she could've sworn she saw her hand twitch..with something strange, something electrical, similar to Erick's lightning

Morgan:Did you see that, Jesse?

Jesse:See what?

She asks not understanding what Morgan meant as she follows her gaze seeing Power Girl

Morgan:U-uh I could've sworn I saw something happen to her..*sighs* maybe it's just the stress getting to me

She brushes off the notion and turns her attention back to the machine in front of them as they can feel the building tremble as some dust falls from the ceiling


Black Adam grabs Red Death and puts him into a head lock as he slowly begins to crush his skull

Black Adam:You fought valiantly but this ends now

Red Death is struck multiple times by Black Adam, he could feel his bones slowly break as Black Adam slammed Red Death's head against a brick wall and slammed him into the ground as he mercilessly began to pummel Red Death into the ground, where it got to a point where he broke off his cowl and ripped off whatever remained of it as Black Adam stood over a beaten Erick Thawne

Black Adam:You faired better than the Kryptonian..

Black Adam kicks Erick in the face as blood comes flying out of his mouth as he violently coughs as Black Adam picks Erick up by the throat and head butts him as Erick's body goes limp; Black Adam shakes his head and tosses Erick's body aside as he turns his attention back to STAR Labs as his gaze turns cold


Morgan:We're almost done! I just need to--

The roof cracks opens as Black Adam lands in the middle of the room as Morgan and Jesse's eyes widen as they see his fists covered in blood as Morgan taps her watch as she let's the nanotechnology form around her body forming into her suit as she aims her repulsors at Black Adam but he just stands there unimpressed by her display of power

Iron Heart:What did you do to Erick?

Black Adam:He stood in my way..so I removed him

She charges up her repulsors as Black Adam holds out his hand and blasts her in the chest where her arc reactor is as she yells out in pain, as Black Adam sees Jesse run and attack him only to stomp his foot onto the ground as he creates a shockwave that makes her stumble on her own feet as she's met with a swift punch to the face as she falls back, when it came to strength, Black Adam had them beat by a long shot

Black Adam turns his sight onto the machine as he kicks Iron Heart away as she slams into a wall and falls on it

Black Adam:I won't be trapped..not now not ever again

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