
10.A Promise Kept?

The tension was still in the air between Erick and Team Flash more specifically between Erick and Nora, as they both stood on the opposite sides of the Cortex. Erick with his arms crossed and Nora griping the sides of the table in behind her, neither of them had spoken a word to each other since Erick had finally proven himself..

Cisco and Caitlin were the first ones to apologize for not being fully open to Erick; they may not understand what he's gone through but they know that he's a survivor. Ralph was also someone else who apologized despite getting their asses kicked by Erick, the two found mutual respect between the two..and then there was Iris West Allen..yeah she wasn't really on board with forgiving Erick.

She wanted to believe him but she just couldn't maybe it was the fact that her husband could relate to Erick in a way or maybe it was because she was protective of her daughter after what he had done to her..either way she wasn't planning on forgiving Erick so soon

"Right..so clearly things aren't going to go smoothly between us"

He says while turning his attention to Nora and Iris

Nora:I still can't believe your here and not in the Pipeline..

"Maybe because unlike you I actually don't have anything to hide, we can go back down there right now and believe me when I say this..it won't be me who's stuck in one of those cells"

She glares at Erick as he calmly stands his ground, what threat did she pose to him? What could she do that would hurt him? Well the answer was simple..she couldn't do anything..

Nora walks across the room and makes her to Erick but they all hear a sudden whoosh as Jesse stands in her way, her eyes trained on the future daughter of Barry and Iris

Jesse:I think you've done enough and you threatening him isn't the smartest thing to do considering he kicked your ass..twice in one day, so back off..

Jesse's eyes sparked with lightning as she felt a small surge come out of her fingers as Erick felt odd..he glanced down at his hand as it sparked with lightning as well..except it was different from the one he's used to; for a brief second it was white..but it quickly faded back to it's original colors

Nora huffs annoyed as she turns around and leaves the Cortex, as Jesse turns her a bit; Erick gives her a grateful nod towards her

"Look I get that she doesn't like me but I need to be somewhere..I made a promise to someone and I intend to keep it"

While everyone didn't understand what he meant by that, Barry did..he knew where Erick was planning on going to, he knew what he needed to get there..he owes him that much after what he's put Erick through

Barry gestures for Erick to follow him as he nods and does just that leaving the Cortex with Barry


Barry looks around the workshop as he scrimmages through some boxes as Erick leans against the wall waiting patiently

"You need a hand?"

Barry:No no it's fine..im sure it's somewhere around here maybe I should--

Erick suddenly runs around the workshop and comes back with a small box in his hand as he sets it down and opens it revealing an interdimesional extrapolator inside the small box

He gently grabs it and holds it up into the air and smiles a bit, he turns back and sits down while he grabs some tools making some adjustments to it as Barry tells him

Barry:Hey im really sorry about Nora..she isn't really on board with everything that's happened to you..

Erick chuckles as he doesn't even bother to look up and replies back while still working on the extrapolator

"Don't blame yourself for your daughter's actions, yeah I get it she's your daughter from the future but if she decides to hate me forever then I'll live with that. It's not like I genuinely enjoy her company anyways..our history is..strained"

Barry did still feel guilty about he had done to Erick and he did want to make it up to him, even if it meant seeing his of things..

Barry:So your a speedster..why is your lightning different color than mine or Nora's?

Erick stops working as he looks up and spins around in his chair

"Your powers come from the Speedforce, while mine do too..they're just different from each other; the negative speedforce isn't like your speedforce..in order to have a connection to it, you have to either unlock it or become apart of it"

He looks down at his hand as it sparks with red and black lightning

"When you run..you feel like you can do anything..but for me? It sometimes hurts..the negative speedforce is based off any bad emotion you have dwelling up inside of you..hate..anger..despair; that's what gives you a connection to the negative speedforce. Two opposite forces coexisting with one another..it makes you wonder which one is worth having.."

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