
Chapter 30


I wake up in the middle of the night, still enveloped in the prince's arms. As carefully as I can, I move out from his embrace. If anyone catches me like this and tells the king, I'll be in some serious trouble. He stirs a little bit in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. I smile at his peaceful face and quietly exit the room.

Once I'm back in my room, I immediately feel lonely. Sighing, I'm lay my head down on my pillow and fall asleep.

I wake up with the dream still fresh in my head. Tears fill my eyes and I can feel a small throb on my stomach. I blink back the tears and shakily get ready for the day.

The first thing on my agenda is to be fitted for my Christmas ball gown. While I can't really afford one with my father gone, my mother urged me to get another one.

When I arrive, Eloise, the tailor, is already waiting for me with the dress. My jaw drops at the sight of it. The color is a deep red with gold trim. Along the bodice is gold beading and embroidery. The skirt opens up in the front to reveal another layer of ruffles.

"Eloise," I breathe. "It's beautiful."

She smiles proudly at her work. I thank her profusely and she laughs. "Well aren't you going to try it on?"

She helps me into it and sticks a few pins in here and there. I turn and look at myself in the mirror. Surprisingly, the color matches my hair perfectly. The fabric is soft to the touch. I do a small twirl and smile.

"It's perfect," I say.

After a few more minutes of appraising Eloise's work, it's time to get out of the dress. Reluctantly, I take it off with Eloise's help. She tells me that it should be ready by the ball which is in a couple of days. After thanking her once more, I leave.

As I'm heading outside to the training grounds, a servant stops me.

"Miss," she says. "His royal highness requests your presence in the throne room."

My stomach immediately feels queasy. What does the king want? Maybe someone caught me last night. Quickly, I hurry to the throne room. Before I enter, I straighten my clothing and catch my breath.

When I go in, the king stands up and smiles. I drop into a deep bow and straighten back up when he motions for me to.

"Ah Iris," he starts. "I have brought you here today because I have not had the chance to thank you properly."

Relief floods through me as I respond, "Anything for you, your highness."

"There is one thing though. We cannot be positive that The Blacks have been completely wiped out. In fact, I have a feeling that that is not the case at all. I believe that there are many more of them who are regrouping and planning to overtake us."

"What do suggest we do, your highness?"

"I have a plan. You will be a major part of this plan. I have decided that you will train our men. This trainings will begin the beginning of next week. Many new men from all over will be coming to serve in the royal guard. Seeing how you are one of the best and led us to victory earlier this month, it seems only right that you will be in charge."

I'm shocked. I never would have expected this.

"Your highness," I sputter. "I am truly honored. I will not let you down."

"Yes I should hope not. Now there is a slight catch. I have come to realize that my son is stricken with you. I do not know how you feel, but if I had to guess, I would assume that you feel the same way. Unfortunately, because some day my son will be king, he needs a wife that will be able to provide children and take care of them; not someone who is busy with training and fighting."

My heart drops to my stomach. I want to feel that he's wrong, but part of me is telling myself that he's right. The prince needs someone who can take care of a family and spend all day inside in a pretty dress while talking about things with other women.

I nod. "Of course, your highness."

He smiles. "I knew you would understand. You are excused."

I manage to stumble through a bow and leave the throne room.

By the time I make it outside, I'm practically in tears. Why would someone do this? Will he say the same thing to the prince? What am I going to do? When I reach the training grounds, I've managed to compose myself. I grab a sword and start hitting the wooden dummy. My anger increases and my hits become harder and stronger. My heart races and sweat drops down my face. My arms burn, but I don't care.

Finally, I stop. I look around and a couple of people are looking at me with concern. I just glare at them and they turn back to their own work. I'm so mad that I can't focus on anything I'm doing.

I go up to a man and ask him if he wants to fight. He agrees and we take our stances. He's good, but not that good. I easily beat him. Then I ask if anyone else wants to challenge me. Eventually, this turns into a game. Everyone wants a chance to fight and see if they can beat me. In the end, we all end up joking around, and for the meantime, any thought of the king is gone.

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