

Night fell and Aisha began to tell her story. The bonfire shone on everyone's faces and revealed a painful look in Aisha's eyes that distanced their attention from her like a lost look, immersed in her memories.

-Aisha: Fifteen years ago, when we finally woke up from our sleep, the first thing we found here within our barrier was her, the lady of dark Crimson.

-Lariat: wait...wait, fifteen years ago? I thought your people had lived here since the great cataclysm two thousand years ago… so you.

-Aisha: I was barely five years old when everything happened, I don't know the details, because when the cataclysm occurred, we were all living peacefully, the main kingdom, the great city, was in its maximum splendor... but one day the sky was stained with blood and darkness, my parents went to the big city immediately, but only my father came back, he did not give any explanation, just these words:


-Lariat: who is that man I was talking about?

-Aisha: the magnificent king of the city of the beginning of time...

-Gwydion: It's impossible... what we've been looking for for so long, the answers, I don't feel ready.

-Lariat: tell us, please, tell us about him, and about that kingdom.

-Aisha: I'm sorry to disappoint you my wizard lords, but I never met him, he was barely a baby in my mother's arms when I visited the city and I think that none of those who live here know more than what I can tell them.

-Lariat: it can't be... so close to the truth and at the same time so far.

-Gwydion: well... at least I can say that our adventures don't end here.

-Lariat: ah, this is a little hopeless, if someone who lived two thousand years ago cannot tell us the story, who else could.

-Aisha: He who seeks will always find an answer, although perhaps not always the one he expects to find, is what I learned while I was away from home.

When we came out of the stasis in which my father immersed us, she was here, the dark lady had almost completely consumed my father's power, as she found herself motionless maintaining the barrier it was not possible for her to defend herself, or we could die in the state that we found ourselves if we woke up abruptly.

He was resisting for many years while they drained his power, letting darkness gradually take over these lands... losing consciousness, losing his essence and being.

When we woke up, we found little more than what you see, my people fought fiercely against the invaders who for some reason were within this place, but they were too strong, and our power had waned along with that of my father.


Agareth was barely able to hold a fight with the guy who captured me, losing an arm in the fight, however, the only way out I had was to exchange my life for that of my people. Upon revealing my identity, the invaders could not resist, because with a knife I threatened to take my own life, somehow even at five years old I knew perfectly well that I could be useful to them.

The lady agreed to my conditions, anyway, there was not much my people could do without the protection of my parents, we just became demihumans without relevant powers.

They took me with them, and a deep agony was what I felt in my chest when I left my home, I could feel like a shadow, like a conscience was calling me, he is not dead yet, was what I thought as I moved further and further away from my home with no hope of ever returning alive.

For a long time I spent humiliation and misery under her yoke, that man, if you can even call that monster that, always gets what he wants, "Vhal" she left me under her care, and for many years I was a victim of her lust, perversion and cruelty, forced me to recruit more girls, for many years we were kidnapping, deceiving, torturing and selling young women of all species to all kinds of subjects, the darkness seems even stronger than the day we lost everything.

I decided to come with you for a reason, Tylos! I never saw anyone even stand up to Vhal, even Agareth was no match for him, yet you made him retreat.

-Tylos: that's saying a lot, I was barely able to send him flying away, I just bought us time, it's not a big deal.

-Aisha: He is very dangerous, but he cannot pass through the barrier, once outside it, only we know how to get here, when the lady of the dark crimson retreated, they lost all opportunity to find this place.

-Tylos: I'm glad to hear that, anyway, the best thing would be not to run into that guy again... I'll go out for a while to get some air, it's fine as long as I'm still inside the barrier, I guess.

-Aisha: Umm yeah... just don't go too far, anyway, this place is huge, and remember not to go... ah, he's already gone.

-Gwydion: I highly doubt that this will end here alone, a storm has broken out and we are in the eye of the hurricane...I wish the young people didn't have to worry about fighting. But in these uncertain days, danger is an everyday occurrence, what has happened in the short path we have traveled together to get here portends an even greater evil. All of this is no coincidence.

-Lariat: Don't you think you're exaggerating, maybe we should stop looking for problems in places where we haven't been called.

-Gwydion: it is inevitable, I know that you really like reading books, but if what you are looking for is answers to your curiosity, we will always be at the mercy of danger, that is why you have to strengthen your skills and your heart.

-Alexa: although it may not seem like it, I have lived many years longer than I seem, and if what you want is knowledge, this world keeps its secrets in the most dangerous places you could imagine, if you do not prepare your heart and your body well, I would advise you Don't look for them, there are things out there those humans, or any being, should know about!

-Elise: Don't scare her, curiosity, strength and power go hand in hand, you just have to know your limits, and that doesn't mean stopping growing, but challenges entail their respective preparation.

-Aisha: I may be two thousand years old, but I have lived very little. Maybe we can all look for answers. I would like to join your group.

-Gwydion: I wouldn't say that we are a group as such, we should have separated since the Sentinel village incident, but I don't think that is wise now, so, for our part, we agree.

Elise turned to look at Alexa and they both nodded their heads in agreement.

-Alexa: it's decided then, the only thing missing is Tylos... we don't know if he will say yes.

-Elise: I think we are destined to travel together.

-Alexa: the gift of prophecy?

-Elise: it is a personal feeling, I don't know why, but it must be that way.

-Gwydion: sometimes the heart has the best answer, even visions do not always show what should be.

-Elise: it may be more complicated than simple hunches, but we must follow this path, I have a feeling that it will take us to our sisters.

The bonfire little by little began to dim and with it everyone's dreams revived, little by little they succumbed until they all fell asleep.

Outside the tent lay Tylos who had been listening to what they were talking about. Noticing that everyone had fallen asleep he decided to place his sword as protection at the entrance of the tent, however, he was soon confronted by Agareth.

-Agareth: It is a noble intention; however, it is offensive that you think that they could be in danger in this place with our princess in there, but I appreciate the detail, you have respect for them, don't you?

-Tylos: I've known them for a couple of days... that's all.

-Agareth: oh, how to remain unarmed, that is truly noble of your young man.

-Tylos: It is naive of you to assume that I cannot fight without my sword, stop thinking about it, what do you want, old man?

-Agareth: Nothing in particular, however, I must say that you should learn to hide that aura that you carry around, if you were someone hostile in the first place you would not have been able to get here, that's why I'm not worried about any of you, but probably the other people They don't look favorably on what you have there on your back, that's the true origin... I can't feel anything about you in particular, which in itself is very strange, but that artifact must be hidden.

-Tylos: do you want to help me?

-Agareth: On one condition...you must protect her until she is ready...I know you have the strength.

-Tylos: ready for what? I can't assure you of that.

-Agareth: You don't need to know yet, come with me, I want to show you something.

The boy, somewhat surprised, and with a bit of malice, remained suspiciously behind.

-Agareth: if you are going to come, you should do it now...

Tylos decided to follow him, to himself he wondered what he could show him in that poor place full of rubble.

Soon inside the forest he could see in the darkness, there it was illuminated by the moon, a small path went up the mountain, barely one person could pass at a time through the rocks carved in the gorge.

Little by little they began to ascend the narrow path, in the silence of the night only their footsteps could be heard that echoed throughout the place, each small stone that feel resonated throughout the valley below them.

-Agareth: You don't seem tired at all, even the most experienced in the village can't keep up.

-Tylos: it's not a problem for me, I'm used to it...

-Agareth: oh, let's increase the speed then, I don't think I've lost my touch despite my age.

The old man disappeared from the boy's sight for a moment, and in a flash, he was on the top of the mountain, he sat on the ground to wait for the boy to arrive, however, when he turned to see his right hand Tylos He was sitting next to him, his surprise was such that he stumbled back and fell to the ground.

He couldn't conceive that he was so fast without using magic or enhancing his body, and added to that, at what moment had he passed him if there was only one person on the road, if he had used some type of artifact or energy he would have realized, Agareth was embarrassed.

-Tylos: don't trip, let's continue, that's what you want to show me.

The old man dusted himself off and continued guiding him, shortly after walking for a while they arrived... they were in front of the head of the giant beast.

The boy looked very carefully to see that there was still meat on the animal's head, and a slight breeze came out and entered through his nostrils.

-Tylos: how is it possible if he wants to... he is still alive, but his body, there is nothing left... it is not possible.

-Agareth: it is the nature of things that matters, not his form... his body has almost disappeared, but even with his lost consciousness, he has not forgotten his promise, he continues to care for us even in his state.

-Tylos: you wanted to show him to me, but I can't do anything for him, as you can see I don't even have magic power.

-Agareth: come here... put that weapon on this altar and place your hand, I will do the same.

The boy did so, and the old man likewise, the latter retreated and everything remained silent while a small barrier like a dome rose above them and left them trapped.

-Tylos: what do you mean... you didn't tell me anything about this.

-Agareth: you see boy, this is a ceremony, a custom, a tradition to show your worth, only in the face of true danger do men show their true colors, and our lord will be the one who observes.

Although there was no movement from the colossus, the boy knew immediately that what the old man said was very serious, he again felt that presence that stalked him in the forest, his gaze was penetrating and thirsty for blood.

-Agareth: on guard, I hope you know how to fight without your weapons.

-Tylos: calm down, I won't fight you.

-Agareth: it was not a suggestion, be on guard...here they come.

The dome that had formed became dark and filled with darkness, and within it there seemed to be something that was hiding in the shadows.

But far from any monster appearing or attacking them, in an instant they were left in an immense wheat field, motionless and unable to say anything, a child appeared before them and two wolves pounced on him, one white and one black, they began to lick him. everywhere and to play with him, he mounted them and they ran away, they stood on two legs and played everywhere, dropping everywhere with him on their backs, they continued like this for a while until they fell deeply asleep.

After a while at dusk, when the sun was about to set, they appeared, they were two really beautiful women, one dressed in black, and another dressed in white, their age did not seem to be more than twenty-five years old, they arrived near the child and the wolves got up and ran towards them, and accompanied them they retreated.

Then the dome that was lying on the top of the mountain disappeared and both of them fell to their knees really exhausted.

-Agareth: what was that... this had never happened... it was supposed to be a test... this vision... who are you boy, what did you see... who were those who were in that place. It's all very confusing!

-Tylos: The only thing I saw was darkness... I don't know what you're talking about... is that why you brought me here? We're just wasting time!

-Agareth: don't lie... that child, he looks like you... I will behead you right away if you don't answer me truthfully.

-Tylos: I have no idea what you're talking about, maybe she's crazy... if you don't believe me... I don't mind fighting with you, you've distrusted me from the first moment I set foot in this place.

Agareth took his curved sword and raised it against the boy, but Tylos stared at him without moving, so he decided to believe him without saying more about it.

-Agareth: stop looking at me like that, I believe you... have this cloak and cover that sword, with it you should be able to go unnoticed...

-Tylos: What is it made of?

-Agareth: From our lady's hair, it is one of the blankets that she used to wrap Aisha when she was little, its power is capable of enclosing the same darkness. You won't believe that we will accompany you with that pestilence attracting enemies everywhere!

-Tylos: I didn't say yes.

-Agareth: I never asked you and it's not like you have any other choice, now that damn Vhal will hunt you down just like he will haunt us down... come on, it won't be long until dawn.

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