
Day With The Devil

Word Count: 1097

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: slight angst

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: Lucifer had hoped to spend his day, drinking, partying, his usual routine. His plans get derailed when he feels a tug on his pants leg and looks down to see a little girl, with black hair. She asks him to help her find her mom and something about her makes him say yes.


"You really should come join me Detective, I promise to keep the less than legal activities to a minimum or-"

Lucifer paused whenever he felt something grab his pant leg and tug on it a few times. He looked down, frowning. A little girl, probably no older than five or six was staring up at him. She had long curly black hair and (Y/E/C) eyes. Her eyes were red, as though she had been crying. Lucifer looked around, trying to find whoever she belonged to. When he saw no one looking for her or even showing interest in her, he glanced back at her.

"Detective, I'll have to call you back. There's a... small problem." Lucifer said.

He hung up his phone and slipped it into his pocket. The little girl hadn't let go of his pants, still staring up at him.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked.

She looked close to tears and kept blinking them away.

"I can't find my mommy."

He looked around again, and stepped away from her. He despised children.

"Well go ask someone else for help, I'm busy." Lucifer said turning around.


He paused, her voice sounded so scared, and he sighed. He looked over his shoulder, staring at her for a moment. The longer he stared the more he began to think she looked like you. Her eyes, her skin tone, everything about her seemed to remind him of you. Lucifer shook his head, trying to push that thought from his mind. You were gone, you left, there was no use in opening old wounds.

"I don't suppose you have any idea where you last saw your mother?" He sighed.

She shook her head, Lucifer cursed under his breath. Of course, she wouldn't, it was just his luck. He looked back at her again. Her eyes, they looked so much like yours, the swirl of colors, he always found so fascinating. He find himself agreeing before he could stop himself.

"Right, well I suppose it couldn't take long to find her. Come along child."

She hurried to catch up to him and crossed her arms.

"My name is Lucille. Not child."

Lucifer couldn't help but smile and cleared his throat when she glared at him.

"Of course, how rude of me." He smirked.

"You know, you're supposed to tell me your name now." She said.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, looking at her with interest.

"Am I?"

They had been walking for a little over an hour, with no luck. She had grabbed his hand about a half hour into their search and refused to let go. Lucifer had given up trying to shake his hand free. He had to admit the young child was beginning to grow on him. She had told him that he could call her Lucy, and she only let her friends call her that.

"So we're friends now?" Lucifer chuckled.

"Yep! You're really nice, for the devil." Lucy said.

Lucifer laughed, holding her hand tighter. When he had told her his name her only reaction was to smile and proclaim that it was '.' Although he was surprisingly enjoying the company of the human girl his heart was aching. She reminded him so much of you, from how stubborn she was, to the way she smiled. Although he hadn't seen you in years, he always thought about you, he could never understand why you left. Was it something he said? Something he had done?

"Lucifer look!"

He was pulled from his thoughts when Lucy started pulling him in the direction of a snow cone stand. She was so excited that he let her drag him to the frozen treat stand.

"Can I get one?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.

He was slowly coming to the realization that Lucille had him wrapped around her finger.

"We're supposed to be looking for your mother, not getting a frozen treat." Lucifer said.

"Please!" Lucy looked up at him, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

He opened his mouth to tell her no again, but one more look at her excited expression and his refusal died on his lips.

"Oh alright, one large snow cone for the child." Lucifer told the clerk.

Lucille was practically bouncing with excitement whenever the woman handed her the snow cone.

"Thank you!"

"You're very welcome, your daughter is adorable." The clerk winked at Lucifer.

"? She is not my-"

He didn't get to finish as Lucy started pulling him in the opposite direction.

"Come on Lucifer! We have to find mommy!" Lucy said sternly.

"You're the one who wanted that frozen water! Bossy little creature." Lucifer mumbled.

She mainly focused on the snow cone as they walked and Lucifer pulled his phone out. He planned on calling Chloe, seeing as he was having no luck finding Lucy's mother. He was just about to hit call, whenever Lucy suddenly let out a shout. He turned around quickly, heart sinking at the thought something happening to the human child. She had tripped and had fallen onto her hands and knees. Her snow cone spilled everywhere and her eyes were beginning to water.

"Bloody hell, come here darling." Lucifer quickly picked her up.

He was surprised by his own sudden worry for her. He pushed that thought aside and held her in his arms. She showed him her hands, they were scratched but otherwise fine. Her knees were scraped and bleeding a little though. She was trying not to cry and he smiled gently.

"Just a few scrapes, nothing too bad." He assured her.

"I spilled my snow cone." Lucy sniffed.

He chuckled and looked at the red colored ice on the ground.

"We can always get you a new one." He said.

That did nothing to lessen her tears and he frowned. Lucy wiped her eyes, giving him a heartbreaking expression.

"What if we don't find mommy?"

"Are you underestimating me? I'll find your mother in no time." Lucifer promised.

Lucy wiped her eyes smiling and a voice suddenly cut through the crowd.


Lucifer turned around, his eyes widening in his belief. You were standing there, frozen, your eyes just as wide as his. Lucy didn't seem to sense the tense atmosphere because she smiled.


Lucifer looked between the little girl in his arms and then to you. It all made sense, why she reminded him so much of you, why he thought of you when he looked her. She was your daughter. You stood there nervously, waiting for him to say something, anything.

"Y/N..." He muttered.

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