
Secret date (Satan x reader)


I tiptoed out of my room, and hurried down the hallway, trying not to make any noise as I did so. When I arrived at the front door, a familiar blonde demon was waiting for me.

"Hello, Y/N. You look absolutely beautiful tonight." Satan complemented. I blushed as I glanced away. I had dressed up nicely to go to dinner with Satan.

"Y-You look handsome as well. S-So, where exactly are we going?" I asked as he lightly grabbed my hand. He simply smiled at me as he opened the door, and lead me out of the manor.

"That's a surprise."

So we walked towards the town in peaceful silence. I couldn't stop myself from glancing at the demon that was still holding my hand. He had an air of confidence around him, and it was pulling me in like a magnet.

Eventually, we stopped in front of a restaurant I've never seen before. Which was surprising since I've been to town a bunch of times while living here.

"Is this a new restaurant?" Satan shook his head as he lead me inside. He walked up to a man behind a small podium, and the man quickly escorted us to a table towards the back of the building.

"This place has been around for a while now. But since it's farther into the town, not a lot of people know about it. Do you like it?"

"Yeah. It's pretty comfortable, and it's not loud at all. Thank you for inviting me tonight. I'll pay you back somehow."

"There's no need, Y/N. I'm doing this because I wanted to take you on a date." A warm smile appeared on his face, and I quickly picked up the menu and hid my face behind it, feeling bashful.

A woman came over to us, and asked us for our orders. Once we ordered, she left us alone, as well as taking our menus. Which left me with no defenses against Satan's words.

We talked for a little while before our food came. Mostly about the kinds of books we had read recently. Of course, Satan had read a lot more books that I have, but it was interesting to learn about the different facts he has learned.

The same woman from before returned with some plates in her hands. She set them down, and we began eating in silence. The food was delicious, so I didn't talk a whole lot. I did notice Satan sneaking glances at me every once in a while, which made me blush.

After we finished our food, we left the restaurant, hand-in-hand. At first, I thought we were going straight back to the House of Lamentation. But then I noticed that Satan was taking me in a different direction.

"Satan? Where are we going?"

"It wouldn't be any fun if we immediately went home. Besides, a stroll in the moonlight is the perfect way to end a date, wouldn't you say?" He squeezed my hand as he looked up at the dark sky. I did the same.

The glowing moon above our heads looked the same as it always did, but this time it seemed a little different. As if it were just the two of us standing at the center of the universe, bathing in the pale moonlight together.

"It's beautiful..." My voice was hardly above a whisper, but Satan seemed to have heard me. My arms were slightly cold, so I started so softly rub them.

"Here." Satan took of the coat he was wearing, and draped it around my shoulders. It was a little big on me, but I slipped my arms into the sleeves anyway.

"T-Thank you..."

"You look pretty cute in my jacket. Here, let's sit down. It'll look even better from this angle." He walked over to a nearby tree, and sat against it. I followed him, and was about to sit next to him.

However, he grabbed my wrist, and forced me to sit down in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me against his chest. I felt a little tense at first, but his warmth helped me calm down.

"This is probably one of the best days of my life. I got to go on a date with the girl I love, and I get to stargaze with her." I turned around to look at him, and I could tell that he was being completely truthful with me. My heart started beating a little bit faster than it was before.

"L-Love?" Satan leaned forward, and softly kissed me on the lips. Usually, I would've moved away out of shock, but I found myself leaning in as well. I clung to his shirt as we continued kissing.

The world had stopped around us, and the only thing that existed was our moonlit kiss. After a while, we broke apart for air. I felt embarrassed again, so I hid my face in Satan's chest.

"You get flustered easily, don't you? Well, it *is* one of your charms." He stroked the back of my head as I nodded silently. His fingers ran through my hair, and it felt pretty good.

"W-We're dating now...right?" I looked up, and he placed a quick kiss on my forehead. That in itself was an answer, so I returned my gaze to Satan's chest. He suddenly started shifting, and I knew that we were leaving now.

"Let's get back home. I'm sure my brothers have noticed our absence by now. Hopefully they don't try and interrogate us." Satan helped me stand up, and we started walking back to the manor.

"We should come back to that spot sometime. It really is beautiful there, and no one would bother us."

"Indeed. If you're free this weekend, we can go again. Maybe I'll pack us something to eat this time. A picnic with my girlfriend sounds like a perfect second date." He squeezed my hand softly, and I squeezed it back. It was an unspoken promise that we just made, saying we would definitely come back this weekend.

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