
Invisible (Satan x demon reader)

3rd POV

There's a nerdy demon girl who goes to R.A.D, but no one seems to notice her. Even if they did, no one seemed to remember her name.

She sat in the back of the class, her head was usually in a book. She was intelligent, but no one seemed to care.

She was used to that. She never asked the teachers for help, or anyone for a pencil if she forgot one.

Every day of her life was like that. Until one day, when a blonde demon entered her life.


I was reading the newest book I picked up from the school's library. I'm not sure how many I've read so far, but it's to the point where the librarian remembers my full name.

The bell rang, and I let out of soft sigh. It was finally time for lunch. Well, lunch is basically me just sitting in the library.

I usually don't eat at school since I have breakfast, which is more than enough to get me through the school day.

So I packed up my things, and started to make my way to the library. One of my books fell from my arms.

I was about to grab it, but someone else made a reach for it. My eyes met with beautiful green eyes.

"Here you go." It was a very familiar blonde demon, Satan. One of the esteemed student council members.

"T-Thank you..." I said in a quiet voice.

"It would be wrong not to help a fellow bookworm. Your name is Y/N, right?" He smiled at me. He...knew my name?

"H-How....do you know my name?" I asked.

"Whenever I go to the library, you're always in there. The librarian usually talks about you." He chuckled, and I glanced away.

"Oh..." I'm surprised he even noticed me in there.

I take a seat at the back table so I won't be interrupted by anyone. How come I've never noticed him looking at me?

"Are you heading there now?" Satan inquired. I nodded.

"I-I was going to...look for a new book." I couldn't stop myself from stuttering.

"Do you mind if I tag along?" Satan asked me.

"Y-You can come if you want..." I whispered. He started walking, and I quickly caught up to him.

It felt like a lot of people were staring at us, and that made me really nervous. Satan didn't seem to notice anything.

We got to the library, and the librarian seemed surprised that we walked inside, but she didn't say anything.

"Hello Y/N and Satan. We got some new books in over the weekend. They're on that cart over there if you're interested." I quickly placed my books in the return slot, and went over to the cart.

I started browsing all of the books carefully, deciding which ones I wanted to read first.

We were allowed to check out two books at a time, but since I frequented the library so much I didn't check books out too often.

"Have you read this one before?" Satan pulled out a book, and handed it to me.

It was a title I didn't recognize, so I shook my head.

"I reccomend reading that. It's really good." He whispered.

"O-Okay...I'll read it then." I went to the back of the library to my favorite chair to start reading immediately.

However, Satan sat down in the chair next to me. He opened the book that he had picked out, and he began reading.

I tried to focus on my book, but I couldn't help but to keep glancing at him.

His blonde hair somewhat covered his eyes, and he looked invested in the book. It was almost like I was looking at a male version of myself.

"Is something the matter?" Satan's voice broke my train of thought.

"W-Why do you ask?"

"You keep looking at me." My cheeks felt warm when he said that.

"U-Um....I'm not sure?" I was honestly as confused as he was.

"You don't know?"

"I-I mean....why are you talking to me? I-I'm just some girl who sits in the back and doesn't talk. I'm....invisible....

S-So....why?" I glanced away. I've never talked this much before, and it was kinda weird to me.

"That's because I want to get to know you." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"B-But why?" I couldn't comprehend anything he was saying.

"Ever since I first heard about you from the librarian, I wanted to meet you. Your passion for reading rivals my own.

And...I want to be friends." My eyes widened. Friend?

"....w-we.....can be friends..." Those words slipped out of my mouth.

"Great. Well, it's nice to meet you Y/N." He held out his hand.

I slowly lifted my own, and I shook his hand, noticing the warmth that radiated from it.

"N-Nice....to meet you Satan." He raised an eyebrow.

"You knew my name already?"

"W-Well...you're a part of the student council. E-Everyone knows your name." I explained in a soft voice. I'm surprised the librarian hasn't told us to stop whispering.

The bell rang, making me jump in my seat. Satan chuckled and stood up.

"Do you want to walk to class together?" He asked.

"S-Sure...let me check out this book."

The librarian had a proud looking smile on her face, but for what reason I didn't know.

So me and Satan walked to class together, and I felt really happy for some reason.

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