
Chapter 4: The Rebellious Stage? 

I could finally relax as I set the final co-ordinates into the nav computer. Checking it once again against the recently acquired hyperspace lanes and I let out a small breath of relief. I hadn't gone to all the trouble for nothing.

I wanted to relax fully, maybe kick my feet up on the controls for a little while, but I didn't have time for that. In, I would guess, about 10 minutes I would have a very angry Twi'lek coming through the doors behind me.

I almost wanted to face palm as I felt the small twinge of the spark in the back of my neck.

Ok, maybe like 8 minutes....

Yeap 8 minutes.

I mean, Dae has grown on me.... but, damn is she overprotective.


I mean I could understand if the situation was a bit worse, but we had been through a lot over the years, this was at best a scuffle.

But alas, she had grown a little attached over the years.

Not to mention every time she would start lecturing me....

I was supposed to be the Adult here, not her!

What happened to the girl that would follow me around looking like a small Cath hound with those big innocent eyes?

Give me back that cute girl that would treat everything I say as gospel! Not talk back and lecture me every time something went wrong!

Haaaaah, who am I kidding.

She had been a god send over the last 6 years....

Jesus, had it been 6 years?

Well, I knew it was 5 years and 11 months, but 6 years even, sounds better in my head. If it wasn't because of what I acquired last job and that fact, there was no way on the backside of a Bantha I would have set foot on Nar Shadaa again.

The poodoo hole of the galaxy is not a place one returns willingly.

I wonder if my life would have been completely different if she didn't have amnesia. Would it just have been me galivanting around the galaxy, going from job to job...

Can't really change it now.

And.... I had come to cherish the memories I now had with her.

Sure, she had grown up quick, but she would still be the kid that followed me around asking a question a mile as I tried to fix the ship, or the scared kid that would knock on my bed panel every other night asking if she could sleep with me because she had a nightmare.

A person's world really changes when they get a kid, even if that kid was 9 when I picked her up.

Though she hadn't done that in quite a while.

But I was getting side tracked.

Reaching down to check the ships systems, I could see everything working at near peak efficiency, no doubt Dae's work. It was sad to say, but my days of working on the ship were behind me.

Maybe teaching Dae all I knew about engineering and fixing the ship was a mistake.

I mean, I also want to work on my baby!

It wasn't yours now just because you were better at it!

Damn Spark being unfair once again!

Why couldn't I get the super learning bullshit.....

I better stop thinking about that.

I was still the captain; I could add any modifications I wanted to my baby.

Dae would figure out how to retro fit it if needed.

Though she would probably swear like a sailor while doing it.

I definitely didn't teach her half those words... no.

Wait.... it wasn't my fault that Dae was so head strong right.... and rebellious... and snarky....

No, she picked that up from all the space ports we go to.

Plus, she also still listened to my orders.

She was just overprotective... yeap that's it.

Damn why did she have to become so scary when she gets into one of her moods. I felt a shudder come on at one of those memories, but quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.

Well, I guess that would have to do with her combat training...

Stupid spark.

*Click* *Click*

Ohh and there she comes.

I prepared myself for the inevitable scolding I was about to receive as I pulled out the 20 credits I owed. That would make things better... probably.


I didn't turn around when the door to the cabin opened, I just kept staring out the view port, taking in the bright blue of the hyperspace lane we were traveling. There's a good reason I loved smuggling and trading. Nothing in the galaxy could compare.

I was waiting for her to start speaking, but she didn't. Her boots clattered over the metal floor before she finally flopped into the seat next to me....

That wasn't good.

It was never good when she didn't say anything, especially when I know she was annoyed about this whole job and how it went down.

Slowly reaching over, hoping not to wake the sleeping beast, I passed the 20 creds over. Thankfully she took them no problem, though our eyes did meet, she looked tired.

A comfortable silence came over the cabin as I tried to distract myself, but after 10 minutes I couldn't help myself.

"Ok stop with the guilt tripping, say what you want to say."


Oh god, when even she started to sigh, I knew it was going to be a serious talk.

"Jack, what the sith spit was that?"

I wanted to sigh myself at the question, but there was a specific reason I didn't want to tell her, she would be happy when she found out... probably... most likely.... hopefully.

"Uhh... a regular info trade on Nar Shadda?"


It seemed my flippant answer wasn't what she was hoping for as she slammed her hand on the console, forcing me to look her way.

"You damn well know what I mean Jack! You could have... we could have died; the spark can't heal a blaster bolt to the chest damnit!"

I feel like I should have been more offended that she expected me to go down in a small shoot out like that, or the fact that she stumbled over mentioned both of us going down. Damn I knew she was good at fighting, but who taught her the basics damnit... even if she was better now.... Damn spark.

"We need the information..."

Ok... even I wouldn't have believed myself with that weak showing of lying. Comeon Jack your better than that.

"Bantha Crap! What information is so damn important, because you haven't told me kriffing anything."

By this point we were having a stare down and I will admit, she did have one of those faces that made me want to just tell her. Back when she was younger it would have been the cath eyes, damn innocent and everything.

Now... well it was still a cath hound stare, just more grown up, predatory, fear inducing. Didn't help knowing how trained she was in weapons combat.

"Look it's a surprise."

Well she didn't like that answer, I think she might actually get out of her chair and pummel me at this rate.

I'll go down swinging!

"Fuck the surprise Jack. What the heck did you risk your life for?"

Still with the whole I was the only o ne in danger angle, come-on, I'm not that bad! Honestly it was quite annoying. Maybe that was why I snapped back.

"Something important!...."

I regained myself when she recoiled. I didn't usually raise my voice at her. There wasn't many reasons to and I could pretty well trust her not to do anything stupid.

Seeing the small amount of hurt in her eyes at the raise in voice I really felt like going to grab a drink from one of my private stock.

"... Look just trust me Dae, it's important."

She didn't respond, she just looked out the view port, her mind no doubt shifting to something else. That made me feel even worse.


I let the silence continue as she thought to herself, a small sorry on my lips but unsaid. Maybe I did influence her stubborn headedness a little....

"...How'd you know that sith spit dealer had good infroamtion?"

Damn I was hoping she wouldn't ask about that.

"Uhhhh, it matched with something I already have..."

She finally looked back my way. I tried to avoid her deadpan eyes but it wasn't working.

"And why hasn't anyone else gone looking for whatever this is?"

I Gave a small cough as I tried to gain time to think of a good answer, but there's no good way to say this.

"....It may be in the uhhh.... Uknown regions."

She was shocked for a second, I could just make out as the words registered in her mind before she shouted out.


She was half raised out of her chair, looknig ready to pumel me to the ground, tie me up and then set in some new co-ordinates while finding some place to get me checked out.

People didn't go into the unknown regions for a few good regions.

No one knew what was out there.

There are no official hyper lanes in the unknown regions. Duh they haven't been explored.

Both those factors meant quite a few things for space faring ships. Number one above all was the fact that Pirates loved to have little hide outs littered around the region, as well as a huge presence for anyone looking for a little adventure. Without hyper lanes, one couldn't escape if they were caught by a few ships, especially with a shit engine. Quickly rushing to make sure she wouldn't enact her evil plan I quickly raised my hands in defense.

"Wait no Dae, trust me the spark is giving me some good feelings." I thought bringing up the spark might make this easier, but she still looked worried.

"… What about the hyperspace lanes? Without them it could take months to make it wherever we're going.. Wait... is that why we've been stocking up on supplies over the last few trips." She only seemed to get angrier as she started connecting dots that weren't even there. My eyes went wider as I realized just how angry she was getting. Quickly flapping my hands to distract her I spoke quickly.

"No, no, no, no, no. Those are just incase we get any good trades on the next few stops. It would actually take us years to reach the planet if we didn't have the hyper lanes...."



She was looming over me now, eyes glinting danger.

"Wait! You remember the last job we did a few weeks back, where they couldn't pay us properly, so I asked for something else.... one of the Wookie's had a spare star map with some, secret hyper lanes that we can use and that's also why I decided to go through with this."

Thankfully she was rational enough to see reason. Once my words registered in her mind, a lot of the steam she was coming towards me with dissipated and I let out a breath of relief. I could see the battle raging in her mind to make a decision, before finally the strength seemed to leave her body and she once again flopped down on her chair.

"Urgh you are unbearable."

She was exasperated I could tell, but I think I caught a small smile when she spoke. I knew she was a little fond of my antics, especially after all these years.

"Trust me."

I gave her one of my best smiles, one honed over years of practice at bars, strip clubs and overbearing clients. She just returned a deadpan, before stretching and getting up, heading towards the door.

Well, you can't win them all.

"I'll be in my room resting, knowing you wherever we are going will stress me out enough to take a few years off my life span. Especially when I have to save your sorry ass every time." I just gave a small smile at her back... she was probably right.

"Love you two Dae."

She didn't turn around as she replied.

"Go fuck a Bantha Jack."

Huh.... that was a new one. Looks like she's fully entered her rebellious stage. Nothing to worry about, it's just the anger talking. I know she loves me.

I mean who doesn't love me?


Just a little character interaction this one. I wonder what exactly Jack is looking for. I'll give you a hint. It appears as the last Planet in on the most beloved Star Wars Games Ever.

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