
Chapter 22: Date

Virin put his hand forward and asked, "Would a beautiful lady such as yourself care to join me on a date on this beautiful evening?"

Sriya took his hand with a dazzling smile and muttered, "Gladly!"

Virin took her hand and started walking away from the guild while her hand was held in his firm grip.

After walking for a few moments they reached a restaurant, where Virin had already made a reservation for the night.

"W-Why are we here?" questioned Sriya while stuttering.

This restaurant was one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, which catered to merchants and bureaucrats.

Normally, people, whether rich or poor weren't barred from entering or discriminated against.

However, the cheapest meal here might cause a few silver coins, which everyone liked to avoid as taverns would also offer good food while being ten times cheaper.

"Today is a special occasion," he replied and followed the guidance of the restaurant manager.

The manager took them to the terrace where there was only one table with two chairs.

First, the restaurant manager was quite skeptical of Virin's desire to book the terrace instead of booking a table inside the restaurant, but he agreed to his request.

"What special occasion?" she asked with curiosity.

A waitress was waiting for them and once they both were seated, he muttered, "Well, today is my birthday, or at least should be as per the time format of my previous World, hahaha!"

Sriya's eyes opened wide and she said, "Happy Birthday, Master!"

Then she looked at him with guilt and mumbled, "I don't even have a present for you."

"It's fine, you didn't deny my request to come here, that's well and enough," he said and then looked at the waitress and gestured to her, to bring them food.

While he was looking at the klutz waitress, who was juggling the plates while carrying their food, Sriya looked at him with a painful expression.

She wanted to apologize to him for calling him a monster and a psychopath. She was in no place to judge him, even when he did those acts to avenge her dignity.

From the day they had met, he had showered them with so much love and affection. Any other woman would be praising God, thanking them for sending such a person into their life.

She was a mere old slave but he really treated her like a Queen and she told him not to touch her.

She wanted to ask for his forgiveness but from that night, there was an invisible wall between them and an awkwardness that was eating her from the inside.

While she was mulling over her thoughts, their dinner came to an end.

After wiping his mouth clean, Virin looked at her with a smile and started speaking.

"Sriya, I plan to head towards Doosra City tomorrow."

"I've talked to Klem and he agreed with my request to let you join the guild members and work as a librarian or something. That keeps you out of harm's way."

"The past few days have been quite suffocating for me, knowing that I'm forcing you to stay with me, against your wishes."

While hearing him, Sriya's gaze became crestfallen.

"I've realized after thinking for the past few days, even though you're my s-slave, I can't keep you tied down with myself."

"It doesn't give me any comfort or happiness, the same way it did when you were all smiles and bubbling with happiness."

"Even though I never wanted to be us apart, I guess this is what fate held for us."

"I wish to free you from your bondages, Sriya!"

The moment that phrase left his mouth, Sriya's eyes opened wide. Her slave seal once again started to glow.

She looked at him and stood up with teary eyes and while choking on her words she said, "N-no W-wai....!"

But he interjected her and said, "I grant you the free name, Lexi Irya!"

Then her glowing slave seal faded away and she felt that she was no longer connected to him.

She fell onto her knees while quivering and like a broken record kept mumbling, "No!"

Virin got down on his knees and was about to comfort her but he stopped his hand mid-way.

He hesitantly asked, "Sr-Lexi, are you alright?"

She didn't answer him for the first few seconds. He couldn't guess what was going on, her bangs covered her face.

Then she mumbled in a low voice, "Give..it..back!"

"Huh?" he couldn't hear it quite clearly.

"Give it back you A**HOLE!!" she roared and jumped in his chest.

She pushed her drenched face into his chest and while hitting him with her small bawled fist, like a broken she kept muttering, "Give my slave seal back!" or "Give me my name back!"

"Calm down, will ya!" he said and embraced her.

"Who runs away from any relationship, due to a single fight? Are you that much of a coward?"

"No! no!.... I won't let you.....please give my slave seal back," she was throwing tantrums like a child, unlike her mature self.

After half an hour she calmed down while hugging her tightly, while Virin kept caressing her back.

She started speaking in a nasal voice.

"I'm sorry for calling you a monster and psychopath that day....please don't abandon me."

"I don't want a warm and caring person like you to turn into some cold-blooded murderer."

"I wanted to apologize, but you kept taking names of a different woman while you were sleeping and I got jealous."

"But now I don't care if you get yourself ten women, but please don't abandon me. Just let me be a part of your life...even if it's in a small corner of your heart. I will be happy."

Virin felt a headache and while covering his face with one of his palms, he asked, "Sheesh woman, what do you want?"

He was about to speak further, but as she was still in his embrace, spoke first, "I want to be yours...I want to be your Sriya....again. Please don't take that identity away from me!"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for my previous behavior!" she mumbled while gasping for air to catch up her breath from continuous wailing.

After calming down, she guided Virin back to the slave trader from where he had purchased her.

Then she asked Virin to pay for her new slave seal while fuming with anger. Virin laughed and paid for the seal after admitting his total defeat.

Once the seal was placed, Virin only put one condition, that 'she would never betray her,' during the sealing ritual.

She was all smiles once the slave seal was complete and her name was changed to 'Sriya,' once again.

He thought that this all was very stupid but he felt happy inside, seeing Sriya's 'flipped side.'

Once they returned to their Inn, they found themselves in a similar position, when they first entered this room together.

Virin had his head resting on her lap, as she gently caressed his hair while sitting on the bed with her legs down.

Then as if remembering something very important, Virin sat straight on his knees and took out a small box, and started speaking.

"Sriya! Although I ended up with many expensive pieces of jewelry due to my sheer luck, I wanted to buy you something, from my hard-earned money."

Then he took out the crude-looking Ring from the box and after placing it on her ring finger, he looked at it with a smile.

"Although it isn't much, in the future I'll work hard to buy you something good," he said as he kissed her fingers while holding her hands in his.

Sriya's eyes became moist while looking at the ring and she mumbled, "Thank you. I'll treasure it forever."

Then after wiping her eyes she leaned and kissed his lips gently.

After breaking their kiss she muttered, "Today is your birthday and I haven't gifted you anything."

Then she looked at the wall clock hanging in the room.

"There's still some time left, for this day to end. Thank God," she said.

Virin smiled and said, "Oh do you have a present for me!"

She looked at Virin with a smile and leaned toward his ear. Then with hot breath and a sultry voice, she muttered, "My mensuration, they are over."


After saying that, she bit on his earlobe and then moved back and looked at him with a naughty expression.

He smiled like a beast and said, "Best gift ever!"

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hen_pai_sancreators' thoughts
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