
First Impressions of UA.

With my destination set, I used the [Divine Protection of Swiftness] to blitz over to the academy, reaching it in approximately 13.7 seconds. I was surprised, honestly. I knew Reinhard was fast but I never expected him to be this quick.

Right now, i am about to begin the true start for my Hero journey. As I walked through the now thriving gates of UA, I spotted many people I recognised from the show. Several characters who are basically side characters in the world, as well as the dynamic duo of Bakugou and Midoriya.

Of course, I stood out not as much in this world. Crimson hair isn't exactly uncommon in this world, especially when you consider that some people are literally made of rocks.

Though, I will admit, the outfit I was wearing did draw eyes. After all, I was in Reinhards Royal Knight regalia, I hadn't exactly been given many options to wear compared to everyone else, especially considering I don't even have a school to go to.

The registration process was as simple as placing an address and a name, with verification going through the home owner of the given address. If Momo made good on her promise, then I should be fine.

The written exam was extremely simple, made easy by the [Divine Protection of Intellect] giving me extremely fast processing speed and problem solving capabilities. Questions were defined based on action and response rather than trivia, giving problems, variables and asking for a solution.

After a 2 hour exam period we were shuffled into an auditorium to be told the specifics of the practical exam. I was completely surrounded by people I didn't recognise at all, with no main cast members nearby.

I didn't need to listen to the explanation, I already knew about exactly what the exam would encompass. Iida didn't bother commenting on my lack of uniform, or the two swords I had with me, because I had my [Divine Protection of Concealment] making both myself and my weapons much less noticeable.

Finally after a small break to escort us to the battle arena, the exam begun in earnest.


The very second the alarm for the exam sounded, I had activated [Swiftness] and dashes into the arena, using [Divine Protection of Threat Detection] to locate any hostile entities nearby. From there, I went around destroying each and every robot I came across at mach speed with my fists.

I was saving the sword, after all. Though, with the devastating strength my punches contained, I had to hold back considerably so as to avoid destroying buildings around me, settling for just rushing up to the robots and impaling my fist through them.

This cycle continues for a while, with any dangerous projectiles such as bullets from the machine guns on the robots being automatically shifted away from me in their trajectory, courtesy of [Divine Protection of Arrow Evasion] coupled together with any physical attacks being dodged by [Divine Protection of First Attack Immunity] and [Proceeding Attack Immunity]

Basically, in simpler terms, I had entered a slaughterhouse. There was no other way to describe it. By the time I had impaled around 23 machines on my fist, I finally met my first compatriots in the exam.

By the time more and more people started arriving in the battle ground, the zone was nearing empty. More robots were being shovelled out from different sectors in the zone, but it didn't even matter.

I did have several encounters where I needed to get some other people out of bad situations, having to keep them safe against the robots before taking the opportunity to grab more points for myself.

10 minutes into what can only be described as me manifesting the spirit of the IRS on these untaxed robots funded by UA, the assessment team decided to pull out the big guns.


The Zero Pointer, a hulking mass of metal and wire, despicably large and given the sole purpose to make people run away. An extremely fascinating creation, given that they weren't used very often in the following battles against the LoV.

Having final found an opportunity to make use of the Iron sword on my hip, i walk forward, determination in my stride as I push against the sea of students running past me. Some look at me as if I was stupid, while others who had seen me in the exam prior simply sigh.

As I walk forward, I lift the blade to my side, before flicking a mental switch and absorbing every speck of ambient Mana in the air. After all, Mana is a resource present in every single area of the universe.

While I charged my sword with Mana, the temperature around me dropped several degrees, layers of frost forming over the street around my feet, a dull blue shimmer growing brighter and brighter over the surface of my sword until finally I stood in front of the Zero Pointer, the robotic hand reaching down to grab me. I raised the sword into the air, and unleashed devastation.

"[Swordplay of the Astrea Family]."

As I drag the sword down, the sky itself is split in two as a wave of pure Mana, destruction made manifest, charges forward in the wake of my slash. The wave rushes forward, eviscerating everything within range of it before reaching the Zero Pointer and absolutely vaporising it, the extra time I had to charge mana in the sword causing it to deal far more damage.

When the light dies down, and the world is visible once more, there is not much left of the towering machine. Only slag and smouldering remnants of metal, molten and destroyed. None were hurt in that attack, as I had used my [Divine Protection of Life Detection] to alert me of all life forces present, with none human nearby.

I sigh in contentment with my work, pleased at my performance. [Eidetic Memory] tells me that I had destroyed 146 robots of various amounts of points in the alloted time, unable to account for rescue points. I'd wager I've broken the previous record by an extreme degree.

I look down at the handle of the Iron sword held in front of me and watch as what was once a glistening blade turns to dust, unable to handle the raw power of my Mana Absorbing and Channeling.

Oh well. I can fight just as well with any weapon as I can a sword, [Sword Saint] having granted me complete martial mastery in combat with every weapon I lay my hands upon, as well as my body. Besides, if there was a real problem at any point on my travel back to the Yaoyorozu Manor, I can try and use Reid. Emphasis on try.

I exit the exam arena, ignorant of the astonished looks on the faces of everyone who watches me, people moving aside in my wake.

As of right now, I am and forever will be the most powerful being on this planet. So, it is with that power I shall ensure that nothing like what happens in the Manga comes to fruition.


The Viewing Area was silent. So silent a pin could drop. A tense, unwelcome silence in the usually jovial atmosphere UA holds. One that was broken by an unbeat tone on the communication device.

"I got a 20 for the first to find out what that guys quirk is."

Groans ensue, with several being annoyed at the atmosphere ruined, the awe on their faces replaced by disappointment at their compatriots attitude.

They shuffle out of the viewing area, with all exams now having been finished leaving them with nothing to do but analyse the footage they were given.

By the time all of the other staff members had exited the room, only two were left. All Might and Nezu, two men who had seen something that unnerved them.

"Nezu. I don't want to say that He is still alive. I truly hope not. However, even if he isn't, I still can't help but he concerned. This boys existence doesn't make sense. No identification, no birth records, absolutely nothing before today. Furthermore, his unnatural speed and strength, his ability to avoid projectiles and whatever that last attack was. Something isn't right here."

He threw all of his cards on the table, airing out all of his concerns about Reinhard. After all, his protege was in the same year, so any possible dangers should be removed before they can become a problem, and Reinhard was looking like one.

"I understand, Toshinori, however, Quirks are still an unknown quantity even now. He may have simply won the genetic lottery, so to speak. Though, I will admit, the background does concern me. I will ask for him to come in a few weeks from now for further testing. We must eliminate these unknown variables."

"Well, unknown variable or not, he's powerful. Too powerful for a kid his age. I mean, for God's sake the kids faster than me! That should already be enough to cause concern."

"As I have said, Toshinori. Quirks become more and more powerful as time passes. One For All soon will not be the most powerful Quirk, not in a hundred years time if the Singularity theory is anything to go by. That's no basis to interrogate the boy. Simple questioning and background investigation is all."

After the conversation is over, both men wall out of the room, a new sense of unease manifested within them. Poor Reinhard.


Before I went back to the Yaoyorozu Manor, I had to take care of something. I remembered from the Manga that Aoyama, while unwilling, had been funneling information through to All For One. I need a seat in Class 1A, and he needs to be disposed of.

I can't have him threaten my safety by exposing my existence to All For One early. He may target myself, or anyone in my class, hell even the Yaoyorozu Manor to try and make me slip up.

So, I use [Swiftness] to search the surrounding area of Exam Area 2, where he had recently exited and found him walking into an alleyway, before standing next to a waste bin and pulling out a phone, tearing up as he speaks into it.

I take the chance to watch the call unfold, standing above him in the air as I float using the [Divine Protection of Air Walking] to observe him below me.

After a couple minutes and several tearful words being exchanged, he wipes the snot and tears from his face before moving towards the exit of the alleyway.

I drop down behind him, the sound of my breathing and footsteps being negated by the [Divine Protection of Concealment] as I walk towards him. When I get within range, I slam my fist through his spine, pushing it forward through his chest cavity, covering his mouth with my other hand.

He dies very quickly afterwards, his corpse dropped onto the floor of the alley. There is no evidence here to implicate me possibly being there, no blood left on me thanks to my [Divine Protection of Moisture Avoidance].

I refuse to allow him to jeopardise my happiness, not now nor in the future. I will mourn his death, and I feel sorry that it had to happen, but for the greater good of the world, his life is forfeit.

Thankfully, the feelings of shock and guilt at having killed someone are mitigated by the [Divine Protection of Mental Strength]. With my work here done, I make my way back to the Yaoyorozu Manor.

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