
I Never Thought

Billie Bob Taylor-Pereira 

The only person brave enough to speak up seemed to be Hans. He looked stressed. I did not think there was one person in the room who did not. Pedro looked like he had barely gotten any sleep. His eyes held an emotion I had never seen before, even though Benedito was everyone's pillar, Pedro was the glue that held everything together. 

He was always cool, calm and collected. The one level headed person you could go to when you needed advice or help. Yet as he sat on the couch he looked like a fish out of water and stress was not the emotion on his face but fear. 

Had something happened with Tomas?

Dita was in the room as well, completely scrubbed of makeup and her raven hair up in a messy ponytail. She was protectively wrapped in Lucas' arms as he pressed kisses to her forehead. That alone told me whatever had happened had been terrible. 

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