
The Quality

  Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

Bobby and I laid in the flower fields a few days later. We looked up to the sky as we tried to guess what each cloud looked like but Bobby with his mind was not having much fun with it. "Looks like a mammoth."

"Looks like a cow to me," I shrugged. 

"Ain't they the same thing," he raised his eyebrows. 

"Bobby, cows and mammoths are two very different things."

"They both mammals?"

"Well yes-"

"They big and got fur?"

"Well yes but-"

"Sounds like the same thing to me," he smirked, "you got PhD's but don't know that cows and mammoths are the same."

"Bobby clearly you're the one who's confused."

"I ain't," he shook his head, "you gotta understand Sir, I grew up watching Ice Age whilst you were shaking ass in New York."

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