
[Bonus chapter] I Must Avenge My Father

Billie Bob Taylor

Operation 'Drug the Assassin' was underway from the moment I had woken up. I had to study the assassin. Learn his ways and his appetite like the back of my hand. From the moment he told me he could never be drugged back at the warehouse I had made it my number one mission to prove him wrong. 

I had been watching him like a hawk for the whole weekend. I already knew Benedito's movements like the back of my hand but that did not mean I was too relax. He could change just to throw me off. 

From the research I had done online they said an assassin was always sleek. They can warm you up for months before they strike. Therefore I had to become Benedito to understand Benedito. That meant following his diet, his workout plan and nap times because they were very important to him. 

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