

It's been three months since the end of the war with the Regime. Most of the Regime was killed in the destruction of the planet because of Thanos. Since then the Legion has searched every corner of the universe to find any remains of the Regime. Facilities and labs were found in the search but what was left of the Regime has since stuck to the shadows.

Now with the Regime out of the way the Legion could bring order to the universe. Such as keeping an eye on troubling worlds like slaver worlds and criminal empire worlds. With them under watchful eye and this in turn kept the Universe safe.

Of course some of these worlds tried to fight back which resulted in death. So like the mantel of responsibility required the entire population of certain species was eradicated and devolved to more primitive cultures like the stone age. (I got this from a Halo video thats shows the events when humans and Forerunners were enemies in the old days)

And then finally would be members of the Regime surrendering to the Legion. One such individual would be madam Hydra or Viper as she was called. (Picture her from Earth's mightiest heroes)

Many members of the Regime gave up without a fight seeing they were defeated without Freddy, Makarov and Myyrah to lead them.

So for now things were pretty peaceful.

Currently right now Original members of the Justice league along with the Guardians of the Galaxy were on the watchtower. (Just a quick reminder if you haven't been paying attention. All the groups from the Justice league and other groups have been dissolved into one group only)

"So how long you guys planning to stick around?" Sean asked Quil.

"Not long. Things are pretty peaceful at the moment which is good cause after that whole fake war your brother started I could use a long vacation." Quil said before the station shook and the alarm went off. "Oh what now?" Quil asked as they flew to the others.

"Sensors are picking up a powerful energy surge but I've never seen a signature like this." Rocket said looking at the readings.

"I have. It's a boom tube." Superman said before a boom tube opened up behind them and Superman approached it.

Out of the tube appeared Darkseid.

"We meet again Kal-El." Darkseid said.

"You!" Superman yelled in anger about to attack him but Sean held him back with ease using his powers. "Let go of me!" Superman yelled.

"Knock it off. You act like a spoiled brat." Sean said putting him down. "What do you want?" Sean asked.

"Though it pains me to admit it. I need you help. My latest skirmish with New Genesis has left my military forces at considerably less than full strength." Darkseid said.

"And this concerns us because?" Rocket asked.

"Because my enemy is your enemy. Even as we speak, Apokolips is being assimilated by the Kryptonian menace known as Brainiac." Dakrseid said showing an image of Brainiac.

"You're lying. I destroyed him." Superman said.

"Apparently he is harder to kill than you realized. You know his pattern, Kal-El. Once he finishes siphoning the memory banks and technology of my planet." Darkseid said.

"He'll destroy it...Good." Superman said shocking most in the room.

"You may not care what happens to my world. But if Brainiac isn't stopped, countless billions more will perish. Think about it." Darkseid said as he left.

"Clark." Sean said.

"Are you seriously going to sacrifice millions just because you don't like this guy?" Quil asked.

"You don't know Darkseid like I do." Superman said.

"We know he used you humiliated you, brainwashed you wound you up like a tin solider and turned you loose against earth." Nebula said before getting in his face. "Cry me a river like that hasn't happened to anyone else in the universe." Nebula said making him frown.

"Besides this is an opportunity we can't pass up." Sean said gaining everyones attention.

"What opportunity?" Superman asked.

"The Didact and the Librarian have been notified about Brainiac. They believe that if we can recover all the date he took from the worlds he's visited and destroyed we can rebuild them." Sean said surprising a few.

"Does that include...Krypton?" Superman asked a little hopeful.

"I believe so. The Orb you took from Brainiac years ago only had partial information. We need the full thing about Krypton in order to rebuild the planet. That includes its people." Sean said.

"Ok lets say we do this. What about Darkseid? We all know he's a danger to the Legion and the universe." Superman said.

"Not anywhere close as a threat as Thanos though." Gamora said.

"Oh come on. They have to be nearly equal." Hawkgirl said.

"Nope." Rocket said.

"Trust us. No one knows Thanos like Gamora and Nebula. Darkseid doesn't even hold a candle in comparison." Drax said.

"How do they even know each other?" Superman asked.

"Years ago Darkseid tried to destroy Thanos seeing him as a threat to his rule. He lost big time. But instead of killing him he let him go saying he owed him a debt. And now the two of them are working together. They helped create the Regime not knowing that Freddy was helping us all along." Gamora said.

"And for good reason." Batman said.

"But I'm telling you guys theres something wrong with this whole scenario." Superman said.

"You mean why is he asking for our help and not Thanos?" Rocket asked.

"Yes. It doesn't make sense. Why ask help from those who are against you instead of someone who can solve the problem like him?" Superman asked.

"Hmm. I will admit that is indeed a good point. Nevertheless though we have an opportunity to both end Brainiac and bring back countless worlds." Sean said.

"So what do we do?" Drax asked.


Darkseid's forces were going up against Brainiac till one of his pawns approached him.

"My lord, Superman and the Legion have agreed to come to our aid." The man said.

"Transport them here now." Darkseid said as a boom tube activated and the Guardians ship came through.

"Damn." Quil said seeing Brainiac's ship.

"Looks like Darkseid was telling the truth." Hawkgirl said.

"Looks can be deceiving." Superman said as he opened the cargo bay doors.

"Let's give'm hell." Rocket said as the members who could fly went to help out.

Fighting off Brainiacs drones was easy but when Superman tried to get past his shield to get to him he couldn't and ended up crashing into the throne room.

"Idiot." Darkseid said gaining his attention. "You're wasting your time." Darkseid said.

"I got an idea for that. Brute strength isn't always the answer Clark." Sean said.

"Whats the plan?" Superman asked.

"Get his attention." Sean said.

"Right." Superman said grabbing a pillar before flying at the shield. "Brainiac!" Superman yelled gaining his attention before Superman threw the pillar at the shield.

"Kal-el, what brings you so far from your adopted home?" Brainiac asked.

"The Legion is here to end you." Superman said.

"If your father, Jor-El, couldn't stop me, what hope do you and the Legion have?" Brainiac asked still not fully knowing the true strength of the Legion.

"Drop that force field and find out." Superman asked.

"No, I don't believe that will be necessary." Brainiac said blasting a bolt of lightning at him which lowered a part of the shield before Superman used this as an opportunity to expand it just as Sean flew in and blasted his arm.

"Now then." Sean said as the shields lowered down before Darkseid's forces resumed their attack.

"Sean Ashburn Kruger. The Leader of the Legion and the younger brother of Freddy Kruger the creator of the Regime. What business do you have here?" Brainiac asked.

"Lets see. You've been destroying countless worlds needlessly and now you threaten another. As much as I hate this place I hate you even more." Sean said before blasting him in the face partially destroying his face.

"It appears you win this round." Brainiac said before teleporting up to his ship.

"Hey!" Sean yelled before his ship left.

"You imbeciles are letting Brainiac get away. What are you waiting for? Finish him!" Darkseid said.

"Piss off." Sean said as they flew back to the ship and followed Brainiac.

"Still think Darkseid was up to something?" Wonder Woman asked Superman.

"Diana, I'd bet the farm on it." Superman said as they followed Brainiac to an astroid field before they approached a large astroid and lost him.

"Hey where'd he go?" Rocket asked.

"According to sensors he should be right below us." Gamora said.

"I don't see anything." Nebula said before they saw three craters however they did not look natural if the metal lining and technology inside was any indication.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"No thats not normal!" Rocket said before they got hit with a beam.

"Whatever is inside I think we're about to find out." Batman said.

Soon enough they landed on a platform.

"Look at all this." Drax said seeing various worlds in Brainiac's memory banks.

"How do we download all this?" Superman asked.

"I'll worry about that. You, Hawkgirl and J'onn just go find Brainiac and finish him off." Sean said as he and the others left.

Superman and his group flew to a part of the facility before they landed and Brainiac appeared.

"Welcome, Kal-El." Brainiac said sitting on a throne. "Once I offered you the chance to join me in carrying on the legacy of Krypton. Today, I renew that offer." Brainiac said.

"You must be joking." Superman said.

"Why do you reject your great heritage? The entire history of your planet it's knowledge and splendor its awe and mystery are encoded within me." Brainiac said as images of Krypton appeared along with Superman's parents. "I am Krypton." Brainiac said making him frown.

"You're a perversion dishonoring the very memory of my father and all my people." Superman said.

"And this is your final decision?" Brainiac asked.

"Read my lips: Go to hell." Superman said.

"Unfortunate but predicable." Brainiac said as his drones appeared and started blasting them.

"Move!" Hawkgirl yelled and they flew away from the drones while destroying them.


"Man the countless worlds this guy has been to." Sean said as cables from the back of his head from his suit plugged into Brainiac's memory banks were downloading every inch of data without alerting Brainiac.

"Anything on Krypton?" Batman asked.

"I got everything. But the amount of worlds he's been to around the universe is what ticks me off." Sean said looking through all the data.

"How many?" Gamora asked.

"Thousands. He's been pushed back lately though because of the Legion. Even he's not powerful enough to get past our defenses." Sean said before the cables detached from the machines and vanished. "I got everything. Once we get this back to the Didact he can start on rebuilding these worlds starting with Krypton." Sean said.

"Then I suggest we head back and help Superman." Drax said.

"Agreed." Sean said as they left.

Back with Superman

The three original members of the Justice league were doing fine against Brainiac till a boom tube opened up and Darkseid appeared and blasted Hawkgirl and J'onn into a hole before he and Brainiac took down Superman.

"It would seem our plan worked out perfectly." Brainiac said.

"Where are the others?" Darkseid asked.

"It matters not. I have what I need." Brainiac said lifting Superman up and they left.

Sean and the others soon arrived and pulled them out of the hole.

"What the hell happened?" Sean asked.

"Darkseid. Superman was right. They planed this out perfectly." Hawkgirl said.

"I honestly hate it when he turns out right." Sean said pulling them up.

Darkseid and Brainiac were taking Superman to another part of the facility.

"Remember the teams of our bargain. In exchange for Superman, you promised to spare my planet." Darkseid said.

"Agreed." Brainiac said as they arrived at their destination.

"But I still can't fathom why you need him. Surely not for simple revenge." Darkseid said.

"It is quite elementary. Observe." Brainiac said placing Superman in the center of the room with restraints on. "Over the years, I have roamed the universe collecting data." Brainiac said before he floated down to a pod next to countless other bodies of himself. "As my appetite grew, I changed and evolved into what you see today. From this central core, I can send countless drones to every corner of the universe to gather more data for my collection. But is not enough. I have reached the limits of my programmed functions. To evolve to the next level I need living DNA from the last Son of Krypton." Brainiac said before Superman was shot with electricity making him groan out in pain.

"Now I become a true life form the likes o which this universe has never seen." Brainiac said before Darkseid unseen placed a device on him making the room glow red. "Wait what have you done?" Brainiac asked.

"Just a minor modification Thanos and I came up with. You are now under our control." Darkseid said.

"What are you doing?" Superman asked in pain.

"Before, Brainiac had the power to devour planets. Now he can consume an entire universe where Thanos and I can rule. " Darkseid said.

"I don't think so!" Sean yelled drop kicking him away before smashing the terminal in the process freeing Superman.

"Warning! Circuit incomplete! Critical system failure!" Brainiac said in alarm.

"Wheres Darkseid?" Superman asked.

"Forget him! We got what we came for! Lets move!" Sean yelled as they flew away till Superman stopped and went after Darkseid.

The others soon arrived back at the ship.

"Hey wheres fly boy?" Rocket asked.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"Fucking figures! You guys go I'll find him!" Sean yelled.

"But..." Quil tried to say.

"NOW!" Sean yelled flying away.

Superman and Darkseid were fighting each other with Darkseid gaining the advantage.

"Unlike your friend and leader Superman you are no match for me." Darkseid said before he got blasted by said person.

"You are an idiot." Sean said grabbing him by the neck glaring at him from behind his mask.

"But..." Superman tried to say.

"We're leaving!" Sean yelled creating a portal before they left leaving Darkseid under a pile of rubble.

"Well, played Legionnaire. Well, Played." Darkseid said before Darkseid's facility was destroyed.

From a distance the group saw the explosion.

"The next time I give an order you will follow it. I don't care who he killed to piss you off this bad. Turpin wouldn't want you to sacrifice your life so recklessly and you know it." Sean said without his helmet on.

"Yeah...I know." Superman said knowing he wasn't being himself.

"So we get everything we need?" Diana asked.

"Every world he's been to. Now I just need to get this to the Didact and he can get started." Sean said.

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